"Mr Seko?"
"Who is there? Meilin? Is this one of your silly jokes again?"
Ling Seko stared at his phone in confusion. Why had Meilin not said anything? Had something happened to her? Or was she just pulling his leg? Unsure of what to do, he turned his phone off, then immediately treid turning it on again, cursing it out for being so slow.
After he finally got his phone to work, he called his best friends mother, to see if Meilin was okay.
At the hospital, Helian Linx was pacing up and down the hall as she waited for her daughter to come out of the operating theatre. As she was pacing, she heard a muffled ringing coming out of her bag. Relieved to be able to do something other than worry, she pulled out the phone, identified the caller as Ling Seko and answered it.
"Hello, is everything alright?"
"Uh, I actually don't know"
Ling Seko scrunched his brows on the other end of the line and told Helian Linx what had just occurred.
Helian Linx was confused by what Seko had just told her. Unless someone had taken the phone from right under her nose, there was no way that someone could have called Seko from Meilins phone. Before she could investigate further, Meilins doctor came out of the operating theatre.
"We have set Miss Helian into room 324. She won't wake up for the next couple of hours but you can go to her now."
"Oh, that's wonderful I'll go right now-"
Helian Linx grabbed her bag and was about to start walking toward her daughters room when the doctor started talking again.
"Mrs Helian, I know that you and your daughter are respected membership of the community and therefore have to uh 'dress to impress' but Miss Helian would be better off not wearing High Heeled shoes for a while."
"Of course"
Helian Linx smiled sheepishly. The fact that her daughter was in the fashion industry was reason enough to were high heels everyday. But she would discourage her from wearing any in the future. At least until her injury had healed.
(Get it? Healed as in high Heel? Sorry;))
When Meilin woke up, the first thing she saw was her mother pacing irritably in front of the door. She was on the phone and her muffled voice filtered through the door crack.
"What do you mean you don't know!? We are paying you for answers, not 'I dOn'T KnOw'"
"Well work harder then"
"Look I don't have time for this, my daughter is about to wake up from surgery and I have to be there for her"
"Call me when you KNOW."
Helian Linx sighed. What was the point of hiring expensive Hackers when they were unable to actually get the job done? It didn't matter though. Everything would be cleared up in time.
Meilin yawned in her hospital bed. Her mother was obviously worried that something. But for now she was too tired and too sore to do anything against it.