Who's this God of Love?

"My Lord, wait!"

Ying Yue halts her steps and furrows her eyebrows at the words 'My Lord'.

She turns around and coldly corrects them, "I'm not your lord."

Then, she simply continues walking again.

The children are shocked by her sudden cold attitude. She was just smiling and pinching their cheeks just a while ago, why does she suddenly treat them coldly?

Nevertheless, they are determined this time and without any reservation, they rush towards Ying Yue and pull her skirt to stop her. However, Ying Yue is instead, surprised from being pulled all of the sudden. She immediately tumbles down and they all fall together onto the wooden floor with a loud noise.

"Ouch!" the little boy yells while rubbing his head which is supported by Ying Yue's hand, so he didn't directly hit the floor.

"Owie.." the little girl squeals cutely as she rubs her bottom.

Before they're about to hit the floor, since the little girl pulled Ying Yue with all her might, Ying Yue's body was falling towards her just now. However, Ying Yue pushed her to the side as fast as she could a second before her body made contact with the little girl. So, the little girl's bottom is the only part hurting now.

Ying Yue suffers the most from this fall since she didn't have anyone supporting her and she was trying to protect the two children just now as well. Therefore her body has dived right onto ground with a loud impact. Her back is aching, her left hand is so painful from holding the little boy's head, and not to mention her burning ass.

She had ascended to heaven a moment ago, but hardly two minutes have passed, she is already plunged into hell?

Ying Yue sighs. Such a sinful deed indeed, indulging herself with the two cuties. And now, they have pulled her right to hell.

Alright, she admits it, she's guilty from pinching their cheeks without their permission. She deserves to be punished.

Oh well, what is happiness without consequences?

Ying Yue slowly stands up and starts patting her dress to get rid of any dust sticking onto it during the fall. This is not her dress so she needs to take great care of it. After sorting her clothes, she checks her wig. When she's sure that it's still intact, she walks away again.

But, before she can manage to take a step forward, she feels a tugging on her dress. She stops and turns around. The two children are kneeling down while holding onto the hem of her dress. They gaze at her with their watery eyes.


A cupid has shot its arrow straight to her heart. The last string in her heart has officially snapped into two.

She surrenders to these two cuties as she squats down in front of them. Her gaze is filled with warmth and kindness that it starts to melt the children's heart too.

Ah...the good sister from just now has returned. They feel calm right away under her friendly gaze.

"What's wrong?" Ying Yue asks them softly. Her voice is like a gentle whisper of an angel for the cuties.

"My lor-" the little girl stops. "Sister..."


"Where are you going?" the little girl asks with her cute childish voice.

"I'm going to search for my manager," Ying Yue replies as she pats her head.

The little girl tilts her head. What's a manager? Is it a pet? Did it run away from the fairy sister that's why she needs to search for it?

Forget it. The most important thing is they need to stop this fairy sister from going away.

"But sister, why do you need to search for it?" the little boy finally opens his mouth.

Ying Yue tilts her head in confusion. 'It'? Then Feng Mian's half-crying face pops into her head. Um..well..he does act like a pet with his clingy attitude and his loud barking towards her.

Pfft... Ying Yue chuckles remembering Feng Mian's cute angry face.

"Well, because he is probably crying right now while looking for me."

The little girl blinks her eyes. "Can't the spiritual beast come home on its own?"

Ying Yue raises an eyebrow. Spiritual beast? What is this kid talking about?

"I don't think so." Ying Yue shakes her head. "He is a very clingy one."

The little boy stands up all of the sudden. His eyes brim with confidence as he slaps his chest with his hand.

"Leave it to me then, My Lady! I'll find your pet in a jify. Just tell me its appearance," says the little boy high-spiritedly.

"Yes, Miss. We can search it for you. You can just relax in your chamber. I'll bring some pastries and brew a delicious tea for you before I go search for your pet," the little girl chimes in.


This conversation has suddenly turned south. Ying Yue is baffled by this 'spiritual beast' they keep on mentioning. Moreover, what's with the title My Lady? And why are they so hyped up to help a stranger?

Anyway, kids aren't supposed to just roam around on their own. How can she let them search for Feng Mian? Where is their parent?

"Okay, that's a deal then, Miss," says the little boy.

Ying Yue doesn't know whether to cry or laugh at the moment while looking at these cuties being eager to play heroes.

When she sees that the boy is about to walk away, she stops him by holding his wrist. The little boy is shocked and he becomes shy right away. His courageous appearance from just now has just 'poof', gone without a trace.

"Hold on just a minute. Why are you so eager to search for it?"

The two children tilt their head at the same time. Then, they turn to look at each other before they return their gaze on her.

"Why not? We're the two messangers of the God of Love. It's our duty to help the God."

Ying Yue has a bad feeling about this.

"Umm...okay...and who's this God of Love?"

The two children stare at her puzzled.

"You are, My Lady," says the little boy with a matter-of-fact tone.