Don't You Think He Deserves A Little Punishment?

Zhi Wei and Zhi Ruo both are speechless. They stare at Ying Yue with a shock expression. It was Ying Yue who threw the rock into the river just now and she did it deliberately, to scare the deer away.

"Why did you do that, My Lady?!" They talk at the same time.

However, Ying Yue's in a hurry. She doesn't give them any response. Even before they finish their sentence, she has already seized both of their mouths and hide behind a big tree.

As a result, Zhi Wei and Zhi Ruo look at her with confused eyes. Ying Yue only shake her head at them. With both of her hands busy blocking their mouths, she can't really give them a quiet sign.


Currently, Nangong Jiyu's face has become extremely black. The wrinkle on his forehead appears vividly as he knits his eyebrows with much pressure. His fierce eyes darken as he stares suspiciously at the spot, approximately seven li from where he's standing.

He was too focused at the deer just now that he didn't see the exact position where the rock came from. But, guessing from where it landed and the bouncing of the rock before it dived into the river, he measured it more or less seven li from the opposite direction.

That spot makes a perfect hiding position with all the lush bushes and one or two big trees. It's more than convenient for a person to throw it from there.

It's the one spot where it's more covered near the river.

With a solemn face, Nangong Jiyu gives out his order, "Go search there!"

One of the soldiers quickly unsheathes his sword and rush forward. It takes him only a few minutes to reach the spot. He probes here and there, even making sure to delve into the bushes. Then, he walks around the trees.

Nangong Jiyu frowns when he sees the soldier's disappearing behind the trees. He immediately gets into action himself.

However, before he can take a step, the fourth prince holds his shoulder down.

"Qingyu," Nangong Jiyu calls as he gazes at his brother. Unlike his usual unfriendly tone, this time he speaks in a kind voice and even gentle towards his brother, Nangong Qingyu.

"Let the soldier do his work. That's what they're here for," Nangong Qingyu states.

Nangong Jiyu casts a glance at the spot again. "There's someone there."

The fourth prince nods in agreement. "I think so too. I felt a presence since a while ago when we were waiting for the soldier to trace the deer."

"Yes. I've felt it too."

Nangong Qingyu sighs. "I thought this person was just a passerby, but too scared to pass because they see you."

Nangong Jiyu raises an eyebrow at his brother.

Nangong Qingyu coughs under his gaze. "Brother, you gotta admit, you're scary."

Just then, the soldier returns from his search. He quickly bows on one knee before Nangong Jiyu. "Your Majesty, this subordinate has found no one there."

Both Nangong Jiyu and Nangong Qingyu looks at each other as they furrow their eyebrows. Did they guess wrongly?

Perhaps they're just being paranoid after all the trauma from almost being assassinated during the war. Since then, they never feel relax whenever they're out. Same goes when they're inside the palace. They always stay vigilant towards possible threats.

Nangong Jiyu sighs. "Rise. We shall leave now."

He is no longer in the mood to hunt.


Ying Yue and the two kids breathe a sigh of relief when they heard His Majesty's words just now. They're leaving.

Only now, Ying Yue releases the two little kids. As soon as they're freed, they scowl at Ying Yue as if they've been immensely fooled by her. Zhi Ruo even feels like crying.

"Didn't you say that we're just going to check out His Majesty?" Zhi Ruo lamented.

Ying Yue "..."

"We were almost busted by that soldier!" Zhi Wei blurts out angrily.

Just now when the soldier was looking for them, he had actually found them when he walked around the trees.

He was about to shout at his party after he arrested them, unfortunately, Zhi Wei who was being held by Ying Yue was faster than him.

Zhi Wei tapped on his forehead at the speed of light and cast a spell on the soldier. He successfully made him forget what he had just seen and compelled him to return to his party.

That was how they managed to escape from being caught. In truth, Ying Yue was a bit nervous too because she couldn't really run away and risk being seen by them when she came out from her hiding.

So, she just stood there silently while holding on the two kids for dear life. Luckily her messengers, these celestial beings, are quite clever with their little spells.

"My Lady, you are not permitted to play around like that again. No matter how much you hate His Majesty, you're still a God and he's your subject. You should leave him be," Zhi Wei berates her like an adult scolding a child.

Ying Yue tilts her head sideways. She folds her arms in front of her chest. "So, you're saying we should just let him kill the poor deer?"


Zhi Ruo and Zhi Wei blink their eyes and look at each other before staring at Ying Yue questionably.

"I threw the rock to alert the deer. With that, it manages to unintentionally avoid the arrow."

"You did that not to irritate His Majesty but to save the deer?"

Ying Yue nods with a sad face. "I can't bear to see such a cute deer died at the hand of a greedy human. Even if that human is the Emperor."

"As a God, I can't help but be compassionate towards a weak creature," Ying Yue continues.

Both Zhi Wei and Zhi Ruo then lower their head.

"Ah I see. I'm sorry for being rude earlier, My Lady," Zhi Wei apologizes.

"And I as well, My Lady," Zhi Ruo slightly bows at Ying Yue.

"Nah, it's okay. You're just worried for my safety, right?" She rubs both of their heads.

"So, don't you think that His Majesty's a little bit cruel? Why bother a weak deer? In fact, does he have to hunt the poor animals?"

Ying Yue is unusually talkative right now. She lets out all her disagreements on the Emperor's action like she's some sort of Holy Saint. Filled with justice and compassion.

Zhi Ruo and Zhi Wei are hyped up by her speech. They are now analyzing His Majesty's action and they find it extremely cruel. They even begin to call him a tyrant.

"Yes, My Lady. This one absolutely agrees. His Majesty is so cruel. Humans are always barbaric. They need to learn to care for animals because animals are living creatures too."

Ying Yue smirks as she nods her head rapidly at the two kids remarks. Yes, do continue bad-mouthing His Majesty. The more high-spirited they become, the happier Yin Yue is.

Finally, she squats down and with her hand supporting his head, she asks, "Well? Don't you think he deserves a little punishment?"

Zhi Wei and Zhi Ruo nod eagerly. They need to punish those barbaric humans!

"But I need your help then. I can't do it alone because I can't conceal myself like you guys did," Ying Yue says pitifully.

Zhi Wei smacks his chest. "Don't worry, My Lady! Just tell us what to do. We'll do it for you. After all, we're your messengers."

Zhi Ruo also nods eargerly. "Yes, My Lady. Leave it to us!"

"Thank you. I'm counting on you two then." Ying Yue ruffles their hair.

Then, the children and Ying Yue move out to follow Nangong Jiyu's party. The two messengers fail to notice as Ying Yue dark red lips raise arrogantly.

Deep in her heart, Ying Yue laughs evilly. They're hooked!