Tae: y/n please listen to me. i know you think i cheat-

[She pushed him hard]

[and furiously went in front of that girl]

[taehyung came running towards her. ]

y/n : what did she had and i didn't have taehyung. because she is a Korean. her body..her face...

tae: noo my love. i love you and only you. please y/n listen to me

[y/n literally grabbed that girl and pushed her from that elevated platform to the ground]

tae:y/n what are you doing.

y/n: why did you ruin my life you fucking bitch. why did you have to take my taehyung. my taehyung. why

[she kneeled down and cried ]

? well why dont you ask your bf why did he kissed me. huh. pushing me dumb.. push him.

[y/n 's head shot up. she was more broken. she had that one single hope that he must have not kissed her..a little hope but i all fell in the well of darkness. ]

tae: y/n y/n she is lying. please believe me baby.

(he begged her )

[y/n got up and went to him...taehyung felt a bit relived but ]

[but the thing taehyung never imagined happened]

[she slapped him.the tingling feeling spread in his cheeks. his heart was broken. he touched his cheeks as his tears dropped]

y/n: what you deserve

[then y/n started running out of the lab]

[after few minutes recollecting himself]

[taehyung ran after her]

y/n was now in the campus. she stood there

y/n : wait.did..did i just...slapped him...i feel bad. should i go-

(she was about to turn around)

(but taehyung came running back to her)

tae: y/n please. please. you want to slap me then slap me. please slap me. but dont leave me.

y/n pov.

[taehyung broke me too much.

i looked at him and scene came flooding back ]

[i,didn't wanted to do something stupid so i just ran to the main gate and opened it and went out.]

[i heard gaurds yelling and taehyung speaking to them]

[taehyung being taller he came towards me and grabbed my hands but disgust filled by body and i pushed his hands away from me]

[i heard a thud as he landed on the ground hitting his head on a large stone placed as a display]

[i heard his scream as i stopped.]

[i turned around wiping my tears and saw him laying on the ground covered with blood coming out of head. ]

[my heart love for him overcame my emotions as i ran towards him and started crying]

[i grabbed his head ans put in on my lap]

me: taehyung.

(tae slowly spoke)

tae finally you came. to y/n... i.....i...can't see you.

(and he passed out)

suddenly the gaurds came

gaurd: what happened to professor kim

call the ambulance.

[the hospital was was really very close to our university so it came in minutes].

[my poor broken heart was praying for him. but what about me. my soul. i couldn't think properly. my eyes were stuck on his hands grabbing mine]

[why taehyung. why. i can't take this pain anymore. i removed his hands from mine. and they took him to the hospital. as i was left alone.]


[i stood there as the droplets of tears fell from my eyes. i looked up at the sky.]

Me: and this was only left. you took my parent's away from me. you took my mom.. my dad...and now my taehyung..why. why!!

[i screamed talking to the wise man above]

[i dropped down on my knees as i covered my,face with my hands as i caught a glimpse of his blood.]

[it felt like chills rushing through my body. my heart broke]

Me. its my taehyung's

[and then i cried]

[i couldn't held it,more i stood up and was about to run] [but the thought of my,stuff being in class made me turn]

[i some how went to the 4th floor and towards my class as mr. Ronald started]

Mr Ronald: were where you y/n. the period is almost,over i sent jiwoo to the bio lab but you weren't there where did you go

Me. (i lowered my head as the scenes replayed in my mind and my eyes filled with tears) sir..i fainted in the 2nd staircase and i fell the janitor helped me to go to the sick room. and i came back to take my stuff i am heading home

[i said as the class started talking. almost fanboyin]

?? you okay y/n

??should i help you

[i looked terribly okay soo he believed me]

mr Ronald should take care..take your stuff and head home take rest..don't over work yourself i know the exam you need someone to drop you off..

[i shook my head as i moved towards my place to take my phone and bag]

[i turned around heading towards the door but in the process i saw her smirking at me through.. my blurred eye sight...but for fuck sake i knew she was the one..]

[what the fuck. she was the one all over taehyung... she is my class..i didn't even know.. how long she was hitting on taehyung..did she know about our relationship]

[ all these questions flooded my mind.. but i held myself together somehow..i glared at her and stormed out]

[and somehow managed to get out of the school again]

[i walked i didn't know where...for hours i walked not knowing where]

[questions revolving around my head]

[was she there all the time?]

[did she know my and Taehyung's relationship?]

[how long they were doing this?]

[why did my taehyung do that?]

[was i his side chick?!]

[was he just playing-

[and at last my tears dropped....and gods know where to i started running]

[was that all lie...those night..the time we made love...those kisses...those hugs...where they all just a lie]

[ i didn't wanted to face i ran i ran and finally stopped at a shop which was closed and no other shops were located there]

[i sat down and buried my face in my lap and started crying]

[few minutes passed]

[suddenly i felt someone grabbing my shoulders..i looked up]

[saw a man in black]

?: hi i am William..saw a beautiful girl crying so came..

[i was scared but those emotions where too slight to be seen]

me: if you are here to hurt me... don't i am not i the mood to just go.

William: woah girl..had her break up..don't worry not here to do something bad to you..don't like to do stuff like that..

me: then get going...i don't need anyone's here..

(i said looking away)

William: here..( threw a stick of weed) thought you are you smoke

me: i do..but not in the mood.

( i said without making an eye contact)( he sat beside me)

William: come on... take will feel good.

(he said as he lighten his stick and blew the toxicity in the air)

(he grabbed mine and lighten it too and handed me)

William take..

[i grabbed it between my two fingers and inhaled the toxic it gave me some kind of pleasure and relief.i inhaled the smoke trying to erase those memories...but my bad...couldn't]

[you may think i have gone crazy that i am smoking shit a stranger gave me..]

but once one told..

{love has two effects on a person}

{love can heal you.}

. . {or } . .

{love can destroy you.}

and that would explain...


