The Journal

Alaric made his way to the library of Preah. It was a tall structure on the Northern side of the city. It stood tall and wide but wasn't very busy during these dangerous times. Very few people came to the library after the terrorist attack, since libraries are often also targeted.

He walked into the library, and by the door was an attendant standing by a podium. The attendant looked up from her work and saw Alaric waiting in front of her.

"I'd like to see the curator of the library, please," he asked the attendant.

She smiled, "that's me. How can I help you today?"

Alaric took out the key, "I would like access to the room this key enters."

The curator's eyes widened when she saw the key, "where did you get that?!" She shakily asked.

"Burt gave it to me."

Her eyes softened, "oh, it was Burt. He told me he would always hold onto that key. Why did he give it to you?"

Alaric took a deep breath, "Burt is dying. He has less than a week left, so he entrusted this key to me."