Saint Spiritual Stove (I)

Despite the fact they were going to leave each other soon, Long Haochen couldn't help becoming fascinated by the sight of that little white cauldron.

"Father, what is that?"

Long Xingyu answered, "This is a Saint Spiritual Stove. Father has prepared it as a gift to you. There are many different kinds of Spiritual Stoves and each one has specific properties, as well as a specific classification, but the more formidable the Spiritual Stove is, the bigger the price one pays to use it will be. This Saint Spiritual Stove is the 68th Spiritual Stove among the seventy-four types; but in terms of rarity, it belongs to the top ten.

"The utility of the Saint Spiritual Stove is detailed in the book I gave you. Simply said, the Saint Spiritual Stove has neither offensive nor defensive abilities, but it's able to help the cultivation of your spiritual energy. It is ranked among the top twenty Spiritual Stoves and can evolve at least three times. And for knights, it has an enormous utility. When using the Saint Spiritual Stove, you can attract the enemy's aggression so that enemies will attack you, instead of your companions. Then, unless you die or you choose to deactivate your Saint Spiritual Stove, the enemy will only be able to target you.

"Perhaps you are unable to comprehend this mysterious effect at the moment, but you will, in the future, come to understand how amazing it is. At the same time, the biggest benefit of the Saint Spiritual Stove lies in the fact that it doesn't put a burden on your body when you are using it, and at the same time, its consumption of spiritual energy is really low. In addition, it won't influence your absorption of other Spiritual Stoves in the future. Therefore, your father chose it as your first Spiritual Stove; I hope you will like this gift. As for the other abilities it will acquire after evolving, I don't know either; I can only tell you to try to find out by yourself.

"Also, you have to keep this firmly in mind: Spiritual Stoves are not omnipotent. The most formidable one isn't always the most suitable one. The ones in the top ten ranks all require their user to pay a big price. Some of these costs are really hard to bear. In regard to Spiritual Stoves, it really isn't the more you have, the better; you have to think really carefully before you decide if you should integrate with a new Spiritual Stove."

Long Xingyu's tone was really severe, each of his words came from the sum of his own experience.

Long Haochen asked, "Then, Father, how many Spiritual Stoves can someone integrate with?"

Long Xingyu shook his head. "I don't know. In theory, there is no restriction on quantity, but Spiritual Stoves easily conflict among themselves. If that happens, you will be courting death in regard to the integration. The record until now was five spiritual stoves being integrated. I personally integrated with three, but it isn't necessarily better to integrate with more of them. Additionally, you have to continuously make great efforts if you want your spiritual stove to evolve. After a spiritual stove evolves a few times, its power will surpass the power of several spiritual stoves put together that have not evolved. Alright, I have explained to you the most important basics. Haochen, don't forget what your mother told you. Whatever the circumstances are, you have to give priority to your own safety."

As he said these words, Long Xingyu's left hand rose and was placed on Long Haochen's chest. At that moment, his body became enveloped by a misty gold-colored brilliance, preventing him from moving.

Long Xingyu's left hand scintillated and four lights appeared on Long Haochen's chest. Long Haochen felt as if his body was being penetrated and his internal spiritual energy was being ignited and circling around him.

Pulling on Long Haochen's right hand, he carefully cut a bit of the skin of his fingertip, and squeezed out a drop of blood from it. The fresh blood floated in Long Xingyu's spiritual energy before falling directly onto the Saint Spiritual Stove.

At that moment, the little cauldron released a soft white brilliance, before shining brilliantly. A white light was then released by it, reaching Long Haochen's chest.

A warm feeling stimulated all the pores on Long Haochen's whole body. His rotating internal spiritual energy spread out and was scattered, as if that was an invader that came in his body.

With a white radiance, the little white cauldron was shining with a white glow and slowly flew to the level of Long Haochen's chest, entering his body little by little.

The originally warm feeling became scorching hot, as if an iron skewer had entered his body. Long Haochen couldn't help letting out a miserable shout. This frightened Bai Yue, who suddenly ran to him from the log cabin.

Fortunately, the burning feeling didn't continue for long. After a few breaths, the little white Spiritual Stove had disappeared.

A thin white radiance was emitted from Long Haochen's body, making his skin's surface gradually appear to have a smooth jade-colored luster.

Long Haochen felt the capabilities of the incredibly hot energy as it diffused within his chest. It then spread to each corner of his body, including even his cerebrum. That hot energy included countless mysterious energies that entered his mind.

All of his senses were stimulated and Long Haochen was as stiff as the summit of a mountain, his body shining with a white-colored radiance. His chest was shining with a little Spiritual Stove mark appearing on it.

The Saint Spiritual Stove was integrating together with Long Haochen: using the essence of the heavens and earth with his fresh blood and his spiritual energy as an intermediary to form a magical connection, the stove integrated with his body, becoming a part of it. When looking to integrate with a Spiritual Stove, the most basic requirement was the starting point of the 3rd step of the vocation; which was having a spiritual energy level of two hundred. Long Haochen had surpassed that a long time ago.

Long Xingyu stood there, quietly looking at his son, his eyes gradually revealing a few signs of disappointment.

Bai Yue silently went to Long Xingyu's side, and as she was holding his hand, she couldn't stop her tears from falling. "Do we really have to leave Chen-Chen? I… I am not at ease. From childhood to now, he never left my side."

Long Xingyu held her in his embrace, "Rest assured, I arranged the safest plan possible for him. If he doesn't leave our side, he will forever be unable to become a real man. The confrontation between us and the demon race is going to become harder and harder as time passes. With such an outstanding inborn talent, our son will inevitably become the central pillar of the Temple Alliance in the future. If you really love him, let him spread his wings and soar freely in the sky."

"This agreement, do you have to fulfill it?" Bai Yue let her tears fall. She clearly knew that this was the primary reason why her husband had to leave their son.

Long Xingyu's eyes revealed a determined spark. "Anan and I cannot avoid this. I have already waited too long for this to pass. If we can get rid of him, this will be a blessing for mankind. Be at ease. For both of your sakes, I will try my hardest to come back alive."

Everything was as before, but there wasn't anyone else there. Long Haochen was confused and was lost in his thoughts for a long time, while his heart was in complete discord.

With a Puff! dropping sound, he fell to his knees, his tears flowing dramatically. Even though they had just parted, he felt, at that moment, as if he was alone in the world.