Saint Spiritual Stove (IV)

"Oh?" Long Haochen, who was still recovering from training his internal spiritual energy and studying the knowledge regarding Spiritual Stoves, gave a simple reply before heading out together with Li Xin.

Li Xin had arranged her long hair, using a blue ribbon to tie it into a ponytail; then she left together with Long Haochen. They went back to the main hall and then headed straight to the third floor.

Nalan Shu was already waiting for them. Upon seeing them, he came to Long Haochen and said with a smile, "How was your rest? Were you satisfied with the residence?"

Long Haochen first gave Nalan Shu a salute, then replied, "I really liked the residence. Thank you, Uncle Nalan."

Nalan Shu faintly smiled. He was liking that child more and more. He had such a formidable father, but didn't show the slightest bit of arrogance.

"You have already completed the Sacred Awakening, proving that you have the potential to be a knight; however, in order for you to join our Haoyue Hall, we have to carry out your registration. Therefore, it will be necessary to test your current spiritual energy. Tomorrow, you will have to start studying in the knight class to learn the skills and abilities of a Guardian Knight. If there is anything that you don't understand, you can come and ask me directly."

"Yes!" Long Haochen replied as he moved his hand and slowly drew the heavy sword from his back. Because his father did not want him to reveal his Retribution Knight abilities, he only carried a single heavy sword on his back; the other one was, naturally, stashed inside the interspatial ring.

Li Xin looked puzzled. "Lil' Bro, you want to become a Guardian Knight?"

Long Haochen laughed, "I made this choice after coming back from the last test."

The tool used for the test this time was the same as the last time, the black stone pillar.

Nalan Shu nodded at Long Haochen. "You can start now."

Long Haochen focused his gaze and took one step forward. The heavy sword in his right hand was brought down, unleashing a lightning-like light as several layers of golden light surrounded the blade. That was not a skill, but a phenomenon caused by pouring spiritual energy into the blade.

A Ping! sound rang out, and a blue glow softly rose from the walls of the examination hall. Both Nalan Shu and Li Xin were nervously staring at the top of the black stone pillar.

A huge number appeared there: 268

Both Nalan Shu and Li Xin gasped at the same time, completely speechless, before Li Xin cried out, "You are only two spiritual energy levels away from being a 3rd rank Genuine Knight. Lil' Bro, are you really a normal human? A 3rd rank Genuine Knight who's not twelve years old yet."

As a matter of fact, a year and a half ago, when Li Xin met Long Haochen for the first time, she also had just reached the level of Genuine Knight. In merely a year and a half, Long Haochen had more than doubled his spiritual energy level. Although that growth speed was closely related to the fact that both his internal and external spiritual energies had been cultivated, it could still be described as terrifying talent.

Long Haochen put his sword away and stood motionless; he was not surprised at all by his spiritual energy level, but that was obviously not the real spiritual energy he had reached. After integrating with the Saint Spiritual Stove, his internal spiritual energy had dropped by at least fifty levels. Otherwise, his spiritual energy level would be at a level surpassing a 4th rank, and almost at the level of a 5th rank, Genuine Knight.

"Genius, a real genius," Nalan Shu murmured.

Li Xin blinked her big eyes, fiercely looked at Long Haochen, and said, "It's such a pity that you are so young compared to me; otherwise, this Big Sis would definitely have chosen to seize you."

While looking at her, Long Haochen couldn't stop blushing. He could still clearly remember the scene that occurred more than a year ago, when Li Xin had grabbed his hand and made him grope some place located up high that was really soft.

"Let's go, it's time to eat." Li Xin pulled Long Haochen's arm and took her leave of Nalan Shu before running out.

After leaving Haoyue Hall, Li Xin dragged Long Haochen to one of the biggest restaurants in the neighborhood and entered.

As soon as they entered, a waiter immediately came to serve them. "Welcome, Miss Xin'er."

Li Xin nodded and said. "Get us something to eat."

The waiter looked somewhat surprised upon seeing Li Xin pulling Long Haochen's arm. "Both of you, please follow me onto the second floor."

Li Xin shook her head and said, "No need, the two of us will be fine in the main dining hall. We will be sitting there, close to the window. Bring out the menu, I'm starving to death."

While talking, she pulled Long Haochen along with her before sitting down.

Around that time, the main hall of the restaurant was fairly crowded. Immediately after sitting down with Long Haochen, Li Xin ordered food, but she did it in a way that broadened Long Haochen's horizons.

Receiving a menu from the waiter, Li Xin pointed at five or six dishes on it. While Long Haochen was still wondering why the waiter did not record her choice of dishes, Li Xin said, "Except for these, bring out everything."

What she just ordered was about twenty to thirty dishes, that was almost a full menu!

"Big Sister Xin'er, that is really too much. There's no way we can finish that amount." Long Haochen hastily said. After he understood more about that new older sister, he realized that that easygoing side of hers made him feel very comfortable around her.

Li Xin put on a serious face and said, "How can there be no way we can finish? You're still growing, so you need to eat quite a bit."

"Come on, what is that? Making people eat more? Clearly, it's just you who is a big eater." After Li Xin finished ordering food, a somewhat cold voice mixed with mockery reached her.

Long Haochen turned around and saw three people, two men and a woman, who had just entered the restaurant. When the three of them passed by them, they stopped advancing. To be more precise, it was the girl who spoke.

The young girl was wearing a dark blue robe that seemed to have elemental energy looming around it, making it glow in a light blue color. On the left side of her chest, there was a three-starred emblem surrounded by six golden stripes.

A magical robe. Is she a mage? Long Haochen only knew about mages through his Father's teachings; this was the first time he saw one in his life.

Three stars plus six stripes, that was the mark of a 3rd step, 6th rank vocation. So she was a Genuine Mage. The first three steps of the mage vocation were named Mage's Assistant, Magical Student, and Genuine Mage.


Li Xin violently pounded the table, stood up, and angrily said, "Lin Jialu, who did ya describe as a big eater?"

Lin Jialu snorted, "Who is the one that eats so much?"

Long Haochen, who at first principally paid attention to the magical robe, took a closer look at the mage's features.

Lin Jialu and Li Xin could be described as rare beauties, yet their styles were completely different. Li Xin, straightforward and full of vigor, was a kind of robust beauty. On the other hand, Lin Jialu had a more ladylike, clever look.

White skin, medium build, long light-blue-colored hair that was let loose behind her back, graceful eyebrows, beautiful nose, a pair of perfectly identical blue eyes, and her gentle face; all of those easily made people feel like treasuring her.

However, she was holding a two-thirds of a meter long black wooden magic wand in her hands, on top of which sprouted branches shaped like a small hand, just big enough to hold a fist-sized blue Water gem. The magical elemental power that could be felt coming out of the magic wand was much more intense than the one from her robe.

"Are you trying to pick a fight or what?" With anger sparking in her eyes, Li Xin stepped in front of Lin Jialu.

The two young men who arrived together with Lin Jialu rushed two steps forward, one on each side of Lin Jialu, looking rather nervous. Both of them were leather-armor-clad warriors, obviously Lin Jialu's bodyguards.

What mages feared the most was being attacked. Despite possessing magic with formidable destructive power, they were very vulnerable. Therefore, a good mage would always have attendants following to protect them.

"You two ladies, please calm down. Exactly a month ago, both of you were punished by the Head Officer and the Minister." The warrior on the left nervously reminded them.

"Hmph!" Li Xin and Lin Jialu reacted almost at the same time, glaring at each other.