Panaceae: The Incomplete Legacy

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Panaceae: On the 21st century, based on the study of Human Immunity system's IFF, genetic scientist of the Panaceae Project created various "blank viruses" which created no harm, but can easily be modified by inserting "Panaceae ID", elements within known viruses and other diseases that are identifiable by human immunity system. This is an improvement of the vaccination system by replacing vaccines with blank viruses that have been inserted with the unique IDs of various diseases. Benefits:

1. "One Panaceae to Prevent All Disease". One ampoule of Panacease contain all identified disease in Panaceae Project's Database of injectible elements, while the "blank viruses" themselves poses no harm, human immunity system registered them and the elements taken from the actual diseases as threat, so the immunity system will combat the actual diseases. Panaceae Project make it possible to prevent all diseases simply by injecting elements of diseases recogniseable to human immunity system to blank viruses, eliminating the practise of making one vaccine for one disease of the past, even future disease that shows up later can be examined to determine the elements recognisable to human immunity system. Once the element was recognised it can be injected to the blank virus as a new "vaccine" to the disease. The founding of the Panaceae Project marked humanity's victory over difficult diseases such as AIDS, Ebola and others. Particularly AIDS since it attack the human immunity system itselves, but injecting a large amount of AIDS element blank viruses help immunity system to recognise HIV as threat before it attack and eliminate them first.

2. Very short research to produce a "vaccine" for a new disease.

3. Cheap compared to past vaccines.

4. I'm certain there are others but this is it for now.

Diseases Panaceae can't actually prevented: those that can trigger self immunity diseases, such as cancer, so yeah, it's not actually one ring to rule them all, just one panaceae to prevent a vast swathe of diseases.

Progress on Panaceae: In time, panaceae separated into two types: Panaceae Alpha, the original panaceae to prevent all diseases and Panaceae Omega, the one that exploited human immunity system to eliminate undesirable elements from the body. At this point, the global practice was to inject Panaceae Alpha during infancy so the baby get diseases immunity and inject the Omega after they reach adulthood. Panaceae Omega eliminate more than diseases, but there are questions on its effects on children growing up so only adults can use them. It's most prominent effect (particularly for females) is the "Jadeskin Effect", beautifying the skin and eliminating "impurities", but the downside was that the impurities goes out from the pores for a month, and it stinks very much, so when you took Panaceae Omega you have to take a "secluded meditation". And you have to be healthy, too. Although the blank viruses are theoritically harmless, panaceae eliminate impurities from the body, making it out of balance for a while and you need a lot of intake (food and beverages) during the secluded meditation.

After Fallout:

The Panaceae Alpha was gone, lost. Only the Omega remains, and the ability to produce new vaccines is lost along with Alpha. Red Cross Society is still producing batches of Panaceae Omega every years, but they can't improve them to include new diseases. And they're declared as the only producer after a disaster when a Fallout Shelter tried to produce Panaceae Alpha from a laboratory ruin they found, and wiped out as the result.

No new improvement for a few centuries until the "Black Death" strikes, and the Red Cross Society produced the "Minor Panaceae" which is not real panaceae, but vaccines based on real viruses.

Many doctors dreams of acquiring the actual Panaceae Alpha Legacy, so that humanity can conquer diseases once again.