The Fall of the Old World

Despite many people's attempt for the betterment of the world, the politicians doesn't necessarily follows the same path.

Warhawks who wants their war, the rich and powerful who exploited the poor and the weak, the weak that retaliates, charismatic leaders rallying hostilities against some enemies to strengthening his leadership, finding scapegoat in the enemy, fishing in troubled waters, there were a lot of reason for war, many benefits.

And war never changes.

So sciences advances, technology advances and even medicine field managed to produces the vaccines for all knowledge disease (with exception for self immune risky disease and some others).

Quality of life advances, people tried to reach the "no waste" state where everything we produce is agreeable to the ecosystem and the planet, we seeks peace and harmony with more than just humanity all around the world, but the planet itself and all that living on Earth.

But war still never changes.

Despite all that we tried to achieve, those war obsessed idiots still clings on their hostilities, their attempt for power and riches.

And violence begets violence as their victims tried to redress their sorrows by the blood of their enemy.

And acts of retaliation doesn't seek to subjugate enemy to achieve peace, merely punitive expedition leaving the enemy in shambles with more hatred to strike again in the future.

And they were done in a shrinking world, a world village that you can reach the other side of Earth in a day.

So war never changes.

It's only getting fiercer and more destructive. And the desperate leaders in posession of nuclear armaments started to use as deterrent so that they won't be dislodged of their powers. And as politicians talks with their fists instead of their mouths, military strengthen their artilleries.

With such a volatile background, once again people dreading the coming nuclear war, and all around the world people begin to construct Fallout Shelters, just in case.

And it finally did.

The bomb strikes.

And the world as we know it ends.

Fallout has begin.