A Childhood Friend

I continued walking when I heard the footsteps again. Once more, I looked around and saw no one. I walked a little bit faster when I heard the footsteps also pacing up as if it's following me. Sweat started to form on my forehead. I balled my fist, ready to punch if someone attacked me. I walked faster than before when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I froze. I slowly turned my head around.

"You should have seen your face," she said while laughing hysterically. Tears started to form in her eyes.

I took a huge and deep breath. Cassey, a childhood friend. Everyone assumes that we have some kind of romantic relationship but we don't have. Besides, I'm three years older. I suddenly remembered the first time I met her. It was pouring hard at that time. We were having dinner when we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." My dad went to the door. I saw uncle Fred, eyes full of worry, as water drips from his hair and clothes.

"What brings you here?" My dad asked, surprised.

"Ca-ssey ... ". He gasped for air. He must be running the whole time. "Cassey, she's missing."

"What?" My mom quickly went to uncle Fred. "I mean how?"

"She ran outside after they had a little fight with her mom," uncle Fred replied.

"Well then, first, we must find her." My mom said as she gave an umbrella to uncle Fred, dad and me.

"Go with them Aiden," my mom said. "I'll stay here with Callum."

I nodded even though I didn't know who Cassey was. We looked at the market, parks, we even asked every house if they saw 'Cassey' but to no avail.

That's when my dad decided to split up. As I was mindlessly walking near a park, I heard some sobs. A girl sobbing. I looked around but saw no one. I continued walking. I can still hear someone sobbing. I was about to leave the park when I heard a voice.

"Hey!" Someone shouted.

I looked around but then again, I saw no one.

"Up here." I heard the voice again.

I looked up and saw a 10 year-old girl, soaking wet, sitting on a branch of a mango tree.

"Are you Cassey?" I asked.

"Who ... " She wiped her nose. "Who - are - you?" She asked between her sobs.

"Aiden" I answered. "Your father is looking for you."

She looked at me and I saw her puffy dark blue eyes which reminded me of the ocean.

"I don't want to. Don't ..." She sobbed. "... tell them I'm here."

I just stared at her when I heard someone running towards us.

"Aiden, did you find her?" It was uncle Fred.

I looked at Cassey and she made the 'shhh' sign.

"Aiden?" Uncle Fred went near me. I pointed up. I pointed at Cassey. I saw her eyes flickered with betrayal.

"Cassey, what are you doing up there?" uncle Fred worriedly asked. "Come down darling." He smiled at her.

"Aiden." uncle Fred called my name. "Aiden? Aiden down to Earth."

I snapped back.

"Aiden!" I heard Cassey yelled. "What were you thinking? Were you that frightened?" She laughed. "Look at your face, you're so pale!" She tapped my shoulder twice.

"Funny Cassey, I was going to hit you!" I said. "Don't do that again" I was a bit annoyed as I continued walking. She caught up.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine." She giggled.

We reached the market. Like every other day, even if it's just 5 in the morning, everyone is busy. Everyone is hustling in the big crowd. Fixing their shops. Decorating it to look more attractive. Crowded with carts, donkeys and other animals. Tons of bags loaded with products such as fruits, meat, sea foods, cotton, grain, oil seeds, and vegetables. Customers are starting to appear. My ears can't really get used to sellers shouting loudly to sell their goods. Singing praises to their goods even if it's not really fresh. Buyers quarreling over quality and quantity and price with equal vigor. The stinky smell of sweat, water and food odor combining - the market. I sighed deeply.

"Come on." Cassey tapped my back as she rushed to Barrabas' meat shop. She works as a seller while I work as a porter. I quickly followed her.

"20 crates at Mey's." Barrabas told me as soon as he saw me. "You know what that means." His low voice echoing.

Great, I'll be working overtime. "Guess, I'll be going home alone." Cassey teased me as she was startled when Barrabas called her name.

"Talk to you later." She rushed to weigh the meat for a buyer.

I smiled and started to work. I went to Mey's and started carrying the crates to Barrabas' shop. I sat down and rest. I was wiping my sweat when Cassey threw a bottle of water at me.

"Well, I'll be going." She bid her goodbye. I looked at my watch and it's 5 in the afternoon. The sky started to get dark as the sun descends from the sky.

I drank the whole bottle and threw it. "I wish I can go home with you but I still have 3 crates left." I said disappointed.

"I really want to help you." She said sarcastically. I laughed.

"Well I guess, I'll see you later at our house?" I asked while stretching to get back to work.

She fixed her backpack. "Yup, see you. I hope you'll have a raise from Barrabas." She rolled her eyes. "Bye!" She bid her goodbye enthusiastically. I smiled and said goodbye. I watched her back as she left the market until she disappears from my sight. I continued working.