The Abduction

Few days passed and it felt like it just happened yesterday. It's like a scar that is repeatedly stabbed which creates a fresh wound in my heart. It haunts me in my dreams and I can't run away from it - it's traumatizing. My mom and dad tried to move on and accept the fact that Callum is gone. They tried to do their daily usual activities, acting like nothing happened but I can't. Callum would still be here if not because of me.

If only I finished my work early. If only I had ran faster. If only I was there to save him. If only.

These thoughts were running in my head. I'll forever blame myself for what happened to Callum. I can't forgive myself that it happened and now my parents are in deep pain. Sleepless nights, we tried to find him or look for those people who took him but to no avail. I will never forget even a single detail of what happened that day.

They were preparing dinner, the usual. My mom cooking, my dad chopping wood while Callum was peacefully drinking his milk.

My mom was mincing some onion leaks. "How are you feeling sweetie?" My mom's voice was sweet as honey.

"I'm feeling okay" Callum answered as he finished his glass of milk.

My mom felt relieved. "That's great. Wash your glass then we'll wait for your brother to come home for dinner." She was making onion soup.

Callum groaned. "But I'm really hungry," he complained as if on cue, his stomach rumbles. He went to the kitchen and took a slice of chicken meat and ate it.

"Hey sweetie" My mom smiled. "You chicken thief shall be punished," her voice sounded like a cop running after a criminal as ran towards Callum. Callum quickly dashed to other side of the table, away from mom. They were both laughing as my mom tried to catch my younger brother.

My mom was laughing as she teased Callum. "I'm gonna catch you, mister." She pointed at callum.

My dad entered while carrying a stack of wood. He placed them on the floor.

"What's happening here?" My dad asked as he laughed.

My mom stopped running. "Well, apparently, there's a chicken thief in our house." She greeted my dad with a kiss on his cheek.

"Is that you Callum?" He asked as he went closer to him, grinning.

Callum ran away from my dad. "No!" He was screaming and laughing.

My mom caught him and lift him up. "Got you!" She said as she tickled him.

Callum burst into laughter. "Sto- stop. Please, stop!" He was begging as tears started to form in his eyes.

"No, not until you confess" My mom continued tickling him. They were all laughing.

"Fine, fine -" He was lauging. "I ate a slice," he confessed while laughing so hard.

My mom stopped as he let go of Callum who was panting and wiping his tears. She looked at the clock. "Aiden's not yet home," a hint of worry in her voice.

"He must have worked over time, again" My dad answered as he sat down, tired and breathing heavily.

Everything seemed normal when suddenly; they heard a loud bang from the town center.

Callum covered his ears. "What's that?" He asked as he removed his hands.

My mom went closer to Callum. "I don't know," she replied as he hugged him.

My dad went outside and closed the door. A few seconds later, they heard a loud marching sound. It became more audible. My mom screamed as the door was wrecked as pieces of wood flew to different directions. She saw three masked men entered the house, members of the Red Battalia, as we call them. They work for the Panad as soldiers. They were wearing red military suits with golden tiger pins, the logo of the Panad. Below it are the words U.N. Owen. They were armed with large guns. My mom was frightened, shocked in terror. Callum started crying.

"Take him!" The man on the center ordered as he pointed at Callum, his low voice booming in the house.

"Wai-wait. No!" My mom interfered. She was pushed aside by the other guy. "Please..." My mom was crying as she grabbed the man's arm. She begged. "Wha- what's happening?" She was afraid and can even hardly speak.

The man stared at her coldly as he nudged her. My mom tried to fight so the man punched her in the stomach. My mom yelled in pain as tears streamed down her face. She coiled herself on the floor, helpless, as she saw Callum being taken. Callum was crying as he pumped his fists in the air. "

"Who are you?! No! I don't know you! Let me go!"" He was screaming and fighting. "I don't want to go with you!" Callum accidentally hit the man's mask and it nearly went off. The man brought out a syringe and injected a blue serum on Callum's arm.

He felt dizzy and fell asleep. My mom was slowly engulfed in darkness. The men went outside as a red car with a tiger engraved on its hood, fetched them and speed away. My dad who came from the center town, saw the car stopped in front of the house and saw Callum being taken. He quickly ran to catch them but he was late as he saw the car heading for the Madhouse. He hurriedly went inside the house and saw my mom on the floor, fainted. He started yell my mom's name. "Ai- Aiden. Aiden!"

"What?" I mumbled.

"Aiden, eat your food" My mom was looking at me with concern.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You were spacing out," she replied.

I shake my thoughts. "Oh, sorry." I stood up. "I'm still full," I replied. The truth was I lost my appetite. "I'll be going now" I bid my goodbye as I wore my hoodie and went out, not waiting for their reply.

The snowfall greeted me. The icy air, cutting through my skin. I walked down the alley until I slowly saw the red flag. As I walked closer, my heart started beating faster, my blood boiling and anger clouded my mind. I saw the Madhouse and saw the Red Battalia guarding it. My eyes went narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard. My teeth were gritting as I slowly balled my fist. I can't think straight since all I can think is getting vengeance. I quickly went closer to one of the Red Battalia, he was surprised. Without a thought, I punched him in the face despite his hard mask protecting it. I threw more punches as I yelled. "Where's my damn brother?" I was quickly restrained by his comrades. "Bring him back!" I was ecstatic. They were holding both my arm and forced me to kneel. I shot them a cold glare. The one I punched went in front of me. I looked at him and smirked. I spit on his shoe. In a glimpse of an eye, I felt pain in my stomach. He punched me in the gut. Blow after blow, I can feel blood rising through my throat. I looked up and spit it on his mask. My veins in my neck started popping. I smirked as if it didn't hurt. Again, he punched my face. I winced. I felt like a tooth was removed as I tried to spit it out. I tasted blood. I made a small laugh. "Is that all you've got?" I teased. I felt another blow. I flinched as my left eye stings. "Oh!"I can barely open my left eye. "You punch like a girl" I laughed. A thin trickle of blood runs down my face. I was about to open my mouth when he kicked my head as I whimpered. He punching me and every blow sends a sharp searing jolt of my pain through my body. I can hear and feel your heart beating in my ears, and my vision becomes tunneled. Different tingling sensations started running through my body that I haven't experienced before. I was trying to escape from their arms to cover my face, but they were kicking me in the back of the head, then they kicked me in both my eyes. My eyeballs were smashed against my head. Messed up my eyes pretty bad. "I might go blind," I said to myself but I'll play tough and not let them get what they want. "Even a baby would not feel your punches!" I yelled to make him embarrassed in front of his confederates. Quickly, he pointed a gun on my temple. My heart was pounding so hard. Sweat started to form on my forehead. My whole body was in pain. I was panting heavily.

I heard him cocked his gun. "You'll die"

I closed my eyes. I took several deep breath as I wait for the bullet to hit my head. Seconds passed but there was no gunshot then I heard some voices, almost muffled. I slowly opened my eyes when suddenly I saw a sack was about to cover my head. I tried to fight; trying to escape from their grip, as I shouted but the man was strong as he lunged at me and threw the bag over my head, then tied a rope around. I was about to fight back when I felt something painful on my leg, like a needle was being injected, forcibly piercing through my akin and muscle. My head started to feel heavy as my vision started to blur. I tried to speak but no words came out from my mouth but just mumbles. The blackness of unconsciousness beckons to me and finally I give in.