Registration of Our Marriage

A few hours ago at the last  floor on the tallest skyscraper in the heart of Country A, In the ceo office secetriey Joe can been reporting the the ceo schedule to him but hasn't had any reaction from.

Unknown to him Harry's mind was actually on his soon to be wife he was happy to she was going to be his wife but not proud of the way he was going to make her his but he had no choice.

Harry has always been in love with Rose since an early age but he couldn't tell rose about cause he though she was still young he was 17 whiles rose was 14 when he turn 18 and decided to tell rose about his feelings he received a message from his grandfather to come back to country D for his training since he's was the next heir to his throne so he left the country A for 5 years.

5 years he spent loving and missing her, after his training he came back only to find out she was dating someone,he couldn't do anything other than love her and secret even when he knew the man she was with was a cheating  scram bag.

he couldn't find it in him to tell her about that man she loved was cheating on her he wanted her to find out on her own and when she did he was suprised how will she took it she acted clam and accepted the reality of it

Fast forward to a month ago when Rose mother Mary came  to him with the proposal,she wanted wanted money in exchange for her daughter at first he refused but after he hard her mother say she taken her proposal to someone else he accepted the deal he couldn't let one of those stupid old fool get their hand on her.

Harry was brought out of his thought when secatury Joe told him his  mother was on the line asking to speak with him.

Harry sigh and took the found from his secatury. Meanwhile on the other line Jenny Lu sound happy while saying " Harry my son I expect you to be home today for dinner I want you to meet someone so be home early bye love you son"

Harry look at the fone that has been hanged u and shock his head, his mum was up to no good and he knew it he stood up checked his time and found out it was quarter to 3 he picked up his suit jacket and walk towards the with P.A Joe following him.

He used his private elvater to the parking lot got into his Rolls Royse and head to the civil affairs but changed his mind instead of going there he decided to take her home have dinner and have his lawyer bring him the document needed to register their marriage .

He asked PA Joe to driver to her school so he could pick her up when he got there he sent her a message saying he was outside of her school.

A few minutes later he say her walking towards the car with a cold look whiles the other students looked at her trying to figure out  who was in the car.

He watch her walk eligantly with her head held high,with an attitude of a Queen don't been faced with the way the student looked at her with hatred and evny.

He was proud to see she was not after with what was going on around her or all the hate stare she was getting. Harry was proud to call that women his wife and couldn't wait to make rose his wife and show her to the world.

Harry was sure his mother will like her and his family would love her.

Just as he was thinking of how his family will react to meeting her he heard the door of the car open and watch as his beautiful soon wife sat down next to him.

As soon as she sat down the car moved  from the school gate heading to his house on their way he explanation to Rose about the change of plans and she was okay with it cause she didn't want anyone knowing she was married to him  because very soon they would be divorce and go there separate ways.

Apart from taking about the change of plans the 2 people in the car didn't not talk the just kept to themselves. Rose looked out the window whiles Harry work on his laptop.

After about an hour and half drive the finally arrived at his villa. Rose looked a the house I front of her which looked bigger than her previous home and was amazed how beautiful it looked.

She followed him inside the house without saying anything while on the other hand Harry wondered if she liked it.

when they got to the seating room Harry's lawyer was already present he handed him the document needed and ask the both of them sign the document.

Harry signed and passed the pen to Rose who took it and stare at the document in front of her while thinking from today on I will be a married women, from today I would no longer be the navie and stupid rose anymore I will work hard to pay my debt and make sure to rise to the top and avange my father.

she looked a the document one last time and finally sign it.

she was now Rose Lu wife of Harry Lu the most richest and powerful man in country A.she was back and she gonna make everyone involved with her father death suffer a a faith worse than death.

Harry looked at the devilish smile on her face and side to himself now she is my wife.