Husband and Wife

Right After the lawyer left  Butler kim informed Harry that dinner was ready. harry thanked him and turn around to look at his wife who was looking around the seating room he couldn't supress the smile that formed on his lips he was happy to have her as his wife he could finally say they were husband and wife.

Harry walk towards Rose and said to her dinner is  ready let go have dinner after that we have a few things to talk about

Rose node and followed him to the dining room to have dinner, whiles the were eating Rose kept taking glances at Harry wondering why would a powerful man like him want a women like her.

Harry on the hand was enjoying the fact that his wife kept glancing at him but then he still kept his cold and indifferent attitude on.

After dinner the both went  to his home office to talk Harry ask Butler kim to not disturbe them. Butler kim went back


As soon as Butler kim got to the entrance of the kitchen he heard the maid talking about the young miss.

Maid 1" Did you see the cloths she was wearing it looks like she bought it fro some street corner but she was acting all high and might not even sparing as a glance or saying thank you to as".

Maid 2 " she's so arrogant who do you think she to the young master.

Maid 3" she might be one of those annoying bitch trying to get into the master's bed.

Maid 1" how long do you think it will take before master kicks her out for trying to seduc him"

Head maid "will you three stop talking nonsense and get back to work before you loss your job"

Butler kim just shock his head and let to take care of other matter.

Back at the Harry's home office Rose had no idea what those maid thought of her she was currently talking to Harry abou their leaving arrangement.

Harry asked her to move into the house today and asked her if she was willing to share a room with him or she wanted her own room.

She thought about it she was his wife and sharing a room was not that bad so she decided to share a room with him. Harry was happy to learn that she wanted to share a room with him that meant she trusted him which was a good start.

They talked about a few stuff here and there and finally agreed to introduce her to the employee at home when the are free.

After leaving  his office he took her to there bedroom and told her to shower and make  herself at home.

Rose thank him and went to the bath room to shower, whiles harry left to take care of some peper work.She soaked in the bath tube  for an hour when she came out Harry was already back in the room.

She blushed when she saw him staring at her like she was the best thing he has ever seen.

To Harry she was the best thing that happen to him but at the same time he was struggling to to keep him self clam from staring at he almost naked body.

Rose looked at Harry and said shyly " uhmm I iii don't have any cloth to wear cause I didn't bring my cloth over."

Harry walk into the walk in closet and pull out  one of his white t-shirts and handed it to her and said " wear this for tonight  tomorrow morning will get you a set of new cloths. After saying tgat he left to take a shower.

With Harry in the shower rose changed into the white T-shirt that smell like Harry

She though of how good he smell and how sexy she looked in his cloth.

She sat on the bed and began to blow dry her hair.

Whiles she was at it Harry stepped out of the bathroom with one towel only wrapped around his waits whiles the other one was drying his hair

Rose look at the devilish sexy body in front of her that 6 packs that sexy v line fuck he was perfect.

Harry felt rose eyes on him and send with to her with a smug smile " enjoying the view"

Rose replied " I am thanks for showing me such an amazing view"

Harry" you know you can touch if you want to it all yours"

Rose" Really I can "

Harry" of course you can Mrs Lu am all yours"

Rose" okay"

She walk up to him and  touch his abs and said woo I thought you had 6packs but it was 8 packs dem boy u packing.

Harry look at her with a blank expression thinking were is that shy girl from awhile ago.

After she was done she look up a Harry and found him look at her with soon much desire in his guys.