Meeting His Family

In a blink of an eye it was weekend and rose had a great week because she spwnd here mornings with mia and her night with harry her amazing husband. But right now rose  getting ready to meet her in-laws.

Harry on the other hand hand one he'll of a week.his mum won't stop calling him and asking when he's going to bring her daughter in law. He hasn't had a single morning of rest but he always had an amazing nights sleeping beside his wife every night.

Rose walk down the steps to see her husband in casual cloths look really good.

After having breakfast they left for the Lu old house. Within 2 hours they  got to there to Lu old house.

Rose looked at the massive mason in front of her and let out an awww, Harry looked at her and said you an it seen nothing yet.

Just as they stepped foot into the house Kelly huge rose soon much so she couldn't even breath.

Harry had to separate his mum from rose for her to be able to breath.kelly looked at rose and said" she looks so beautiful.

Kelly" my dear where did my son find you."

Rose" Will he actually bought me"


Kelly" you are so funny but if it true I hope he paid a lot of money for you";

Rose " he sure did"

Whiles they were busy talking the old Butler Paul who is the right hand man of Harry grandfather came over and said " young master, madam, young madam the old master is waiting inside.

With that said they all walked into the massive house rose was in awe with each step she took the house was indeed beautiful.

When they got to the dinner room the everyone else was seated waiting for them.

After seating down dinner was sever whiles eating Harry's grandmother Joyce Lu  asked " rose how she meet her grandson."

Rose " well to tell you the truth I owe your son a debt which i couldn't play so I asked him to marry me to pay back my debt."

Old master Lu looked at rose and said " you mean u sold yourself to pay a debt."

Rose" yes"

Old master Lu  laughed and said " girl I like you and how strong head and shameless you are."

Old madam Lu " Kevin stop encourage her she doesn't desert our harry a women like her will bring shame to our famle.

Harry looked at rose and wanted to say something but rose stopped him and said .

Rose " I mite be shameless, head strong, and a no nonsense type of person but I am that way because I try to protect my self from people who want to come for me."

I mite not be the like other young miss out there who rely on there family wealth or act shy and week for a man's protection.

I am not that type of  strong women who stand on her own two feet and make it on there own but still needs a loving and sweet man by my side to help me going.

You grand son dose not need a weak women by his side he needs a strong women like me who can stand an face anything that come her way.

Harry "___"

Kelly( smiling like a crazy person)

Old master " good good good"

James Harry's father who hasn't said a word since beginning said" welcome to the family daughter in law.

Old madam" you pass my test dear am glad my grandson has a women like you by his side now I can stop worrying and look forward to having small buns walking and shouting aroud. welcome to the family"

Rose " Thank you"