Totally Shameless

Harry looked at his wife and said yes you head me right I said I love you and i mean I have loved you for a long time.

Rose: why don't I know about this, why didn't you ever confront me about your feelings.

Harry: I wanted to confront you but I didn't have the time because I was summoned back by my grandfather to learn since I was the next in line to sit on his throne so I left and decided to tell you how I feel when I get back from my traning.

but when I got back you were already in a relationship I still wanted to confront you but I couldn't because I didn't want to spoil you happiness.. you were so happy with you ex I just decided to step back and love you in secret. so there you have Rose I LOVE YOU.

Rose: I don't no what to say Harry you love me.

Harry : yes rose I love you.

Rose: holyshit omg I can't breath, seriously you should have confronted me earlier even when I was dating you know I would have dump the idiot in a heart beat for you.

Harry: really.

Rose: yes who wouldn't. you have one kill face, sexy body, nice ass and a perfect stamina and you rich which girl wouldn't want you.

Harry : "....." baby is that all you see about me.

Rose: why is something wrong.

Harry: "..."

rose: oh I forgot you also smart and a hard worker who gonna make me rich.

Harry" huh.

Rose: you know the saying my money is my money and my husband many is also my money. you will give me all your money right baby.

Harry: yes yes yes everything is yours.

Rose: Then I need to start eating right, working out to keep fit.

Harry : why love.

Rose: duh you so rich I need to livee long enough to be able to spend even have of the money you.

Harry looked at his wife and smiled he was happy she didn't rejected him and instead listen to him.

Rose look at her husband smiling and said Harry I just want you to know I have began to like you but I haven't fallen I love with you yet but I can proudly say that I will be falling in love with you soon.

Harry: thank you love and I promise I will keep your heart safe if you let me have it oneday.but know we need to go back home it time I introduced you as the new madam of the house.

Harry and his wife left the penthouse around 3pm and got back to there house at 5pm when they got home Harry asked butler Kim to call all the employee to the seating room for a meeting. within 15min everyone was there.

He stood up and said I call you all here today to introduce you to the lady of the house my wife Rose Lu. everyone was shocked but the just greeted her and after they were dismissed.

Harry took his wife and left for there room when they got there he got a font call from his P A and left for the home office to finish his work.

30min after he left rose decided to get him a few snack to eat before dinner the minute she go th to kitchen she head the maids talking.

maid 1 : serous how can that young master marry such a women she doesn't suit the tittle of young miss.

maid 2 : don't say that about her.

maid 3: that right you can't talk bad about her now that we know she's are madam.

maid 2 : that true we didn't know at first who she was we thought she was some girl trying to enter our masters bed for money but she is his wife and she deserves respect.

maid 1: you can say all you want for she's a bitch.

with that said rose walk into the rose and the maids were shocked but quickly greeted her.

rose stood in front of maid one and said.

Rose: you just called me a bitch which to me mean beautiful. you don't get right let me break it up for you. bitch means female dog, female dog barks , trees have bark, tress are nature, nature is beautiful.

By now more maid have gathered at the kitchen to see what going the couldn't help but be impressed with there madam but they were in for more cause she wasn't done yet.

rose look at the maid and continue you call me beautiful indirectly I just wanted to say thank you and also tel you how much of a hoe you mouth is.

I see you are confused let me explain to you what a hoe means. hoe is use In the farm by everyone which makes it dirty and I hate dirty things I can't have dirty mouths work for me so you my dear can go get your shit together cause you fired.

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