Subway Surfers

The weeks flew by as Jack and Tabo continued alternating between running the garage and making sure the recycling plants operations flowed smoothly, luckily due to the personal they had in the garage, the need for their constant presence was decreased. They only had to take care of some financial aspects of the business, and everything ran itself.

During the two weeks , he had to ensure that all the legal issues were covered, making deals with the locals for trash collection and setting up a payment system. Once everything came online the public reacted positively to this and through the use of local networks, word spread around leading into neighbouring towns as well, as a result there increase in trash collection.

While this was happening Koffee kept on trying to find an opportunity to show her boss the engine she was working on but as she knew what he was like when he found something to do, she could only wait. "Koffee don't worry you'll be able to talk to him soon, I heard he started another business with Tabo and it's been going pretty well from the rumours" Monty a 22 year old albino standing at 6ft tall, skinny with pale blond hair, above average in the looks department.

"I know Monty but the thing is I've been trying to show him the engine I've worked on for the past few weeks and he's always pushed it aside, he's got such a one tracked mind it's annoying!" She grabbed her head as her pent up frustration burst forth. Monty only laughed at that " i've got to say the configurations of this engine are pretty impressive, where did you learn this?" he examined her work which was laid out on one of the work benches, trying to decipher what she's done.

"The boss taught here and there and allowed me to review his university notes, from then on I learnt the rest myself" a hint of pride could be heard in her voice, listening to this Monty whistled clearly impressed. "Now if only you could go and study in a University, you'll be so much better than you are currently" " Monty you do know I don't have that type of money, and my family's situation is not that good" came Koffees dejected reply.

She wished she could learn more because she felt there was so much more she could do, but was limited to working in this garage just to earn enough for her younger brothers. "Don't get me wrong Monty, I'm grateful for what the boss has done but sometimes I feel like I'm not using my full potential." she stared into space for a while before carrying on "Don't mind me I just get back to work". Monty stared at her retreating back and decided that he'll talk to the boss when he gets the chance to, maybe he could do something for her.

Things have finally calmed down for Jack and Tabo as everything ran smoothly, the city saw a gradual change over the past month as the level of trash on the streets began to decline. The local economy was boosted due to the decrease in unemployment, as those who were usually laying about with nothing to do finally had a way to earn money. Tabo chose to be the one responsible for the recycling plant, so he renovated one of the rooms there into an office.

Jack was sitting in his garage office as he was finally able to kick back and relax, he had missed his favourite pass time which was his mobile games, just as he was about to load up one of them he heard a knock on the door. Sighing he sat up "come in", on the other side of the door was Monty "hey boss, there's something I want to talk to you about", "sure what's up?" Monty thought about what he was going to say.

"Do you know about Koffes home situation?" this question caught Jack off guard but he replied "I've got an idea but she's never spoken to me about it and I don't want to pry into her business", Monty nodded then continued "She has to support her two younger brothers with her mother, but the reason about why I'm hear isn't primarily that, have you seen her work?" "I believe I have an understanding of her abilities, why do you ask?" getting confused on where the conversation was going he allowed Monty to continue "Do you have a minute to spare?" Jack really didn't have anything to do so he agreed to follow Monty.

"She told me that you taught her some basic mechanics and allowed her to see your university notes, come and take a look at what she's managed to achieve with that", it was around lunchtime and there was hardly anyone in the garage so it was just Monty and Jack. He led Jack to a workbench where a car engine was pleased, showing clear signs of modifications Jack examined the engine and was pretty impressed by what he saw. While not up to a professional standard, he could vaguely tell how it'll perform, "you're telling me Koffee did this?" Monty nodded "she did and she's been trying to show you for weeks but you've been busy"

Jack continued to evaluate the engine while appreciating the work that she did, Monty stood to the side allowing Jack to do his thing. "So what do you want me to do?" Monty paused then replied "I just want to show you what she can do, she has a lot of potential and if she can study and get a better foundation there is so much more she can do."

"I'll have to speak to her about what she wants to do, I'm not going to force her into anything, and as you said she has her family to think about. All the decision is up to her." Monty knew that was the end of the discussion so he left it having done what he could and hoped for the best for his friend.

While in his office Jack thought about what he saw and the talents that are surrounds him, the young people who have so much potential but don't have a way to fully explore it, as he was lost in thought a screen popped up.

~ Congratulations on reaching a new milestone.

Earn $1,000,000 ✔️

Reward: Black Pool size increase to 10 X 12m

An inventory of more than 100,000 kg of elements ✔️

Reward: The function 'Materialisation' has been unlocked.

For more details press 🔘

"Well this is new" Jack looked at the screen, his focus fully on the new feature, he pressed the icon and a new screen appeared.

~ Materialisation : The ability to create/bring an 'item' owned by host designate 'Jack' in-game to reality. Materialisation is dependant on the resources available.

There was no further information shown on the screen, "If this is what I think is, this ability is sooo broken" while reading this he could not keep his emotions in check, this meant a whole other possibility for his future. The excitement he's feeling is something that hasn't been present since the day he first got this ability, and till this day, he hasn't discovered its full capabilities.

He immediately unlocked his phone then lunched the game 'Subway Surfers', this has always been a classic game for him and he always had a childish dream of owning a hoverboard, he looked at his screen and he currently owned 17 boards, all being the basic board you get at the beginning.

Pausing as he didn't know how to use this function, he looked at his screen and on the top left there was a symbol 🔘 blinking. When he clicked on it, a familiar screen popped up on his phone.

~ Materialisation options:

Coin Magnet: 0/5000

Hoverboard: 0/10

Jetpack: 0/0

Super Sneakers: 0/1

His eyes almost popped out of his head as he looked at the options, excitement was growing as he selected the Hoverboard option to materialise 1.

~ Confirmation: Materialise 1/10 Hoverboard?


He quickly pressed Y and right in front of him lines began to materialise on the floor, similar to the creation of Black Pools, however as the formation was complete, a brand new Hoverboard was in front of him just hovering in place while the black pool disappeared.

"HOLY S**T!" came the intelligent response of Jack as he stared at what was there, something that no one has seen apart from games and works of fiction. He also discovered that the basic understanding of the hoverboards capabilities were imprinted in his mind, to find out more he'll have to dismantle and examine the board piece by piece.