

A naked young man plunged his hips at a young woman sitting atop a dinner table. Adam had come to Annie's house to fuck her in every corner of the apartment which she happily agreed upon. Her mother wasn't going to be home for a couple of hours as she suddenly had some business to attend to.

Adam watched Annie's juicy milk tanks bounce forward and back, almost hypnotically. He would think that she had some sort of mind control power connected to her breasts, and if she did he wouldn't mind falling under her command. He felt the inside of her steamy Lovebox coil his shaft, making wet sploshes as he drove in and out.

"A-Adam. T-The dog is watching us." Annie panted.

"It's fine. She's just, ah, curious."

Annie was surprised when Adam brought over a white fluffy dog he said he found on the streets. It didn't really seem to care for her much but it really liked Adam. She preferred hamsters anyway.

Annie was lying there getting her quim railed by a real penis this time and not her mom's dildo when she heard a noise.

"Did you hear that Adam? It sounded like a camera shutter."

"I didn't hear anything."

Adam was too busy appreciating the soft and milky body of the girl below him to care. He grabbed one of her tits and bent down to suck on it, lightly biting her nipple, and licking around the areola.

"Adam, anh, kiss me..." Annie moaned.

Adam kissed her on the lips with light pecks before it turned into a tongue kiss. Their tongues intertwined and drool leaked out of the corners of Annie's mouth while her lower lips leaked drool down her asscrack. Once again, Adam was no match for Annie's powerful mouth meat wrestler. She smacked his tongue from side to side and showed him who's boss. She then locked her legs around him and let a sweet moan into his mouth as her vagina tightened around his member. Her body shuttered before she sighed in relief.

Adam stopped his thrusting and ended the kiss.

Annie's eyes stared at Adam with a dazed look. "I...I came..." she said timidly, looking slightly embarrassed and blushing.

"Did it feel good?"

"Mhm! Can we do it on the couch now?"

"Sure. Let me carry you there."

"Wait, Um, I'm a little heavy."

"Nonsense. You're a delicate little flower."

Adam removed himself from her and tried to pick up the small young woman. That's when he realized his blunder. The veins on his face twitched as he felt the weight of the world in his arms.

'Guh! Holy crap! She wasn't kidding! How much does she weigh!'

"Wow, Adam! You actually carried me! And I weigh like 200 pounds!"

'What! That's physically impossible! She looks completely normal! Where does all that weight come from!?'

"I-I'll carry you anytime, anywhere b-babe, guh..."

"Yay!" She shouted with joy. "I wanna piggyback ride at the park!"


Adam clenched his teeth and inched his way over to the couch feeling the bones on his legs creaking before dropping her on the couch like a sack of potatoes.

"Hehe! That was fun! Can I be on top this time Adam?"

Adam rubbed his sore arms. "I-I'd love that."



"Ma'am? Are you in there? I've got some paperwork that requires your attention."

"J-Just slide it under the door James. Please and thank you."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Lizeth Goredane was one of the many branch leaders of Mist, an organization backed by the government tailored toward recruiting and training humans with supernatural abilities to help fight against crime and portal nightmares. What are portal nightmares? Abominations that crawl in through cracks in reality from another plane of existence. They can't interact with anything or anyone except for ability users.

"Ahh, you know how to treat a woman, don't you Adam." The bald-headed woman moaned.

Lizeth was stroking her cock with slow, twisting motions while watching a live recording on her laptop of Adam and Annies' naked apartment tour. Due to her ability, Lizeth was born with the body of a female with male genitalia. This wasn't unusual as abilities came in all sorts of strange and exotic forms. Here was the ability of superhuman strength that scaled with how turned on she was. The hornier she got the stronger she became. It also improved her reflexes, speed, defensive capabilities, and mental resistance. Her semen also had the ability to temporarily grant whoever consumed, it in whichever orifice of the body, her power.

"Cepty dear, hop onto that table would you," Lizeth spoke into the earpiece.

"Arf," the dog on the other end replied.

The camera shifted its position to the top of the table and had a better view of a bouncing Annie on top of an Adam, both on the couch.

"So, you like well-endowed women, huh? I won't judge you, Adam. We got ourselves one of those in tech."

The video then moved away from the two and proceeded to the balcony where Interceptor started barking with a neighboring dog.

"...Cepty go back...Cepty can you hear me...Drats! I was so close!"



After working up a sweat Annie and Adam took a shower where they cleaned themselves thoroughly and erotically before sitting back down on the couch.

"Do you want to do anything else, Annie?"

"I would but I'm kind of sore down there."

"Yeah me too."

'My lap is sore...'

Annie smiled and gave Adam a hug. " You're the best Adam! Thank you for all the love you've given me!"

"Happy to share it."

Annie released her hug. "Well, I got some school work I have to do. You're welcome to stay for dinner."

"I better get home actually. I don't wanna get spanked again."

"Adam that's physical abuse! If you don't want to live there you can always live with me and my mom. My mom won't spank you."

'No, but I'll probably end up spanking her.'

Adam left with the dog back on his head. Eventually, he arrived back at his street and stood in front of his house.

"There's no way mom would let me keep a dog and I'm at college most of the day."

He grabbed the dog from his head and placed it down.

"Sorry girl, but I can't keep you. I'm not really sure what to do with you though."

"You found my dog."

Adam looked up to the source of the voice. A black-haired young man with glasses looking to be in his mid-twenties.

"Oh is this your dog?"

"Yes. Interceptor is my dog. Thank you for finding her." He goes up to the dog and picks it up.

"The pink bowed fluffy dog and the nerdy-looking man was a strange sight to Adam.

"My name's Adam."




He turned around and left. Adam couldn't help but notice he walked in between two houses where it lead to a backyard. It was a dead end.

'Where the heck is he going?'

He went to go check around the corner if the man was lost but was surprised when he saw no one there.

"Where'd he go?"

He looked around some more before giving up. He didn't want to be seen wandering around suspiciously in his neighbor's backyard.

"Adam is that you?"

He saw his neighbor Caroline watching him from her backdoor. She was a slightly plump middle-aged brown-haired woman who also happened to be voluptuous, sporting a nice big pair of j cups.

"Oh uh, hi there..."

"What are you doing back here?" she asked.

"A...a guy wandered back here..."

"Huh! In my backyard? Should I call the police?"

"Uh no, I don't think so. I think he might have been lost or something. He's gone now."

"Well, okay then. By the way, I heard some strange cries yesterday night coming over from your bedroom window. Is everything alright, Adam?"

"Cries? Oh uh, yeah! Everything's fine, haha! Nothing to worry about!"


Adam sniffed the air and noticed a wafting smell coming from inside Caroline's house. It smelled like something sweet baking in an oven.

Caroline chuckled, "You can smell that from all the way over there? You must have some nose."

"What are you cooking?" Adam asked, not having eaten anything since morning.

"It's an apple pie. Would you like a slice?"

"Um, sure."

"Well then, come on in!"

Adam thought back in his memories. The previous Adam had never really interacted with any of his neighbors. He was a quiet and reclusive boy that stayed in his room most of the day. He kind of felt sorry for him but he also felt sorry for himself. He had been similar to Adam in personality in his previous world, but after coming here, he realized that being in someone else's body had made him more bold and extroverted.

Adam followed behind the thick lady, walking inside her house. It was a neat and tidy place with houseplants, paintings, leather couches, and a brown dining room table.

"Your house looks nice Caroline."

"Thank you, Adam, and please call me Carol," Carol said, walking over to the kitchen and taking out her oven mitts. "How old are you Adam? You're in college right? That's what your mother told me."

"Yeah. And I turned 18 a few months back."

"Ohh, nice. You're legally an adult now. How does that make you feel?"

"Well, I don't feel like one honestly. My mom still treats me like a kid sometimes."

"Haha, I know how that feels." She takes out the pie from the oven and places it on the counter. The steam rises from the center and fills the room with an aromatic scent. "I'll give you a nice big slice of pie. Would you also like whip cream on it, Adam?"

"Whip Cream? Sure."

"Alright! One creampie coming up!"

Carol brought over two apple creampies, one for herself and one for her guest.

They sat together on the couch enjoying their pies with cream. Carol was a nice bubbly lady who enjoyed having small talk. Adam found out she worked at home as a web designer for various companies. She mostly lived by herself and used to own a cat before it ran away.

"How's your creampie, Adam?"

"It's delicious," Adam said after swallowing a bite. "I didn't think creampies were so wonderful. How's your creampie?"

"It could use a little more cream, actually," Carol said, licking the white stuff from the side of her mouth.

"Here, I'll go get some more." Adam walked over to the kitchen and he couldn't help but notice from the corner of his eye a certain small picture of a deity hung on the side of the fridge.

'The Goddess Mammary! Carol's a Mammarian?'