Akpan Strolled With Saviour Into The Cemetry Both Of Them Looking extremely Scared,they Strolled Further Along And Stared At The Opened "mouth" Of Plutino. both of them took in deep long breathes to contain their fear and tension. Akpan then signaled Saviour To Switch On The Torch They Went Further Into Plutino while maintaining the deep silence. Quite Soon they Arived At The location where Akpan found the queer object with the inscription. It Was Carved Thoroughly Circular With A Triangle In The Center And Some Thin Stick Drawn Around It Arround It numbering around seven in each cardinal point and a deep red eye could be found in the middle of the triangle with An Inscription Around It.The Inscription Was "when All Hope Is Lost And Faith Dwindling There Is The Key" written in an ancient language known as annang The Duo Couldnt Comprehend What those Word Meant

Hotel La Sparke

Saturday 3:00am

"all Aboard The Car Immediately We Are Late We Must Finish Our Work Today And Get The Hell Out Of Here' Ibrahim shouted to a group of men who were waiting to leave the hotel waiting for Crowe.

Crowe came out dressed in a blue jean with a black t-shirt and they were some words written on the t-shirt . He wore big black sun shade which seemed to match perfectly well with his slim yet muscular build.He was the epitome of perfection in most ladies mind. Immediately after he came out Ibrahim greeted him

"good morning sir"

"good morning...." he replied " hope you had a sound rest. enough of the chit- chat lets go"

He then strolled in to a black Suv van that was ignited and waiting for him to come in. then they zoomed off.

The Previous Day Comander Oy And Ebele Had Arrived The Hotel Dressed Like Old Tourist.They Had Taken Room15 Beside Crowe's Room. While Comming In They Had quickly and mischieviously placed a voice trans reciever under Crowe's door staying awake all night listening to the other end of the trans reciever expecting to gain any information but nothing paid off. So immediately after Crowe left in the Suv they got into a creammy coloured Mercedes Benz 2005 and followed the van at a safe distance

In the van Crowe smilled mischieviously while observing a mercedes benz trailing them.

"Ibrahim " he said . Ibrahim admitted his call by looking at him in the back seat through the rear view mirror, he continued " someone seems to be trailing us could you be kind enough to throw them off our trail" Ibrahim noded and immediately accelarated while raising a huge amount of dust . When Oy noticed them accelarating, he immediately accellarated hoping to meet up with them. However when he arrived he was greeted with an empty van with no one in

"damn it" Ebele swore while Oy merely looked at the empty van



Akpan Hushed For Saviour To Remain Quiet,the Thuds Of Adjoining Steps Where Being Heard. They Both Silently Ducked And Glid To Hide behind a tall tree to prevent being spotted by the men passing. Akpan was dumbfounded and he secretly thought {when did plutino turn to a national resort so as to have all this men}