Chapter 12: The Makings of a Blade Part Two (R-15)

Chapter 12: The Makings of a Blade Part Two (R-15)

We moved through another set of long corridors, passing covering over a kilometer in short strides we moved into another similar room like the previous room we were just in hours ago.

This time however there was only one single structure in the chamber below us, outside in the lower level stood the near perfected formation of multiple rows of the young bloods of the last iteration. Though fewer in numbers compared to what he had just seen these only numbered in the few dozens. These were older than the ones that Yin just saw hours ago; these were in the teenage years of age dressed in nothing but their undergarment boxers their well-defined bodies were bare for all to see. It was clear seeing the ruggedness' that they possessed what they must have endured for them to become the way they are now and it was of no surprise why. These were the lucky candidates who have survived thus far after receiving the first augmentations of transcendence and passed their training curriculum, thus earning the rights to advance to this stage.

Once again once we reached the viewing glass Ou-Yang Jinhai addressed the young bloods I once again like before couldn't even bother to listen to his speech he was giving. Seeing the scenery around me memories flashed around my eyes again and again like some kind of episode.

Strange I've been here countless times over the last twelve years seen this same exact scene and events play out multiple times, it has never fazed me then before for me to experience these replaces. The feeling I was feeling before returned in full force washing over mine senses, I felt my limbs go numb like the times when I have experience pure physical pain. However, I can't pinpoint the origin of this invasive emotion intruding upon my thoughts, but it's there I feel it inside my hearts as they were beating heavily in my chest.

I feel a sense of dread and lost but why, I want to rush out this instant but where would I go? I have a sense of direction of where to go for so unexplained reason but where is it coming from?

Once the pep talk was over and done with the first one among them entered the room beneath us this time however the room beneath us as the floor's color faded out becoming transparent, revealed a different scenery. The space beneath them resembled nothing like the room that they observed in the other room this wall was massive. Massive could even be said to be an understatement.

The space beneath Ou-Yang Jinhai and Yin Chen was tremendous in size and length yet the only object occupying the space within numbered just one. The structure's dimensions itself were breathtaking its multiple parts was unique it glowed and radiated with an unearthly power to them; the main attraction of the machine was the massive sphere orb in-between two connecting structures. Giving the machine a somewhat reassembles to that of a nuclear explosion image, of course it wasn't an actual explosion though the energy that the machine gave off surely feels dangerous enough.

This was The Body Adaptation Machine a key important instrument for us Blades enabling our process of transcended. This machine serves the function of infusing us with our greatest gifts bestowed onto us in this stage of augmentation, adapting our bodies to the extreme changes that we are to experience at this stage. Of course, like the producer before this one didn't have its own risk to it.

As the procedure is if one were to described it would be in well enough in the words of being "extremely delicate".

Beep-beep Coo~ a metallic chirping came up behind me I recognized this chirping.

Turning around I see it one of the many menial drones within Quan Zhou this one different from the others being circular in shape, a floating sphere with a singular sensory eye lenses that blinked and squint at me when it approached closer to me. Its hover engine humming smoothly in the air its coded binary tone of voice beeped in a happy tune once it was in front of me.

"Oh, hey Pod nice to see you too."

The drone in question beeped a code in its binary language then its single eye blinked, its Photoreceptors or Photolenses whatever name people chooses to call it, also known as visual sensors, the technical name for the optical sensors of a droid. They were the equivalent to an eye or better yet that's what they are. It blinked and it beep another code excitedly before it hovered around me before stopping in front of me again.

Seeing this droid, I couldn't help but crack a smile as it hovered in front in me. I reached out my right hand and caressed its smooth metallic surface skin, it let out a soft coo as it closed it one eye as my palm dragged over its body.

This was just another DX-4 Technical Drone, a type of Drone that we commonly employ in our service of the Ten-Thousand. Due to their nature as a Technical Drone, DX-4s are often found carrying repair and sensor equipment to assist their masters in whatever task they are needed as within their make-up design their consist of a semi-advanced processor unit, which individually only has a basic intelligence (approximately equal to that of a small animal such as a cat or dog). Thus, explaining it current behavior in a sense they are like a mechanical pet albeit to a much lesser degree.

Though Pod here really seems to be out of the norm in its show of affections towards me, I guess it must have grown on me though the feelings mutual. I too was fond of this little companion of mine yes, a companion. Pod was the first drone that I had interacted with when I first got here in Quan Zhou. Since then, it has always been with me by my side through the worst of times more than I could even bother to count, who am I kidding really of course I knew the number.

After a couple nanoseconds of cuddling that honestly felt like long hours, it removed itself from my grasp beeping it happy tune, its "eye" never breaking contact with mines.

"Nice to see you too pal I see you really missed me." It beeped happily again to my statement tilting its body slightly forward mimicking the motion of nodding a head. Before it hovered closer to my chest rubbing itself against my chest against the cloak overlapping my armor.

"Hey now I know, I know don't go ruining your newly polished buffed frame now wouldn't want you scratching it against my abbs now would you."

At my remark Pod back away slightly, it then squinted it singular eye, eyeing me over up and down before shaking it body side to side.

[1010101100101100111001100011101011001110] You don't have any manly muscles to speak of

This was what it said to me.

"Oh, shut it you little shit." Looking away from Pod I turned to look over the holoscreen which appeared and displayed itself in front of me to which I summoned to observe the procedure beneath me the process was already underway the first candidate was submerged once again in Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluids within the massive sphere of the Body Adaptation Machine.

Ou-Yang Jinhai too of course had multiple holoscreens projected around him eyes darting everywhere, drinking in all the information surging around him never missing a single piece of detail. That could also be said the same as me as the same information was being displayed to me as well.

Though only half of my attention was on the many holoscreens in front of me the other half was focused on the massive sphere tank below, I already knew the details and information of the second producer of our ascension ritual so there was really no need for me to examine the details. However, Pod here ever the little helper that he is linked to my sense through our special bond linking the details to me regards of my commands.

Ha~, Pod is almost a little too helpful at times even if it's in its programming to be thorough with everything assigned to it. Well even without the high commands it was understandable after all.

This was Phase Two of the Augmentations of our transcendence into what we are today. This was The Prana Ichor Implantations: a series of genetically-engineered organs grown from the special device implant called a Gene Seed. These implants are implanted in a candidate's body to further bolster their combat and survival ability should they live. These individual organ implants are known as Prana Ichors which contains genetically-engineered viral machined cells which rebuilds the human body according to the biological template contained within it. As the Prana Ichor itself is encoded with all the genetic information needed to reshape ordinary human cell clusters to bind with these special organs. The price of this however each implant has a high margin of catastrophic metabolic failure and physiological rejection and so only a small number of "candidates" would live through the process.

Having a successful implantation of this phase was even less than half of the percentage chance of the first stage the SWARA Treatment of us Blade's Augmentations. As this process of augmentation was nothing like what the first stage's chemical augmentations those only worked on a molecular level by targeting molecules within the body and then altering them to begin a growth process of targeted tissues.

The Prana Ichor however were a completely different breed all together they work on a genetic level of shaping, thus mutating these new bloods down to their body's very own atoms itself. This is why we call each other brother because after this transition we Blades, all of us of the Ten-Thousand are brothers of the same blood should they survive that is.

Though who the pro-genitor is, is up for debate among the Ten-Thousand as that information is sealed through the highest level even for us. Even to me of my rank truthfully, I even think even our War-Master Kwan Tai Feng Xia doesn't have the privilege to access that info. Even though we know the way to transform a young boy into a brother, but we don't know the source of our transformation.

Well, truth be told it honestly doesn't interest me one bit in knowing such a trivia thing, the end result of what we become is all that really matters. As I turned my sights towards the area below my feet a flash shocking my sense.

What-, I – I don't even have words for what I just experienced just now I mean what was that for a second I could've sworn that I just had a vision or something to that effect the image was a man. I couldn't see the face but I felt a connection to it for some reason, I felt pain through the image I don't know why looking down at the machine below didn't help me much, much less seeing the body within.

The body within the machine has undergone tremendous changes within the massive sphere submerged within the body pool of Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluids, I can see everything as I looked down into the machine at the body within. Then once again another flash and a clearer image flashed before me much like the body beneath me. The new blood's body floated within the machine his body hovering naked exposed red and glistening, bare and open for all to see as the machine sliced him apart. The young boy's body now hideless with exposed muscles each cord of sinew and muscle fibre on display glistening within the pool in the reflexed light.

The machine's Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluid has flayed his skin, skinning and scraped off his flesh down to the bone, the blood keep sealed within by the fluids around his body. His skin now floated in the space below him, a flayed sacrifice offering to some higher being in ancient times for power.

Another flash this time it was more intense the body unlike the one before my true sight was brutally and horrifically torn apart by various sets of tools. A buzzing saw descending from above descending toward the exposed ribcage of the man held ontop a table. I could nearly taste the rich hot iron that was filling my nose I could feel the crack and splitting of bone being forced apart as the saw cut through the bone. The sharp smell of hot bone cut through my senses, the whining became wetter, then abruptly ceased. Then the bone saw withdrew.

How was and where was this coming? This was obviously an illusion but it feels so surreal this greatly unnerved me I was surprised I could still feel such emotions other than a certain few.

Throughout this whole process Ou-Yang Jinhai who didn't even look away from the holoscreens expect for a slight second looking towards me through his peripheral vision as he addressed me.

"Brother, your heart rates have spiked along with your third heart which has seem to kick into full everything alright?"

Of course, he knew. He knew that shock that ripped through me was projected through our other senses that was unavoidable, the shock did catch me off guard which shames me little in the world can do such a feat nowadays.

"I'm fine Ou-Yang Jinhai there is no issue with me."

"Hm~." He didn't pursue any further and turned his attention back towards the new blood; however, I knew he didn't truly let it go, I knew he probably pulled a separated data stream of my biometrics and was now keeping tabs on me now.

Beep~ Pod who was beside me gave out a low mechanical chirp filled with worry as it nuzzled me. Great was I that obvious that even Pod can tell my unstable mind right now? Just where were these visions coming from though and just who am I looking at?

Ou-Yang Jinhai all the while still multitasking examining multiple streams of data on his internal systems processed through his armor and his DNI when he was finally satisfied at the readings they displayed, then Ou-Yang Jinhai spoke.

"Begin the first phase."

At his command the machine responded. Within the sphere the Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluids got to work once more, the new blood's chest muscles began to fade from his ribcage. Disappearing as if into nothingness dissolved by the fluid as the young blood flesh opening up his body further. Now the ribcage was exposed to see, the metallic shine of the Carbide Ceramic Ossification fused perfectly with the bones from the previous augmentation. The bones were then spilt and pull them back from each other, as this was happening once again Ou-Yang Jinhai checked a number of information being relayed and projected to him as well as to me.

Now several objects then floated within the pool near the edges before they drifted in the fluids drifting closer to the now open ribcage the first items were two hearts. These two floated straight to the young blood's original heart once fitted tightly and snuggled together there on a microscope level the hearts arteries and nerval systems severed redirected and reconnected.

These were the Secondary and Third Capacity Heart also known as the Revitaliser: These were the first and least difficult implants of all the Prana Ichors to install. The Secondary Heart increases our blood supply and pumping capacity and is capable of taking over entirely should our first heart the primary heart fail. It may also pump steroids and adrenaline into the first, original which we like to call the primary heart to give us Blades an extra "rush" of energy on the battlefield. The third heart function in the same manner albeit smaller than the other two hearts and is pack tightly along with the main and secondary heart thus we Blades possess three hearts in total, because they are located so closely together in our bodies, to many unknowingly refer to it as one organ even to a pulse reader.

This is a dormant organ that connects to the hearts. In times of extreme stress, or should the warrior's body undergo violent, damaging trauma, it expels great blurts of self-synthesized chemicals -- a hyper-cocktail that simulates the biological action of combat stems in today's modern military forces but purer without the distasteful side effects also while also aiding in the rapid regrowth of tissue, bone and muscle. However still cannot be done consistently once active after use it will then fall dormant again, and takes some time to metabolically build itself up once more for the next usage.

The next two object drifting into the exposed chest were even smaller than the third heart by comparison no bigger than a small marble as they disappeared within. I knew where they went, I didn't even need the machine camera scans to reveal to me where the two objects went.

Unnecessary as Pod's scans projected to me showing the interior x-ray scans the body but I don't complain.

The first of these two tiny organs is known as the Steelheart: Implanted directly into the chest cavity this implant strengthens and further accelerates the growth of their already near indestructible skeleton structure. The signs of their Carbide Ceramic Ossification surgy along their skeleton structure still visible even after years since the augmentation has taken place. Now their bones will further massively bolster their still yet still growing skeletomuscular development and muscle fiber density throughout body by unleashing a wave of human growth hormones. As well as by inducing their bones to absorb a metallic mineral administered in into the body via the Nano-Machine infusion. This is done via a syringe needle that directly injected itself into the bone this tool came after the Steelheart was implanted.

Now within two years after this surgery, this new potential battle brother's skeleton will become exponentially stronger than a normal man, with attention of the rib cage fusing into a solid bone plate to provide greater protection from injury for the internal organs.

The second Prana Ichor is The Enhancer: this one Implanted itself into one of the main blood vessels in this case the aorta, the result wouldn't have been any different if it was implanted in the femoral artery or the vena cava, The Enhancer alters our blood's biochemical composition to carry oxygen and nutrients more affectedly and efficiently. The actions of The Enhancer turns our blood a brighter shade of red than that of normal humans because of its greatly increased oxygen-carrying capacity.

The next object that came was an organ that greatly resembled the two human lungs, this one was fitted underneath the main two original lungs, the inner pathways was severed and reconnected as two pairs of syringe needle cable came and pierced the original lungs, fluids being injected into them.

This third lung or the Multi-lung: became implanted into the young blood's pulmonary and circulatory systems in the chest cavity which enables us to absorb oxygen from environments usually too poor in oxygen to allow normal human respiratory functioning. Breathing is accomplished through a sphincter implanted into the trachea, allowing all three lungs to be used at full capacity. In toxic environments, a similar muscle closes off the normal lungs, thus oxygen is absorbed exclusively by the Multi-lung, which then filters out the poisonous or toxic elements practically makes us Blades immune to toxic and dangerous gases.

A third needle headed toward the upper front part of the chest, in the anterior superior mediastinum, behind the sternum, and in front of the heart. Stabbing into the meat this organ is the Thymus, the thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Within the thymus, thymus cell lymphocytes or T cells mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders.

But now with the infusion of unique engineered DNA implanted into the Thymus transforming it into a new organ which we call God's Might: This Prana Ichor through the infusion will mutate into a more advanced and sturdier organ. It still retains its original function before its transformation into a super organ but to a greater degree. Actively creating new antibodies when the body encounters new threats and rapidly replacing dead cells with new cells keeping the body in top peak conditions longer than normal humans.

Next the muscles at the body's core parted away from each other at the center now exposing the rest of the human anatomy further. The stomach like the other organs before it was severed and cut on the microscopic level untraceable to the naked human eye, then it was pulled from its place in the body drifting away to the edge of the pool out of site a similar organ resembling the stomach but structured differently and slightly larger than the original was reattached into place.

This is the Multiple Layer Stomach: Vastly different in comparison to the original Stomach Organ that was just removed and this is a multi-layer stomach gene-seed organ thus resulting in a sense a Blade having three stomachs in total. The first, containing constricting muscles that ensures any matter is deceased before it continues through the digestive tract. The second "stomach" is a tube canal connecting the first and second layer sandwiched in-between the two it is essentially a furnace ensuring that the swallowed item is entirely vaporized into its component parts and absorbed into the body. Finally, the third stomach applies acid to further break down our meals ensuring nothing solid remains.

Now that I think about it, I rarely remember even need to use the latrine as often as a normal mortal would in their average everyday life. Oh well not that is even an issue.

Then came The Neutraliser: The Neutraliser is essentially an organic decontamination chamber that is implanted inside the chest cavity and connected to the digestive system, above the stomach so that no actual digestion occurs in The Neutraliser. It is capable of biochemically analyzing ingested materials and neutralizing most known biochemical and inorganic toxins and many others that remain unknown save for their toxic effects. The Neutraliser enables us to eat normally inedible substances and resist any poisons we may ingest. Deadly poisons are either neutralized or isolated from the digestive tract by the Neutraliser. The Neutraliser can also be isolated from the rest of the digestive tract to deal with particularly toxic substances that a we may simply vomit back up later or the other function.

Next The Purifier and The Healer.

The Purifier works in conjunction with The Neutraliser, filtering the blood to remove toxins that have been ingested or breathed into the body. However, this detoxification process renders even us unconscious once it begins, so it can be very dangerous say during combat.

The Healer shaped like the human liver but only the size of a golf ball, this Prana Ichor organ is placed within the chest cavity and manufactures the synthetic biological cells known as Oracle Cells. These biosynthetic cells serve the same physiological purpose for a us as the normal human body's platelets, serving to clot the blood lost from wounds, but they act faster, more efficiently and more effectively. Whenever anyone of us becomes wounded and incurs blood loss, Oracle Cells are released by his circulatory system, attached to the body's normal leukocytes (white blood cells). At the site of the injury, they form scar tissue in a matter of seconds, effectively preventing massive blood loss and infection of the wound.

A human heart shaped organ after the Healer was implanted was placed in the new abdominal cavity and it became a part of the new excretory system. The Helix Furnace: an emergency detoxification organ that allows a us to survive exposure through the respiration, tactile contact or ingestion of poisons, toxins and gases that are too powerful for even his rugged system to normally process without this organ's help. Under normal circumstances, the Helix Furnace also acts as a regulatory organ for us Blade's new enhanced physiology, maintaining the efficient action of the Blades's advanced circulatory system and the proper functioning of his other organs, implanted or otherwise. One important regulator of the Helix Furnace is the compression of the dense muscle mass that we Blades develops during their transformation from normal mortal into transhumant demigod however this is need with the aid of The Helix Weaver to regulate the Amplifier.

Our Hearts also help the Helix Furnace to biochemically regulate the actions of the 2nd and 3rd Prana Ichor implants, The Ironheart and The Enhancer.

Once all these was fitted and attached properly the bones of the ribcage was pulled back together to reattach all the while the next was another set of syringe needle cables and a tiny marble seed drifted to the young blood's face. A skinless face like the rest of the body teeth bared which grinned deaths grin. Lidless eyes that stared up directly into the void but the eyes were sightless. They saw nothing the eye's lightless pupils split apart; Corneal Implants included as the seeds float into the gap created once inside the gap was resealed. Then the syringe needle cable stabbed into both eyes and begin another injection.

The Prana Ichor God's Eye: Essentially enhances a Blade's eyesight after being implanted along the optic nerve and connected to the retina, granting him exceptional vision and the ability to see normally in a low-light environment. Due to the multiple layers of augmentation enhancements to a Blade's eyes there is an array of abilities combining all other elements this Prana Ichor gives to a Blade's sight.

Next the muscles along the jaw lines and the throat parted away from the bones as another set of organs seeped into the space in between the muscle fibers, as a separate one went to the throat alongside another syringe needle cable.

The Devourer: This Prana Ichor organ consists of 2 separate glands implanted into multiple locations inside a Blade's mouth. The first function allows a Blade to biochemically assesses a wide variety of things simply by taste or smell, biochemically testing various objects for toxicity and nutritional content, essentially determining if the substance is edible or poisonous. From poisons to chemicals to animals, a Blade can even track his quarry by taste or smell alone, much like the average canine bred for tracking.

The secondary function including the inside of the lower lip, in the salivary glands or in the hard palette, these two glands work in tandem to transform a (Blade)'s saliva into a corrosive, blinding acid when consciously triggered. Often these toxins where those extracted are rerouted from The Neutraliser and then molecularly stored in The Devourer for future usage by the Blades.

Yes this was an important useful tool back during the old days I got myself out of a pickle with these several times.

Enhanced Voicebox or The Heaven's Roar: This Prana Ichor infusion of unique engineered DNA implanted into our throats this allows us Blade to speak in different sound frequencies and volume but most notably to help amplify a warrior's battle cries to deafening volumes. Honestly it just feels more like it's there really just to keep us from getting a sore throat, as it's rare for us to even shout even in the rawest height of combat.

The same event took place through the body again happened at the back of the skull, flesh parted and the shiny bone dissolved and opened revealing the human brain within once again another set of Prana Ichors drifted toward to the brain.

The first of the Prana Ichors heading to that area, implanted into itself into the back of the cerebrum then the rest of the organ merged within the young blood's ear lopes. The Hibernator: a three-part implant, this implant allows a Blade to avoid sleep, instead entering an almost comatose trance where their minds "recharge". It also allows one half of the brain to rest while the other hemisphere remains alert, thus removing the need for the unconsciousness required by normal sleep.

This Prana Ichor organ implant is also link to the Blade's via the second and third parts of the implant, renders a Blade immune to dizziness and motion-induced nausea, and enables the Blade to consciously filter out "white noise" or resist other sonic attacks and greatly enhance certain sounds over the capabilities of normal human hearing. Not only does this implant's improved inner ear structure, it is externally indistinguishable from a normal human ear in size and shape their altered ear with further mutations enables them to develop superior hearing than average humans. Allowing us to hear extreme variances of sounds and frequencies, thus allowing us to pick up noises from across an area. With enough control we can even block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.

Next process happened near the base of the brain on the fully developed pseudo-brain lobe formed through the implantation of the DNI as another infusion commenced. This will result in the pseudo-brain lobe becoming slight larger than before about twice the size of a thumbnail that will existed within the cerebral cortex of the brain. Structurally divided into two hemispheres or valves, the right or "Right Lobe" and the left or "Left Lobe."

This new organ which we call the Herrscher Mind "God's Mind" still carries on its function before which still governs spatial awareness even after the infusion except the user's spatial awareness, is enhanced to a greater degree. Developing into one of most unique and prominent powers of the Blades a psychological awareness of their surroundings, it allows a Blade to detect danger before it happens and warns him of it in no time. With a now extra bonus of a higher function.

Then came a dark colored hexagonal-shaped tablet with six trapezoids surrounding the inside and a small circle in the center. This came to be placed directly unearth the brain connected to the brain stem between the spinal cord before a small grey diamond shaped from the center of the hexagonal-shaped tablet before it was brought to the front of the face then like an outer special tissue was then tattooed onto the flesh of the forehead.

This was the Bio Brain-Neurochip / The Index: an artificial secondary brain for the Blades, it was also referred to as the Index and its existence was a very closely guarded secret by the order like any other Prana Ichor, but the Index has a very important function to how we've been so evasive and inclusive at what we do. However, its main function it fulfills the same functions as a human brain and acts as a backup brain incase if the main brain ceases which retains the user's personality and memories. It is also the main bio-computer to which a Blade stores extensive amounts of information such as blueprints, vital information etc. Bio Brain-chips were constructed and regulated by our central computer system operational support Tac-Net or the Codec.

Another marble size organ was implanted into the upper spinal cord so that it becomes a component of the central nervous system, The Tracer: this organ is designed to absorb information and any DNA, RNA or protein sequences related to experience or memory. This enables us Blades to gain information, in a survival or tactical sense, simply by eating an animal indigenous to an alien world and then experiencing some of what that creature did before its death.

"Hm~." Through it all it seemed to have been running smoothly but then I see it in the biometrics data stream.

"Ou-Yang Jinhai do you see that?" who am I kidding here of course he saw it, it was preposterous to even assume such a notion.

"Yes~, Jack – at his call another DX-4 Technical Drone this was differed from Pod next to me its body being rectangular in shape, its small mechanical arms hung underside. - Prep the Alpha Omega protocol and prim the Quantum Batteries."

Jack beeped it compliance as it went to a nearby console to fulfil its task while the producer continued on below us.

Continuing on in the same general area what was being implanted right now was The Helix Weaver: This Prana Ichor infusion of unique engineered DNA directly implanted into the Spinal Cord which enhances it, changing the Spinal Cord making it sturdier with extra spindles that extend out through the body adding to the already original complex human nerve system. However, this new Spinal Cord like the original nerve system transmits neruo via electrical impulses transmitted through body but in mere micro seconds but at a much faster rate and allows for a more complex control of their body than a normal human.

Then came the last Prana Ichor to be implanted in upper body.

The Amplifier: This Prana Ichor is a three-part organ the first part being a small, thumbnail-sized lobe that is inserted into the brain's cortex secretes hormones that increase the body's growth functions but this is counteracted against by the Helix Furnace so that the we do not grow to extreme heights beyond the realm of normal human heights. However, our muscles and bones will still grow and develop but is tightly compactly compressed by both the Helix Furnace and the Helix Weaver. Whilst at the same time also intensifying the function of its other transhuman implants. The second and third is implanted within the central nervous system and links into the endocrine system via the lymphatic system, this part of the gene-seed organ alters the pigment cells in the skin, which allows the Blade's skin to shield him from otherwise dangerous levels of radiation and heat. Which also responds to specific chemical stimuli in the environment causing the Blade to secrete a waxy protein substance similar to mucus through his pores that seals his skin.

I didn't really pay too much attention to the implantation of this Prana Ichor as most of my concentration lingered on the same reading that caught my attention prior to it.

"The readings are not going down it seems to be rising the rejection rate is climbing." I said flatly as the data stream played out in front of me. There wasn't any need to say any more than that we both knew what the readings meant.

"Processed on with the surgery we'll keep an eye on it in case something happens keep going.'' Ou-Yang Jinhai speaks as if he was trying to reassure me or speaking out loud with confidence but his words carried anything but comfort to the normal ears. That's just not how Ou-Yang Jinhai works that how we all operate, though he may speak in a cold manner to outsider who doesn't understand him he was already working a remedy. His hands which were held close to his chest throughout most of the process was now loose tapping away at the holo-monitor in front of him. His face still held onto that cold calculated poker face no hint of panic or direst this is just how Ou-Yang Jinhai is, prepared and ready not arrogant.

"Pod do a thorough scan and find the source of the problem and notify me once located and isolated before it reaches critical."


Pod complied with my order as it hovered over to a separate console jacked a cable from its body into the machine and began its work.

"Begin the implantation of the Sinew Coils and then seal up the body, Jack fire up the Quantum Batteries once the body is patched back up, we need to stabilize him."

Jack beeped out a binary compliance as it gave a quick salute it then turned back to its console its manipulator arms tapping away at the controls as it went on with its task. Meanwhile within the tank below a bundle of metallic cables was now hovering up above the body suspended horizontal by the Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluids in the tank, they resembled a network of veins, roughly in the shape of the human body. Hovering parallel to the now restored fleshy body whose skin still hovered underneath him, with a tap of a command it started to descend down to the new blood's body. When the floating sculpture of steel wiring was fractions of an inch away from the young blood's it suddenly sprang into life from it was dormancies, writhing life, squirming around like snakes out from its form what it resembled now was but an abstract sculpture of a man, losing their semblance to the human form. They then lanced downward, slipping soundlessly due to the tank separated from the outside world into the spaces in the young man's skinless flesh. For a moment the young blood's body jiggled with the coils' activity as they infiltrated every part of his body melding with it.

Sinew Coils: Organic Nano-Metallic Coil-Cables that bonds with and reinforces the candidate's body sinews which will magnifying his strength with incredible force as well as giving his body another layer of defense.

Once the body ceased twitching and fell still the flayed skin drifted back up to the body, then machine's Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluids began mending the skin back unto the body, however judging from his now awake expression and agonized expression plastered on his face his condition was worsening I didn't need to read the data stream to know that fact.

"The sinew coil net is in place he's definitely going to be sore for a few weeks after all this should he make it through this stage."

"And make it he will now Jack." Beep-beep Ou-Yang Jinhai gave the order Jack complied taping at controls.

The thrum of distant generator device buzzed and cracked in my ears despite knowing the density of the walls around us. A jolt of power came from below the capsules ran through first through Bio-Nucleic Acid Fluids and into the young blood's body. His body arched as his muscles fired, threatening to rip the seams of the reattached skin where the Fuilds have yet to fully seal. At that very moment it looked like the young blood was screaming but the fluids and the machine caught his cries concealing it from the world.

Machines flared and blinked in alarm around us I looked to the vital reading the signs on screens ran flat that's not a good sign.

"It is not working." I cried out unknowingly to my shame why was I so work up?

"Jack power up the generators again by 50% more power!' cried Ou-Yang Jinhai as his hands danced furiously along the multiple holo-screens in front of him. He then moved to a nearby consul machine eyes still fixated on his screen, his robes parted as his few dozens of manipulators arms emerged from his back, plugging into machines, turning dials, jabbing at buttons.

"Now!" power once again surged through the machine.

I could do nothing more but watch the projection screen intently as another surge of energy raced through young blood's body. Again, his body arched. His still face grimaced blindly eyes still sightless and mouth open in wordless scream before nothing. The silence of the vital reading went silent before when the energy surge struck his body it restored some of his vitals sighs again, now it has flattened.

"Brain function have ceased and all organs have shut down... he's dead...A failure huh."

Ou-Yang Jinhai said with a heavy sigh yet still having that same calculated poker face, this was a result that he had anticipate in advance including me.

"Jack…...retrieve the body and repair the body...processed with the mind wipe cleansing and have it sent to the Armaments Bureau to prepare for the Zhong Kui procedure."


Jack gave a quick salute with its manipulator arms and head out of the room down below the badly ruined body was retrieved out of the Body Adaptation Machine by other menial drones. Red crimson blood oozing out of the open gaps on the body mixing in with the Bio-Fluids still clinging to the body.

"Cleanse and decontaminate the area then prepare the next patch of Prana Ichors…...replace the Quantum Batteries for fresh packs...…. send in the next one." He said and thus the cycle continued on for the next seven days until we were finally done with every single young blood.

Warning: this scene contains adult scenes if you don't like it or are underage! ! ! !

Night has fallen upon the sky in a distant space from Quan Zhou back onto the mainland of what use to be known to the world as China now called Shenzhou. Days have passed time outside of Quan Zhou, there within the different spaces of landmass among the now many different Fort cities or Settlements like that of Neo – Xianglong, hidden and protected from the outside world. In one particular Settlement within one of the many rooms of a particular large building the slight sweet noise of a girl's muffled moans could be heard if one were to focus behind a set of closed doors. Within the room at the amin desk in the room one silhouettes could be seen behind a desk pile of paper works, holoscreen project around the table. There are two silhouettes one on top of another. To be precise one was seated on the desk with the other seated right in between the top person's legs

The silhouettes of a man and a female could be seen through the dark shade of the door window with the man seated upon the on top of the desk and the female between his legs far off into the corner of the room that they cannot be seen by others.

The girl who was kneeling in between man's legs, her head and be seen bobbing back and forth repeatedly.

The man's Big Meat Stick was sticking out his pants through his zipper, the woman stopped bobbing her head down on the meat stick and which to stroking it with her hands. The woman's hands were now boding up and down the man's younger brother; she could feel that the meat stick was very hot in her hands, because one hand was not enough to hold it as she used both hands.

Her lips then kissed the tip of the rod while she was breathing heavy, her face was very red, she was moving her hands up and down slowly as to not hit herself in the face as she licked and sucked at the tip. The man though with his eyes open, his face still holding the same smile seemly not affect by the pleasure as he felt the girl's very soft hand rubbing him off as it felt very pleasant when she moved it up and down.

Till finally after what seemed like forever to the woman the man finally closed his eyes and seemly moaned softly, the girl saw his enjoyment's face then accelerated up and down. After 15 minutes into it her lover's rod still hard and it didn't seem like anything was going to come out anytime soon, her hand was already feeling very tired at this time

"Director Chenglei you still have not come out yet my hands are tired enough."

"Then you simply aren't trying hard enough Ou-Yang Suyin my dear."

Within the dim lighting of the holo-screens the man was revealed to be an elderly man his short well-kept greying hair illuminated by the bright light from the holo-monitor, along with his well-toned aged face still firm with few to no wrinkles. Once again, the woman's lips enveloped the tip of his c.o.c.k then process to work her tongue on the meat stick again.

Suck-suck, nh❤! Bu~! Slurp uuu~❤! Suck-suck, slurp~❤

The noise of wet slurping echoed within the room which was then interrupted by the mechanical sound of automatic doors to the room opening. Then found with the soft footsteps

"Master.... Director General Quan Chenglei and Madame Ou-Yang Suyin here is the latest reports that you have been expecting." A soft feminine metallic voice rang out behind the love making couple.

"Ah~! Right on time Pixie my girl." The elderly man Quan Chenglei was very familiar with this voice, he looked back for a second and saw the figure had already stood a few feet from the desk. He then pushed off his lover form his throbbing c.o.c.k and released the pent-up feeling with his meat rod.

"Ah! ! ! ? ❤ The woman named Ou-Yang Suyin then shouted loud because she wasn't ready, and now her entire face was covered by her lover's thick white liquid. She quickly retreated fighting against the c.u.m in her eyes looking for a napkin to wipe it off.

Not paying her any attention Quan Chenglei turned his own attention to the newcomer the figure in question was a middle age range looking woman with dark blue hair and turquoise eyes. Her hair is arranged on a ponytail, and her forelocks are neatly separated in the middle, with both locks equal in length. Her attire is similar to a maid's outfit, consisting of a dress with puffed shoulders, long sleeves, and a skirt that balloons outward.

Overall, the figure looked to be that of a very beautiful woman that any human would have taken to be normal human female if not for glowing lines running along her body. On her temples on both sides, she seemed to bear a pair of unique hairpin-like ornament that lights up in tandem with the light veins pulsing in the same rhythm beat.

The figure who resembled a human female walked closer to Quan Chenglei handing him a holoframe this one was thick like old paper books being flat and rectangular in shape. The screen lit up revealing its contents to Quan Chenglei the moment he tapped at the home button on the lower bottom of the holoframe.

After scrolling through the details and swiping at the screen several times a slight grin began to form on his face as he continued to read. The woman Ou-Yang Suyin came to his side with a tissue at hand wiping away the last drops of his spunk on her face, trying to glance at the device in his hand.

"What's the news?"

"The little gift that little old Yang's girl brought for me was the final piece to fixing our little problem with our projects, seems like we might still be able to hit the deadline afterall."

Quan Chenglei stated as he handed her the holoframe for her to review before turning his attention to the newcomer again his hands grasped together like a student intently listening to a school lecture.

"Tell me Pixie judging from these numbers how soon can they be ready and how soon can we move to the next step."

"Master I calculate that they should be ready within the next few weeks or so the latest will probably the end of this month." The figure named Pixie answered in the same distant metallic tone of voice.

"Do you still wish to carry on with date for schedule demonstration?"

"Yes, we will continue on with the original plan I'm sure our backers are anxiety to know the results of their investment afterall. Suyin my dear would go oversee the preparations for next weeks presentation at the council meeting coming up."

"Already on it my love…...say though Pixie how has the next batch of fresh meat been coming along?"

"The next batch of recruits have already been assembly and have been taken to the 'factory' to begin the in process madame I have the list right here everything has been running smoothly."

Pixie then handed Ou-Yang Suyin another holoframe which she reviewed the data intently as she slowly walked to the doorway from which Pixie came in.

"Alright then I'll head on out first then I'll make up the rest of the time later."

Ou-Yang Suyin blew a kiss to Quan Chenglei before she turned to exited the room leaving Quan Chenglei with the mechanical looking woman Pixie. Silence replaced the atmosphere till the faint whirr faintly echoed from Pixies direction, her eye pupils dilating rapidly beyond that of a normal human.

"Master I detected of stress and need would you like my service since madame Ou-Yang Suyin is unavailable for you at the moment."

"This that even a question Pixie come service me override code: T.H.O.T."

At his command a shift changed happened to Pixie who upon received the command froze for a second, her eyes dilating rapidly whirr louder than before. Then her emotionless face then morphed into a face with a coquettish smile of a seductive aura that could charm any man, she then slowing approached Ou-Yang Suyin her hands working on her maid uniform never breaking her stride seductively unzipped her long dress and slipped it slowly from her smooth shoulders that glittered in the moonlight flowing into from the windows behind Ou-Yang Suyin. Piece by piece the uniform slid down her body like running water all the way down to her blushing feet. Onward she stepped out swaying her h.i.p.s in a provocative music that only ringed in Quan Chenglei's ear.

"Yes master~❤"

She moved with an alluring sound and danced e.r.o.t.i.cally in front of her master continuing to remove her clothing till her bare form was revealed. Standing in front of him her state being reduced to only her undergarment her body was revealed to the world, her form was perfected, pale white skin glossy and smooth slender and curvy at the right angels even the light veins running along her body only seemed to allure her form more. She then unclasps her brassiere and letting it fell off her body exposing her fair, smooth b.r.e.a.s.ts and perky Ou-Yang Suyin watched every second of it not missing a single moment he didn't even take the time to even blink grazing her every curve along the way.

With the way her h.i.p.s softly sway and her eyes enticing him to submit, like any professional stripteaser. She then put one leg over his own swing her hips in the process highlighting the wet core in between her thighs that being covered by flimsy G-string underwear. His brother was aching at this point, sticking out of the gap on his trousers it pulsed and stiffened, precum oozing of its tip it almost even hurt seeing this enticing scene but still he took no action.

Then Pixie shoved her bountiful mounds to his face the smooth cool texture felt just pleasant as real skin to him, the spell that held him broker as his hands grabbed at her. One hand at her waist pulling her closer the other behind her shoulder while his mouth snared one of her hard peaks inside his hungry mouth. Pixie released a moan at the delicious assault and she arched her body closer to him for more access. She then fully mounted him while writhing her h.i.p.s grinding her pelvis against his bulging meat rod roughly against her already soaked underwear.

"Rah~! You little cunt!" Ou-Yang Suyin rasped as he exploded due to her grinding his c.u.m sprayed everywhere on her lower thigh even on his pants. He then lifted Pixie up in his arms who also in turn grabbed at him to prevent herself from falling as he moved to his desk. Along the way he torn off his trouser and her undergarment while his lips assault her lips whom responded in kind licking the saliva from his mouth drinking it like honey.

Once her buttocks hit the desk surface, he guided his c.o.c.k along the entrance cave then slammed his still hard stiff p.e.n.i.s up and down inside her. Her prefect frame bounced from his intense thrust, his movement was primal, like a beast mating for the first time after being starved for centuries.

"Ah~❤ yes master~❤ ah! ❤"

PAH PAH PAH! The slapping sounds of their skin intensified as he vigorously rammed his p.e.n.i.s repeatedly inside her with great abandonment.

"You little cunt enticing me like that huh you need to remember your place you liitle cunt take my c.u.m you little slut!" Ou-Yang Suyin exclaimed as he exploded deep with the smooth flexible tunnel canals of Pixie's inner workings

"Master ha! Ah! Master release your potent seed inside me I want it, it's all mine give it to me~❤!"

"Gahh, Argh!" he groaned loudly like a beast as he released his s.e.m.e.n inside her. His face contorted in sublime pleasure. They stayed pressed together for a moment sweat bathed Ou-Yang Suyin's body then his waist began moving again his c.o.c.k never exiting out of Pixie's cave.

"This isn't over just yet you little cunt this is just the beginning." PAH PAH PAH! Once again, the slapping of skin echoed loudly in the room again along with the creaking of the desk underneath them due to Ou-Yang Suyin's thrusting.

"Ah~❤ yes master take me take your slut I am yours use me!" Pixie m.o.a.ned deliciously as Ou-Yang Suyin was f.u.c.k.i.n.g her really hard and rough, enticing her body to sank in pleasure. The night carried on with the sweet moans of a woman from behind the closed door along with the strong scent of intercourse to which the building workers discovered the next day.