1.5 My Two Friendly And Playful Beasts

"Here, you can hold them, my child. These two cubs are a mountain lion and a cheetah. These two were left bestowed to me by their mothers who were perished just after giving birth to them. The only two of them had survived with me for some weeks now."

Auntie Milla was holding out the two cubs in her hands and offered me to hold and caress them. I held out my arms and she placed it over and I quickly embraced them, afraid that they might be scampering in the dark and I would immediately lose sight of them.

"Hii...Hii...They felt so fuzzy and fluffy. This cub here is cute too. So many spots on the body... Hii... Hii... Hii... I could spend hours counting on these spots all day... And this one too, even it doesn't have a spot at all, but it has a thick tawny coloured coat."

The two cubs that had just smelled a new scent around it began to burrow deep into my frock, nudging their heads and both purred and mew at the same time. Each of them weighed quite heavy for even a small-sized puppy.

"They both liked you very much, my child. Let me tell you about their profile. This is a mountain lion, and she is not a typical lion that has a mane or something. This would be the biggest cat in the Animal Kingdom. It is fierce, yet graceful. This big cat teaches us that we are capable of climbing fantastic heights and making great leaps of putting our minds to it."

"Cheetahs are built for speed, and they are the world's fastest land animal. The cheetah can chase its prey for 300 meters at the speed of 114 kilometres per hour."

"Mountain lions, when stalking and attacking prey, utilizes extraordinary leaping abilities. They are capable of running jumps exceeding 40 feet and standing vertical leaps of up to 15 feet."

"Mountain lions are typically an ambush predator, stalking their prey before finding the opportunity to leap on its back and deliver a suffocating neck bite. Their natural enemies in the wild are wolves where they would fight over and control the territories."

"Combined the two beasts together, you have one that has a high sensitivity to vision and scent as well as the ability to conceal herself and wait for hours before stalking their Prey. On the other hand, you have a beast that's built for speed."

The information that was relayed by Auntie Milla was too much for a ten-year-old like me to absorb at that time. All I knew that one was a mountain lion and the other was a cheetah. The mountain lion was also called a cougar, puma or panther but due to being narrated by a Native American elder, they used to term it as the former.

"Mm... Auntie Milla, can I keep these two as pets? They looked so cute and I fell in love them already..."

I asked in a matter of fact, thinking that these two cubs would make great pets, better than dogs I suppose. I looked at Auntie Milla and she looked at me and gazed me with her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to keep them, my child? Rearing them requires great responsibilities. You would not only keep them, but you would be bonding with them at your own will. These animals were of great spiritual beings, and to be able to take care of them, means you are being part of their lives and them as part of your daily lives too, my child."

At that time, getting my hands on these two cute cubs and being part of my lives don't matter. I didn't realise that I was still part of the dream world and all these were happening in my subconscious mind. Little did I knew, that I was going to be a part of Moscagee Tribe, in the dream world of course.

Soon, I was nodding to her in acknowledgement of what I'm supposed to do and such. I was ready to be fused and was reminded of how to summon them after I had fused with them. Little did I knew, I was going to be a Shapeshifter.

I was led by Auntie Milla deeper into the cave, with the two cubs in my embrace. I was kissing their heads burying my face in theirs as I walked unknowingly where Auntie Milla was leading me to until we stopped at a small makeshift bed. It was built on four low stilts, and had a thick covering of dry grass and leaves on it that was almost 1 foot thick.

I was told to lie down on it by Auntie Milla and I did so, after putting the 2 cubs on it before I climbed after them. "Hii... Hii... Hii... This is so comfy." I thought to myself as I embraced the two cubs.

"Come lie down face up, my child. The cubs would be on both of your sides now. Whatever happens, don't jump down from here okay. I would like to ask you once more, are you ready to fuse with them and allow them to fuse with you and becoming part of your daily lives, my child? "

"Uh-huh..." I nodded in acknowledgement and soon I saw dancing blue flames around the makeshift bed. It was neither hot or has a burning sensation, and the flames soon engulfed the whole makeshift bed, with me and the two cubs together.

The blue flames were sort of dancing around me, as it slowly engulfed me in its warm and welcoming sensation. The two cubs were mewing and I held it close to my body and watched the blue flames engulfing them and not even singed a single fur on their bodies.

I was afraid at first but when I find that the flames did not even hurt me for a moment, I began to hold and caress the cubs that began clamouring on top of my body.

"Remember to visit me once a year, my child. You are now a protector and guide for these two beasts that will merge and fuse into you. They will assist you in achieving whatever goals you have in mind and remember to treat them as part of yourself. Your sustenance is important for them, as they would be important to you."

"These cubs will grow with you, as you grew with them. Being a part of you would also mean that you would share their strengths and their strength from yours too, my child."

"Yes, I understand Auntie Milla. I understand every single word you say and I will take care of them as best as I could." I replied to her as best as a ten-year-old girl could muster.

I watched the blue flames grew brighter and warmer and soon I was brought back to my real world. When I got up from bed, the first thing I looked for was the cubs. But there were nowhere to be seen at all. I searched under the beds and also in the wardrobes and the bathroom, thinking they might be heading there to drink from the toilet bowl, just like what a dog would normally do.

But alas, it was just a dream... A dream that would be proved to be real soon after during my ECA in school later that morning.

I really sucked at sports due to my little frame of mine. I almost got bullied especially during the ECA and would prefer to sit a the stands and man the water container for my other peers. But seeing me sitting alone on the by stands, my coach approached me and directed me I join the 100-meter hurdles.

I put on a scorned look as I hate being last in place and hurdles... Yucks...! I hardly able to clear those low hurdles at all and ends up clearing the hurdles that had fallen from their stands.

I took my place at the starting positions with the rest of the 9 girls. I looked right ahead and saw 4 hurdles this were placed at ever 10 metres apart after the initial 30 meters run down. "Ready... On your marks... Get set..." my coach announced these as we all raised ourselves to make the sprint down the 30 meters before clearing the first hurdles.

Suddenly I felt the hair raise behind my neck and the ripple of energy on my forearms and calf muscles and when my coach blew the whistle to indicate its "Go...! ' time, I picked myself up and sprinted across the 30 meters and leapt across the first hurdle even before reaching it.

I felt a sense of exhilaration and a rush of adrenaline that I had never felt in my life before as I was not even panting or even breathing heavily when I'm sprinting. This new found burst of energy made me stretch my legs even further in sprinting and I cleared the first, second, third and the last hurdle effortlessly.

When I reached the 100 metres mark, I was whopping in the air for joy (that joy was actually being influenced by the cheetah, no me entirely) and the moment I looked back, I saw my peers had just managed to clear the second hurdle...!!!

The coach looked at her stopwatch and paced quickly over to me. "Why are you always at the by stands and manning the water cooler and not participate in any of the runnings before? Do you know that you had run the 100 metres hurdle in less than 18 seconds? It's a new school record and I'm going to speak to the Head Coach right after this. Angelica Mae is your name, right?"

I grinned at her and I felt that I could sprint another 300 meters freestyle and complete the circuit even before my peers could complete the hurdles and reach the finishing point.