1.16 Country Cafe, Do Swing By Sometimes.

I daren't make a move an inch further as I had anticipated some gruesome news if I enter and ventured deeper than I should have. I exited and sat in my bike's saddle as HaiLoong furiously called for paramedics and a cleanup team to pick one Were that had a huge hole in his chest.

Damn, when I was about to have great ribs with homemade Barbequed sauce, and this happens. The two Beasts within were prancing around and was uneasy as the thought of not getting their steaks at their usual joint would abruptly change their diet for the next few days.

"Don't worry you two. Food is secondary... Right now we need to know the motives of these Weres that had now entered the human population. They would normally hide in shadows and be around at night and in shady places."

I took my phone out and send an SMS to Leonard, stating about yesterday incident on 5 Weres at my home grounds as well as Weres attacking Uncle Bob's joint. A few moments later, Leonard's call came through and I answered.

"Leo, things are getting pretty ugly. Yesterday 5 Weres were at my joke ground and tried to sneak in but I was outside when I spotted them and managed to subdue them. Today, these Weres stirred up trouble and one got a gaping hole I could see through from his body. The two proprietors are dead. DEAD....!! Where am I gonna get my juicy, medium rate rib-eye steaks now?!?"

Of course, I didn't say out the last sentence. It was all made up by Spotty but the rest of the sentences were true.

"Listen, swing by this evening. We might proceed one night earlier than planned. These Weres were definitely up to something and this spells trouble for the 'Renounced Ones' and the 'Night Walkers', damn those Weres and Crawlers. They must be planning big since we discovered the synthetic blood for our own use and at blood parties."

"Fucker Noodle... Alright, I'd be right there tonight. I'm in full gear and I may need more frags. I won't be taking these sitting down...!"

I hissed as I placed an end to the phone conversation with Leonard. I wish that black dude named 'Blade' would collaborate on a few upcoming missions ahead. But I guess he's off shooting his new sequel or something for his upcoming movie called Blade: Trinity. Their MC not gonna be Wesley Snipes but another looked alike named something something Ali.

"Haissshhh... What rotten luck... If only the day walker is around, I'm sure things would be taking another turn around. Hah...! Tough luck, girl..." I thought aloud to myself as a trooper gave me a once over and took his AB46 and started to ask his normal Who, What, When, Where, Why and How questions at me which I answered," I wanna just get some ribs and this is what I found. I didn't touch anything and didn't do anything. My boyfriend is from DEASTF, go and grill him for what little info you could squeeze. Go... Go... Shoo... Shoo...git going now. Go...!"

I am in no mood to answer any questions to a rookie state trooper who is simply too attached to his protocol. 2 humans died. 1 Were dead with a gaping hole in his chest, someone could stick their heads through. If it was a zombie apocalypse, that Weres would be walking around and helping himself to make some rib-eyes or brisket to go.

"Aaaaawwwww.... FUCK THIS PLACE...!! HaiLoong, I'm out of here...!! I'm heading to Country Cafe on Highway 53 opposite Chevron. You wanna come along?!? They close at 2 pm. And we got about 2 hours for lunch before you head back with your guys to the office. It's 10 minutes from here... FUCK...!! THIS PLACE IS DEPRESSING...!! "

After telling Hailoong where I was heading, I roared Phantom to life, places my helmet on and basically skidded on the gravel, spitting shrapnel of small pebbles against the trooper's patrol car. Covering it with a hail of gravel and dust as I sped off towards the next spot for my fill of steaks, burgers, fish and chips and tons of coleslaw...! Giddyup girl..! Yee-haw...!!

I vrommed off and headed straight to my destination, tearing up the road as I zipped past those Hybrid Prius and those fancy convertibles as they headed to the NGPO or Northern Georgia Premium Outlet whole o overtake them and making them eat dust.

I reached Country Cafe, and parked my bike near the doorway, removed my helmet and carried it with me while I sauntered through and find a seat near the glass window, overlooking my bike. A waitress came over and passed me a menu and I waved her off like a buzzing fly and she walked over to the counter and brought a pitcher of ice-cold water and two glasses.

I looked out for signs of Hailoong and he didn't even send me an SMS whether he is coming or not. "THE HELL WITH MEN...!!" I hissed to myself as I turned to look at this menu. I don't dine here actually, this quaint little place looks kinda expensive, even though the prices are all right.

I ordered a burger as big as a plate and half a gallon of coke instead. I asked the waitress to make my meat medium-rare. I emphasised it as medium rare and not well done. I asked for onions, salad leaves, pickles and triple helpings of meat in that UFO burger of theirs. I emphasised again, three portions of meat underneath that two pieces of bums means I'd be getting triple servings.

I asked the young waitress to repeat the order and made sure she got it right the first time. Once I've got it clarified, I poured a glass of water for me and asked her to bring the half-gallon of coke instead. She eyed me suspiciously and was wondering how many days I had not eaten at all. Hahahahahaha.

My coke came and I poured it in the same glass that I had my ice-cold water. The waitress had forgotten about ice and I asked for a small bucket with a tong and it came to a short while later. I sighed at her service at being such a forgetful lass with a beautiful ass, ad forgave her since she wore a 'Hi, I'm NEW' button over her uniform.

"Excuse me New, when would my UFO gonna be ready?" I asked her and she answered in a jitterish manner that it would be ready in 15 since I had asked for triple servings of meat on a single UFO burger bun.

"Alright... Is this a smoking section? And if it is, may I get an ashtray, please? You won't be expecting me to snub and knock my ashes anywhere, right?"

"Yeah... Yeah... Be right back, missus. It is a non-smoking section but we could move that sign backwards and gave more room for you. No worries..." she pointed to a smoking sign and moved it close to my counter so that the stretch of the smoking area would be longer than usual.

Well, the customer is King... Especially with two hungry beasts within me.