1.19 Meet The Meat.

I locked up my house and straddled my bike and ride off to Ferguson's Meat Market which was just beside the Coal Mountain Animal Hospital. I rode like 5 minutes and went in, the tinkering sound of the tiny bell on top the double glass doors indicated they have an incoming customer.

Luckily this place closes at 7 pm, or else I have to think to travel to get stuff for my cats. I sauntered over the glass chiller and saw several brands of meats inside. I saw Sirloin that sells for $10.99 per pound, T-bone steak for $11.99 per pound and Porterhouse Steak for $12.99 per pound.

Let me get this straight. Why don't they rounded off the figures to be even and not using the 99cents as a bargaining chip? If I buy exactly at a pound would there be a 1 cent return? Is there a big difference of $10.99 and $11.00?!? You tell me, please... I'm trying to know or I will use a cleaver and start rampaging this place up.

My Beasts don't know how to read numbers and when they smelled meat, both were literally jumping about. "How may I help you, miss...? Errr... You know these meat are dead, you don't need guns to confirm if they are still alive or not..." the chubby guy behind the counter never skipped a beat when he greeted me and joked at the same time.

"Hahahahahaha.....that's funny and original... It is been some time since I hear someone crack a joke at me before. Hey... By the way, what's the deal with the 99 cents value ya? Ah... Don't bother... You might answer me with, oh you know its the store policy blah blah blah... Hahahahaha."

"Well, if next door is selling at 1 cent cheaper, would people scramble to buy them?" he chuckled and was eyeing me and saw I had no rings or bracelets on me, indicating that I'm engaged or married.

"Hmm, could you weigh for me this slab of meat? I want to see how heavy it is..."

"You want to see how much this slab of meat weighs and not even asking how much it would cost you? Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...you're cruel you know. This is the first time a customer had asked me how much this weigh instead of asking me how much it would be... Hahahaha."

I laughed at him again and seemed to be struck by his charisma. Beast looked at me and clocked her head sideways. Even though cougar would mate with several males at the same time, would my host be doing the same way too?

"Hahahaha... Alright missus, as they always say the customer is right, but in my case, THE CUSTOMER IS KINGGGGG.... or QUEENNNNN..." He made his voice deep as he mentioned the last sentence and I can't help chuckle at his antics. Is this guy cute or what.

"11 pounds plus plus plus plus plus Your Majesty, the Queen of Scales... Not Wales, yeah? That would be $120.89 plus plus plus plus plus. You want it diced according to size or you wanna shape it like the state of Texas or Kansas. Your pick, Your Majesty...! "

I can't help let out a giggle at his flirtatious ways and I asked it to be sliced according to his thumb thickness.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. He held his fist over his chest and bowed and he bellowed with his deep voice, "Hear ye... Hear ye... Your Majesty requests this piece of the slab that had weighted to be sliced as the state of Texas or whatsoever and I, will place it through this machine here and it will automatically slice it for Your Majesty according to my thumb size."

I giggled again as he adjusted the blade on the slicing machine and switched it on. After he made the first lice he showed it to me and it looked quite all right for the cats and I nodded my head.

It made 14 slices altogether and he packed them into 3 paper bags so it would be easier to carry. "Would Your Majesty be paying in gold or silvers or just a wave of your card would do?" I said in cash and paid up $120 without all the plus plus plus plus plus.

"Wow... You gonna be able to feed a lot of people on your barbeque night." he smiled and he had a twinkle in his eyes. As he passed me the receipt, I wrote my number and passed to him and I walked out of the door, with a spring in my heels.

He doesn't look too bad except he is on the heavy side. But it's okay... A woman got to change her eating habits and find other restaurants for the best meat, right?

Beast and Spotty were ecstatic when I finally got the meat for them. Raw ones which they liked. At least the freezer does help to store their foods.

I reached home and placed the bags of meat inside the freezer and by this time the temperature inside it was cool and a thin layer of frost could be seen at the bottom. It was just after 6 pm. I placed the 3 bags of meat in the wire mesh basket and closed the lid. We'll, once dusk I would be heading to Leo's soon.

I covered the curtains and plunged the whole studio apartment in total darkness. I switched on the small table lamp and kicked off my shoes and stripped down naked. I took 4 pieces of meat and placed them on two plates on the floor. One is for Beast and one is Spotty. I squatted down and slowly I began to shapeshift, my bones of my legs cracking up and began elongated, my arms too were bent and soon I took the form of a cougar or mountain lion.

It lapped the meat in front of it and brought it out to the carpet... "Noooooo, Beast... Don't drag it on the carpet or the bed... I don't have time to do my laundry... Quick finish it and it's Spotty's turn. I pleaded and once Beast had her fill, she changed to become from tawny furred to Spotty ones and shrunk a little as Cheetah as simply smaller and sleeker in shape.

After both had their fills, Cheetah crouched on the floor and soon all the furs disintegrates, my paws and legs changed into human form and I was lying on the floor naked after that. I quickly changed and place the two plates into the sink area, washed my hands and then settle down to eat my chops and drums.

I made a mental note that from this day, those curtains would be drawn and I would be armed and dangerous. I took out my Kodachi and strapped onto my back. I left my Benelli and Stubby and I locked the office.

The office door needs to be unlocked by keying in several numbers. This also had a strong steel-plated bomb-proof door with a fake Formica cover that looked like a wooden door from the outside. So no one would suspect and would try to blast this door open.

I've got everything ready and kept the remaining food in the ref and I locked the main door after me. Time to meet the Boss.