1.21 Adaptation Of Chun Li's Move.

If this Coalition were to be measured as 2:1 against the Association, it would nevertheless be overrun by the sheer numbers of the Coalition members soon. Damn, if not for Beast's sensitive nose, I won't be able to pick out which is human and which is Weres.

"What do you plan for the next Big step right now boss? You know that I am the only one that walks day and night, silver has no effect on me and I'm just as mortal as a human being. But seeing those guys in full tactical gear, I would really love to own one of those. Do they have sizes that fit my frame?"

I tried to crack a joke to break the wall of ice, but the ice seemed to be so thick that Thor's Hammer would even have difficulty to shatter them.

Adam, who was beside me managed to clear his throat, maybe indicating that this is not the time to joke. He too was overwhelmed by the numbers of the ever-increasing members of the pack that had turned itself into a bloody Weres Coalition.

Just then, the majestic doors of Leo's were thrown open and someone had entered and thrown a bundle on the ground and kicking at it as he went forward. The bundle was shackled on both hands and feet and the chains had passed on his body and back like a big 'X'.

"I've got one, Boss... Saw him spring from the perimeter of the Two Mile Creek and was about to Shapeshift into a Were or some kind and I managed to squeeze off a few rounds at this fella. I and my mates managed to bundle him up. Maybe he has a tale or two to tell before we decapitate him and hang his head in the trees to serve as a warning."

The bundle on the ground shivered at the thought of his head being decapitated. A Were would still be alive even if shot several times to its body, missing its vital points such as the heart and head. But once the head is separated from the neck, it spells instantaneous death for it.

Even if they were shot at close distance with a shotgun, as long as the heart is still beating, it would be able to regenerate its missing limbs. That's one of the specialities of a Were and they could just Shapeshift certain parts of their limbs at will.

I stood up and inched closer to the bundled Were. "You looked awfully familiar to me... Are you one of their recon units?" I clicked both of my cowboy boots together, and a hidden blade protrudes out from both front soles. The glimmering light of the blades on the front of my cowboy boots brought a new wave of terror and fear in the Were's eyes.

"Aaawwwooooo....!! It whimpered when I was standing so close that a single swipe from my foot would slice its face into two. "You seemed to recognise me from somewhere right? I don't know who THE FUCK YOU ARE... and why you are doing this... One thing for sure, I'm going to cut every SINGLE LIMB PART BY PART starting from your fingers to your wrist."

"You can replace them, right? My blade is swifter than your regeneration, WANNA FIND OUT, YOU DUMB FUCKING LOWLIFE WOLF!" I slowly inched my foot over his groin and gestured that I'm going to cut his balls and dick and at that time, he wetted his pants.

"Tell us, who you worked for and we may spare your life. Don't look at those Vamps! I'm a human here, so look at me while I'm talking to you! I'm gonna spare your life now, so speak... Who sent you and where are their base of operations?"

"Barataria, New Orleans. He's a Privateer, the same name as the boulevard as he lives in. He owns several mansions there, fully fortified with at least a thousand like us."

"A privateer basically an individual funded by the government? But whose government? Especially in New Orleans, a place filled with endless street parties, colourful activities that stretched till early in the mornings, lots of people mingling, some humans and mostly Weres I suspected. Easy targets mean a lot of Predators are about, in both day and night. After getting inflicted, they became a Were soon. Damn...!!! Why not we carpet bomb that place and flatten it? Eradicates the whole problem, once and for all."

I thought inwardly as I walked back to my seat and slouched. "You got all the information you need, Boss?"

"Take that bastard out..."

"My pleasure... Boss." I flung my jacket aside as I made a few long strides and leapt through the air. Spotty recognises that move, while I made a graceful somersault in the air and spun around with the blade pointing at my intended target. The top cranium of the Were...!

A low thud was heard as my blade enters the top soft part of the Where's head, embedding my blade deep into his brain, as I made a twist and a twirl and landed on my feet before the Were.

His eyes were locked in to me as his life slowly slipped away. The top part of his head had now a gaping hole that was cracked open like a coconut where a twisty bendy straw and a small paper umbrella would compliment it.

Blood began to flow through the orifices like a burst pipe and drenched the front of the shirt he wore and slowly pooled on the carpet. Torrents of blood began to form a pool underneath. I wiped my blood-soaked blade and blood-spattered boot on the Were's shirt and walked away after I clicked my heels twice together and the blades retracted.

"Clap... Clap... Clap..." a soft applaud was heard and Leo's eye shine brightly as he saw the pool of bright red blood on the ground before him and how he wished he could soak in them.

"Were's blood ain't good for Vamps, Boss. This is surely tainted with the kind of drugs that you hated most. Go kill some game outside, it's better than the ones in front of you." I remarked as a matter of fact since I can see Leo's sparkling eyes and his two fangs started to emerge slowly.

"Blaamm..." a low resounding echo of a metal trapdoor was heard near where the Were's body was as it was plunged down into an incinerator below. The blood-soaked carpet was sprayed with a kind of chemical and 2 Blood Servants were summoned to clean up the mess of blood.

This chemical was like an astringent compound and is simply overpowering to the noses of Vamps who were excited about the smell of blood and urine. The sight of the two Blood Servants who wore face masks to cover the smell as they quickly used their low decibel humming carpet cleaning machines to clean the mess up and left after steaming it a bit.

The smell of astringent compound smelled like 'Dettol', disinfects and refreshes the area as well, more like the hospital grounds.