1.24 What The Fuck With Those Weres?!?

"Ms Gunn? Hi...I'm Peter... Peter Griffin's from Family Guy... Hyucks! I spoke to you on the phone earlier and here I am, picking you up with the rest of your friends to our humble Charter and Lodge... Errrr....where are your friends, Ms Gunn? Just you alone...?"

"Ah... Peter Griffin... Nice to meet you. My friends would be coming over by themselves, I'm their advance parry kind of girl, here to check out your premise and settle down for the night... You don't do night fishing, do you?"

"We do night fishing but this is the season for gars so basically the local boys would have them. They're good for fighting and reeling but it's not worth their meat as well. You're familiar with gars, Ms Gunn?"

He asked me as he opened up the passenger door where I placed my bag gently and closed it and moved to the front passenger side instead.

"I'd prefer to ride shotgun, Peter. If you won't mind... I opened up the door and stepped on the sideboards and hoisted myself up by handling the top cabin and down on the seat. The car's interior is clean and none too messy unlike those who loved to place their idolatrous Jesus on a cross or Mother Mary with jasmine garlands or chrysanthemums and lots of knick-knacks on the dashboard making it look like a damn bloody eyesore...!

"Nothing to it Ms Gunn. You have a first name that I could call you since we here are used to calling each other by their first name."

"Call me Hunter then. It should fit both you and the rest to call me that. By the way, could we stop by some roadside restaurants, it's been a while since I've tried Poboys from the original New Orleans. It's going to be quite a drive right?"

"Yep... Its gonna be like an hours drive. There's a sort of Mardi Gras in town and that's where we need to cut through for a short cut. Or else it's gonna be an hour more. If it's Poboys that you need, yep... I'd bring you there. There's a joint called Po Boy Depot in Estelle and its in route. It's open till 2 am just for today. Normally closes up by 11 pm."

Poboys or poor boys are actually a submarine sandwich just like Subway, guys. Nothing special except in this variation you don't put veg or greens in them and you could add tons of meat and seafood with a widespread of sauces that would tickle your taste buds for sure.

I had done with my cold chops and drums which had been done with when I entered the airport in Atlanta. Now my Cats would definitely love this New Orleans poboys... Gonna get me a seafood platter while the other two would be roast beef medium rare if course. These would be to go and I can't be socialising with unknown folks in this Weres infected grounds.

"Mine if I roll the windows down? Fresh air sure would work up my appetite for these poboys." and I slowly rolled down the window, not for the fresh air but to scent out the Weres of course.

The moment we hit the crowded streets of the main town, I could smell Weres and stinky, unwashed human bodies around and that sudden smell, hit me like a brick wall going at 60km/h.

I cringed my nose and was told to wind it up if I didn't like the smell. I said I was alright because I just smelled a fart. And Peter laughed out loud when he heard me said that. "Someone had too much cheese and tacos and it just got backfired like an old Royal Enfield motorcycle."

"Hahahahhaa.....Hunter, you're really cute. If I'm unmarried, I would surely woo you." he showed his ring finger that was adorned with a platinum and gold mix wedding band. Normally men would hide their rings and leave a ring mark on it...but he's brazen enough to prove he's happily married.

"Hahahaha... I'm in between myself. Being a hunter and being hunted. That's me alright..."

He laughed again while I made jokes with my fictional first name. Funny having 'Hunter' as a first name. I think it's the first anyone had used that in a novel.

After driving on for about 30 minutes while engaging in small chatter, we reached Po Boys Depot. It was a single storey, no-frills or anything much about the exterior and looked like a walk-in convenience store. We parked in the open car lot and I slid down from the passenger seat and into the tarmac.

Some call it asphalt or tarmac, some call it roadside. And I'd prefer tarmac because it had fewer characters than the others. Hahahahaha. I closed the door and pulled the wooden entrance door open and sauntered to the counter where I picked the menu.

Since it was to go, Peter stayed in his seat and waited ill I got my orders and leave. I went to the ice cream chiller and picked a Magnum White Gold ice cream and went to the counter again.

After placing the orders of 4 poboys, I leaned against the counter and ate my Magnum. Suddenly my hairs behind me pricked up and I could sense a group of Weres coming... From a distance... On their rowdy and loud motorcycles... Heading this way...of all places... God Dammit...!!!

I asked how much it was and paid up and asked the salesperson to bring it up to the White Fortune outside. This is way too early for any Confrontation and I clambered on the passenger's seat and closed it when I notice a group of Weres, riding squid on their loud bikes and were in pairs.

They looked around and entered the joint and were making a din and sounds of breaking glass could be heard from within. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE...!!! this is way too early for a showdown, I had to be covert... GOD DAMMITTT.....!!!

I reached for my bag and took off my P900 and took several shots of their rides as well as through the in-store glass windows at them. Seeing something was amiss, Griffin climbs out and slid his baseball bat from behind his seat and waited near a brick section between those glass windows.

After I had those shots, I waited in my passenger's seat and had taken my 3 silver stakes from the bun of my hair and slipped it in my hands to look like wolverine. The blunt ends were at my palms while the pointed ones were in between my clenched fist.

I'd be ready in case those fools wanna be part of those eunuch members back in Atlanta...! When the 6 Weres exited from the convenience store, making the occupants inconvenienced at their cause... Peter swung his bat on the last guy that had exited across his back. I saw him turned into a half-crouch and delivered a low swing on the side kneecaps of the 5th one.


After delivering a lambchop on the 5th perpetrator, he broke the wrist of the 4th one when he took out a butterfly knife and delivered a swift uppercut with the bat afterwards. Now from 6 perpetrators, he got another 3 on his hands. The first 3 were on the ground, basically immobilised after being delivered with the baseball bat.

He deftly swung his bat on the right hand and gestured them to come forward. They never moved an inch and he used his bat to smash the headlights and rear lights before kicking the bikes into the ground. Seeing their bikes being handled that way, one of them lurched forward but ended being swung into the brick wall with such force that a low cracking thud could be hurt.

There goes the soft cranium of that Weres skull. The other two launched their attacks simultaneously, slashing their knives blindly forward, causing Peter to be sliced once on his right arm and one under his chin. Taken by surprise at their sudden attacks, Peter jumped forward and rolled on the ground. After getting into a position behind them, the duo spun around and met with a swing of the bat across their cheeks which two crunching sounds were heard and a handful of teeth were dislodged.

Soon 6 perpetrators were on the ground and he stomped his foot right at the balls on the 1st Were that he had swung his bat with. "Sqqquuaaawwwkkkk....." that's the sound of a crushed sack of balls... The Sweet sound of victory. Hahahahaha...