1.26 A Girl Can't Be Too Carefree Being Alone, Right?

After cleaning up the unwanted pictures from the original memory card, and since the camera had a built-in WIFI function, I synchronise my mobile phone with it and sent an attachment through Cloud Services to Leonard for his review. The folder name was A700 which he should understand it was taken from the chartered jet plane.

After clearing out the first memory card, I sealed it into its waterproof holder and into a secret compartment inside the duffel bag. I inserted a blank memory card and all the previous pictures that proved to be useless had been deleted off.

I took out my fishing gear, the drone and its receiver that I later charged up with a 128GB micro memory card embedded for day and night air surveillance. I took out the P320 and checked its chamber before I loaded a round in it. My Kodachi too was removed from the bag and was laid right underneath the bed for tonight.

"That should do the trick. A girl can't be too carefree right? I should enjoy the rest of the poboys, I've got a long haul tomorrow and would only be able to eat after I'm back at this lodge. All right girls, hope you understand..." I thought inwardly as I took out the seafood poboys and began to bite into it and soon I had finished 2 of them with no trouble at all.

I checked the time and it was already coming to 0230 hours and I decided to hit the sack. Gonna be up by 0530 hours and finish these 2 more poboys then. I checked my phone and seen that the message that I had sent to HaiLoong still had not been read.

Yeah, he must have not brought his miserable phone with him on his assignment I guess.

Soon, my eyelids had some poboys sitting on them as I find that it's hard keeping my eyes open as I slowly fell asleep, one hand under the bunk, holding to the sheath of the Kodachi. I had a dreamless night and at 0530 hours, the alarm on my phone sounded.

I packed all my stuff inside the duffel bag and changed into my leggy Capri and a loose tee where I could simply place my P320 in a carry-all sling purse. The design of the sling purse enabled me to fire without drawing of the pistol first. The sling purse was designed by me with an exposed gap to hold the pouch just like a pistol does.

Since it was a stroll in the park, I slung my P900 around my neck and put on my wide-brimmed hat before I walloped the remaining poboys and headed out and meet the sunshine. The palm-size foldable drone and received could be easily tucked into the pockets of my pants.

As I walked down the steps, I made myself approachable but only to a certain distance. I smiled warmly and asked for black coffee and sat at the counter as I asked the one behind it on several questions pertaining to the area such as wildlife, nature and the types of fishes during this season.

"Doing a bit of fishing and birdwatching ma'am? You could get yourself an outboard here. A bass boat or a roundabout boat would be fine. It had a low HP inboard or outboard engine and could literally be steered with the soles of your dainty feet, ma'am."

"Feel free to take a look around. We have a launch if you need to fish around elsewhere. No extras required, no permit as well. Do take a look at the back when you have the time or you can ask my son, Peter, to show you around."

"Uh... Thanks, Mr Griffin. I'd sure like to choose a small boat to ride along the lakes here and take some sights of fish jumping about and catching those hovering critters. I've got my camera here and would be shooting some nature as well."

"Alright Ms Gunn, glad to be of service to you. Go on, help yourself to another cuppa. We have plenty to pass around this morning. Ain't got much visitors this season because the gars are biting and no one eats them."

A roundabout boat with a trolling engine would be fine. Since the gars are biting, I'd just shoot some scenes around here. Mind if I charter it for some hours and be right back by lunch?"

"Will do ma'am. Peter would be launching the boat for you. Would you need to load up some refreshments for yourself? Some lemonade, sprite, coke or anything you'd fancy?"

"Some coke cans would do fine, sir. And two of your homemade bacon sandwiches to go. This would be all, I'd be launching in a bit."

Mr Griffin used his walkie to inform his son to launch a roundabout and load up several cokes in a can and some signature sandwiches to go. An affirmative reply came back and soon after I had 3 rounds of black coffee which were better than I ever had before and headed to the back of the brown water flotilla. Hahahaha.

My launch is ready, my red cooler box is under the bench, a nice tarpaulin cover head to shade me from the sun and my packet breakfast is ready too. I thanked Peter and as I sat there on the roundabout, he pushed it off with a long pole and I switched the trolling engine and let it idle and take me where I wanna go.

I took a few pictures here and there with my P900 and making me less conspicuous that I'm on a stakeout rather than idling on a boat. By 15 minutes, I'm already at the back of the villas that was mentioned and I took a few shots at waist level. The villas were heavily fortified, as I've seen several HMG barrels sticking out from their watchtower that dotted along the waterline as well as proximity alarms and lights.

One has to be invisible to get through the gates even after disabling their alarm system. This place is a Fort. I saw 2 dinghies used by the USNS passed by with their outboard motor and I waved gingerly at them and checked the timings after taking some low-level shots.

There were 4 patrol guys on them and wearing light camo as one of them waved back. I held a coke can in my hand and pretence of taking a sip from the closed tab on it. Hahahahaha. Looks kinda stupid right?

No point to use the drone right now since there is no much foliage to cover its existence. Also, there might even a laser-firing system if it detects any flying drones. Ah well... Tonight would be great.

I checked the width of the river and discovered this I could use it to my advantage especially there's a sort of warehouses across it. It could provide enough cover and concealment for my ops tonight. I took a few shots of the warehouses across and the viewfinder accurate notes of the distance where I had taken the shot to my designated target.

Anything less than a kilometre on this MILSPEC drone would do all right.

There is a launching area nearby the villas and I sidled the runabout next to it and switched off its engine. I moored it close and secure its tug line to it. Carrying my bag of sandwich and a can of coke, and my camera around my neck, I asked if it's alright for me to park here a bit while I take some shots of nature.

"I won't be more than half an hour. Be right back, soon..." I slung my camera on my shoulder, set the auto shoot at 1 frame per second, and shorten the strap so that it would sit nicely under my armpit after setting it to 50x zoom.

Anything set at max would enable me to see the nose hairs on those guys. I walked in the opposite side of the road and started to active the camera and I acted as I was taking a walk look at some roadkill at the side of the road. Scare a squirrel away and picked up some a stalk of wild lemongrass leave and crushed it my hands as I walked. I walked across the house and raised my hand to shield my face as I waved to the people there.

Foot patrols with their Doberman could be seen and I wished them good morning and acted to ask who lived in those villas, what kind of business they were engaged in and if they accept visitors or not. I even joked if the Mayor was living inside hence the security.

With my charisma, I managed to squeeze every single information I need and the place really stank with Weres. Beast and Spotty were quite agitated when they smelt Weres and even the Doberman which looked at me with droopy eyes as if I would be eating him up for lunch...!

I thanked the patrol guy and walked back to where I had parked my roundabout. Little did they knew I was not putting up at Man O War but at a distance away from it.