1.28 Snooping Time

Since there won't be anyone noticing me getting in and out of the lodge in the middle of the night, and if I happen to bump into people the knew me, I'd just say I'd be night shooting for nocturnal wildlife.

I've eaten and drank enough before I made my way out slowly and walked out and smelled the night atmosphere once again. Beast and Spotty though that I would Shapeshift tonight, but I hushed them saying I need to use their abilities and not to Shapeshift. I can't risk returning back with not a single thread on my body.

I walked down the river bank and saw a bridge that spans over the river. I slowly walked in the shadows and ended up at Fisherman's Boulevard, a short single carriageway bridge that spans across it. There's a small path and I swiftly climbed over the side of the bridge.

I had a small carry-all bag than I had stuffed my camera, my drone and my P320 with all the magazines I could grab on with the silencer affixed at the tip of the barrel. If I were to make a killing, it would be a quiet one.

"Weird... I don't smell any dogs or any living things on the other side of this riverbank." I quickly moved across the bridge as it was brightly lit and crouched my body as soon as I reached the other side of the bridge.

A quick glance and I made a dash to the right and walked on the riverbank amidst the long cattail and horsetail plants that luckily would be able to shield me from prying eyes and not from NVIR goggles.

Soon I reached the side of the warehouses and once again I felt something weird, it was as though a lot of things were out of place. The non-existence of dogs, or even human beings on these parts near the riverbank and wondered if these warehouses were abandoned for a very long time.

I crouched and waited for a few minutes as I let Beast uses her sensitive nose to pick out any weird scents and indeed it came back. This warehouse was long abandoned and the only smell it had were small cats and some scampering rats. This warehouse was used to be cold storages for fishes and had long gone out of business.

I looked across the riverbank and saw the middle villas was right in the middle of where I was situated right now. I used Beast ability to scan the surroundings across and had found at least more than a dozen armed men lining the walls of the villas. Same goes to the other two villas on both sides.

I was half expecting them to be asleep since it was already past 1 am. A dinghy whizzed by and I almost never caught it. It was too silent even with its outboard motor. 4 armed me with NVIR goggles affixed to their eyes and looked like cyclops. It was the 2nd Gen NVIR, bought from the military surplus store, I guess.

I looked around to find a place to snoop and discovered a piece of zinc was placed at one of the sides. After giving it a slight push, the rivets that were used to hold that piece up gave way and I managed to squeeze through the small space.

Scanning around I found a great place to snoop. It was a small rafter just nice to fit one or two people high above near to one of the lourve. There was a long ladder at the sides and seemed to be sturdier than the weather-beaten one outside.

I scanned the place and found there is no cameras, trip alarms and those sort of things that could expose my presence. I slung my stuff properly and I made my way up the ladder and climbed on to the rafters above.

It was made of wooden planks, and the rafters were perfectly in line with the sight of the three villas across the riverbank. After setting up my things, I slowly inched the louvre open, wide enough to launch my drone later.

I took my P900 and made a sweeping shot of the villa's, I trained the lenses to cover the treeline where they had that HMG placed on the roofs and the terraces as well as those watchtowers. After I made those shots, I quickly uploaded it using my phone to Leonard. Then I deleted off the images and leaving behind those pictures of the scenics ones.

Everything worked out well. I had the perfect hideout where no one might be able to spot me, even with their current NVIR goggles. At 0230 hours, I held the drone and switched the camera on and it came lighted on the small 3-inch screen of the controller.

I switched the drone ON and it made a whirring sound and then quiet, as it entered stealth mode. I let out my hand towards the opening of the Louvre and with the other hand I pushed the lift lever and the drone lifted. No sounds, no light. This palm-sized folding copters really impressed me.

I controlled it deftly as I looked at the screen of where it had flown and when a dinghy passed by, I made a sweeping flight near it an the men never even noticed it. I then manoeuvred the drone to fly past the sentry posts and around the villas. Since the place was well lighted, I dare not make the drone too visible to the naked eye and swooped slowly and took in all sights from all possible angles.

After 20 minutes of flight, I pressed the home button on the controller and watched the drone as it slowly appeared at the louvre, flew straight at the controller and hovered for a few seconds before auto switch off. The drone also had built-in wifi and I quickly send the whole image flight to Leonard.

After about 3 to 5 minutes of uploading, the process ended. I waited for about 30 minutes or so before I made my way down slowly to the base of the warehouse. I peeled open the zinc piece at the side of the warehouse and ensuring I had not left anything out, I stealthily made my way back to Griffin's.

I entered silently through the main door and up the steps to my room. I changed and after ensuring the Leonard had successfully received all the recon images, I could finally sigh relief and packed my stuff and stow it away safely. When I had stripped and about to enter the bathroom for a quick wash, I heard a commotion down below.

I could smell a faint smell of some Weres and humans through my door and after some heated discussions below, I heard heavy footsteps and doors being slammed open. I quickly threw myself on the bunk and cover myself with the blanket.

Some heavy knocks sounded on my door and I heard Mr Griffin and the waitress were shouting at some men about disturbing their guests as I remained under my covers. By that time I had removed the towel off and am totally naked.

The door was forcefully open and I stood up from the bed and a lurch of explicit words came out from my mouth as I covered myself with the blanket and walked over to the door.

"Fucking maggot...! Who the fuck you think you are to barge into my room, I'm taking a fucking rest you motherless pig...! Don't your brainless mother and spineless father ever taught you basic courtesy and this is a ladies Dorm, and I could charge you and your family and your next few generations penniless for sexual harassing me."

"Now get the fuck out of here before I sue you and your sorry fat ass...!" without waiting for a reply I slammed the door shut in the faces of the heavily armed guards. I heard the waitress said that I never left my room after a heavy dinner and supper and that I was a travelling lawyer from New York, some kind of famous representative from Barnes from the state Court or something.

A lot of commotion ensued and then after some slamming sounds were heard from the main door and from some cars outside, everything fell silent again.

"Phew...Close but no cigar...!" I sighed inwardly and after 5 minutes of non-activity, I took my shower and decided to book out after midday tomorrow. After my shower, I called the reception and asked what happen. The waitress took hold of the receiver and said that the men that came earlier suspected that a spy was staying here... I chuckled and said couldn't be 007 was filming here in New Orleans and she chuckled back. Time 0355 hours and soon daybreak in a few more hours.

I asked if she served breakfast at this hour and she answered why not and invited me to come down over. I hanged up and changed into my old pair of jeans and my flannel shirt as I made my way down for an early breakfast and to catch up and spin some tales.