1.30 Payment Time And A New Place To Put Up

Once my feet touched down on the runway tarmac, I felt a sense of relief. I walked to the runway parking lot and it found my Phantom had been covered with a thin layer of dust and a lot of cat paw prints were imprinted on the seat and the top of my gas tank.

Seems that no human had touched it for some time. I thought of hosing it down when I ridden into Chevron later. I hate riding on a crummy looking bike. I dusted if off with a chamois cloth and straddle it after inserting the key in its ignition.

I started it up and it purred to life and I eased the bike out and went to the Chevron just across the highway. I went over to the car wash and said I want to self service clean it and sprayed my bike with water first. After giving it a good hose down, I switch to a nozzle that sprays a good snow foam over it.

I picked up a large brush and smoothen down the snow wash over the seat and saddle bag before I rinse it off thoroughly. I gave a 20 to the service crew and gotten back my change. I then pushed my bike aside and give a good wipe down and dry it using the blast of forced air from a machine.

"Heh... that should do it. At least my bike's gonna look pretty when I ride on it. Just as pretty as me... Hahahaha." I laughed inwardly and changed my mind to sit in the airport lobby, especially when I'm still lugging my P320 and Kodachi with me.

"Better go and collect my payment and deposit to the bank after this. There should be a self sercide deposit machine nearby." I thought as I filled up my tank and eased off and decides to head to Bethel Road which was aporoximately 1hr and 20mins since my on board GPS reported 2 road crashes that resulted in a 35min delay.

"Huaarrgghhh.... How could people crash their cars when driving on a straight line? They met with some widlife that commuted suicide along the highway? My God, its not even night time...!" I mumbled to myself as I made my way which also the only way since I have to pass by the crash site.

When I reached Bethel Road, the place was barricaded but was empty. I rode my bike till I reached right to the porch of the church and it was deserted as hell. It was still in the afternoon so we still got a few hours of daylight left.

I waved my hands at the cctv camera and entered the church. It was empty as usual and I walked right though and went behind the altar and punched a few keys and the door slid open. After clearing those 2 doors, I saw that Adam, the blood servant and body guard of Leo was manning the door to Leonard's office and he opened the door and escorted me in.

"Another job well done, Mae. Here's your payment and a little something for your Cats. Welcome home. How was the trip? Anything more to report besides the surveillance shots that you had sent in?"

I went on to narrate about the Weres activities and their jackets. Then about the villas and the 2km shut off from prying eyes and noses. Reported a close Charlie incident after I came back from the recon. Finding out more info about the government projects that were going on and handed the Drone and controller to Adam.

"Did you meet any Vamps of either 2 clans?"

"Just the scent of Weres and humans mingling with each other, Leo. If this case continues, New Orleans would be the new state of Weres then."

"Yeah... I'm aftaid so. Their wild parties, their wild sex orgies, booze and drugs and inflicted and infected new Weres would be expected. It would take a small nuke to wipe out the Weres population by 1-2 years time in that state alone."

"Alright, go on... You would prefer to keep some small change and keep the rest in the bank as you would normally do, right? As usual, I'll keep in touch. Be seeing you in a weeks time if there's no assignment for you."

"Thanks Leo. Be seeing you too. I'd be off somewhere doing some fishing. It got me hooked, line and sinker.... Hahahahaha. Thanks for the dough..."

I started to leave and Adam guided me straight up to the door behind the altar before he turned around and be a safe distance before I opened the door. Won't want him to catch a few days of light and turn him into dust that can be swept under the carpet.

I've decided what the hell since I won't be heading back at my place very soon and decides to ride to Dawson ville, deposit my cash and then sit in a cafe and grab something to eat.

It took me close to 30 mins to reach the bank and I went to the self service kios and took a few pieces of 100s and slipped it into my pocket. I inserted my ATM card and let then machine counted the amount of cash from the envelope and the cash amount was right except for a couple of hundreds missing.

This machine is specially arranged for me to dump 50k inside for the machine to deposit because normally these self service kiosk allows only up to 5-10k per one time deposit. Only in this novel would such a machine exists. Hahahahaha.

I took the deposit statement and slipped it into my pocket. Well, it's time to head for some dinner. I checked my local vicinity on the onboard GPS and found some steakhouse and I marked on it.

"WAFFLE HOUSE... I choose you...!" I said aloud as I vroomed towards it as it was a 24 hour joint. Not only does it offers waffles, with thick honey or whatever spread you want, but it serves Tbones, Sirloin, Primecuts, Ribeyes at a very affordable price.

Within a few short minutes I had reached the front parking lot of WAFFLE HOUSE and its pretty quiet around these times. I guess I'm early and its not even off office hours yet. Hehehehe. I chuckled as I went in and seated myself on the second floor overlooking the whole front yard.

A waitress sauntered over me and I ordered 4 Tbones serving on a single plate. Medium rare of course. Lots of coleslaw and no baked beans and toast. And two corns on a cob with a gallon of coke. She took the orders and was surprised that I ordered 4 Tbones at one time. Since I'm going to be here for some time, I asked for the papers and order another 2 Primecuts medium rare with a bowl of coleslaw.

Hahahahaha... I'm really in for a meat feast today. My coke came in a pitcher without ice as it was seperated and I clinked a few cubes inside a glass and poured myself a drink. Since it was a smoking section I gestured the pack of Salem in front and my cats quickly covered their snouts as I smoked one.

I turned to the property pages and found one that was just 2 hours ride. Oak Grove Cabins. Away from eyes, Beast and Spotty would be happy to roam about too. I called the host and informed her that I'm interested to take a look at the cabin and arranged to meet tomorrow.