1.39 A Bit Of Publicity Doesn't Hurt.

A little while later, I was on the road. Wearing my usual battle gear and my P320 and kunai both on each side of my thighs, my Benelli attached to the Rebel on the right side and my Kodachi stepped behind my back and Stubby that were hung loose in front of me on a tactical sling and a 100 round drum mag.

I'm basically armed to the teeth and there's no one stopping me right now until I could uncover the truth on what had actually happened to HaiLoong. If the DEASTF is not taking any actions, might as well I sweep in and take actions to myself.

At least, right now I would have first-hand info on what happened and what would happen during my intervention. My trip took me less than 2 hours instead of the usual 2 half hours and I was cruising down the highway at almost 120-140 km/h and was whizzing through the traffic like a breeze. This bike is fast...! And quite comfortable for long rides like this.

I stopped at the intersection and everyone saw that I had several weapons strapped to me and they even stopped to take a few photos of me using their phone cameras. I managed to gesture a V with my fingers and smiled even though my face was masked with a bandanna.

They knew the rider was a lady for the two headlamps on my chest. Hahahahaha. I held my Stubby and posed and more pictures we have taken until I heard a honk signalling that the light is green.

I eased my bike into gear and turned around when I had seen the motel and decided to park across the street. It's not a good idea to park right front and exposing my new ride and identity.

I sauntered in and saw a young man manning the counter and saw that there was CCTV coverage among the clutter on his table. It was however not recorded digitally but using an old VHS recorder.

"Hi... I have a few questions for you... Have you seen this man before?" I showed the young man using a printed blurry picture of HaiLoong that was taken earlier.

"Look, here's a 20 for your trouble. I've come a long way and I'm tired and I need answers. Sorry if I were to disturb your jacking off time at this hour but I need to get some answers, that's all."

The young man took the twenty and look at the printed image and shook his head.

"Look... I don't have for all this bullshit. Here's another 20 to jog your memories and choose which one you'd like..."

I slammed down my P320 on the counter and his eyes looked at me in terror.

"Room 2F, the second floor next to the end of the hallway," he said hurriedly as he grabbed the 20.

"Is there anyone up there right now? Answer me quick..." I said as I spun my P320 on the countertop.

"I don't know.. Maybe there is. Maybe there aren't. I just reported working here, missus. I don't need any trouble. If you wanna barge and kick the doors open, be my guest and that would be an additional hundred. I could give you the VHS recordings if you'd like."

"Good... Keep in talking. I need today's tape as well as a few days one as well. I would be right back. A 100, for the trouble?"

"Yes, missus... A 100 just to cover any damages."

"Alright, be right back," I said and turned away and exit. A few moments later I had my trusted Benelli with me to break down doors and blast those hinges.

"Here's a 100. I'd be right back for the tapes. No calls to the cops, you hear...."

I tossed the crumpled 100 bills at the young man and sauntered upstairs. Scents of Weres were plentiful on the 2nd floor. I walked to 2F and slowly jammed my feet at the door and turned the knob. This method would make the door tighter and turning the knobs without much noise. If not the mechanism jiggles a lot.

I pushed open the door with my foot and the door creaked open and a wall of mixed scent hit me as it escaped the poorly ventilated room. It was an adjoining room with 2G and I quickly scanned the room with my Benelli held in the crook of my right arm and my P320 on the other as my slowly and deftly moved in.

The smell of stinking Weres was all over the two rooms. I saw one Were was on the toilet seat with its jugular tore open and another Were was on the metal bunk bed frame with its mattress missing somewhere. There were smells of old blood, new blood and semen as well as sweat.

I had sensed fresh blood that belonged to HaiLoong and also semen that may belong to him too. I won't go near and happen to touch it with my nose and I just took a quick whiff. Blaaaaahhhhh... The smell emanating from this room is getting me sick.

A few used syringes and several packs of used blood packages from the Red Cross Foundation were strewn on the floor. I wonder what orgy had occurred here for the past few nights.

Two Weres dead. The young man manning the counter knows shit about this. I took a piece of cloth and wiped off my fingerprint stains and tossed it away. No point gathering any Intel from here and just leave the door open. I wondered what happens in here as I quickly made my way to the counter.

"The tapes, now. All 5 days of them." I said as I reached my hands to him. He placed 5 tapes including today's and I asked him once more.

"The backup tape as well..." he looked at me and had a sorrowful look on his face. I didn't break his door down but he got 2 dead bodies up there. That would be a bonus. He reluctantly removed his newly copied today's tape as his backup in case he could sell them for a few hundred bucks and handed it to me.

I quickly grabbed it and called out to him to call 911, the Feds as well as the DEA. And went off to my bike, strapped the Benelli back and placed the tapes in the saddlebag.

I called Ripley and asked if he's of available for extra help and he replied, "Sure, missus... I'd be pulling an allnighter. Drop on by. I hope you could see more of what I could find out."

"Yeah... I got something else too I got from Red Doors and I need you to play it back. It is on VHS tapes."

"No worries, missus. Swing on by. I'd set up the old baby up with an old TV to view."

I hung up and as soon as I left the place, I saw from my side-view mirrors that 2 patrol cars, an ambulance and several black unmarked saloons arrived and parked in front of the motel. By the time the first man emerged from the car, I had gone almost about 2 miles in my bike heading to Ripley's.

No way I'm gonna get caught red-handed in that kind of situation. Better make haste and get the video out on digital format as soon as possible. Any leads are better than nothing at all.

I sped my way towards Ripley that was about 2 hours away but I shaved it off to be slightly more than an hour as I zipped my way through traffic. I reached Ripley's and took out the tapes and entered his workshop. Seeing my getup and remembering who I was, he was shocked to see me from an innocent-looking cowgirl right into a tight leather getup with silver studs covering the vital areas.

The piece that caught his attention was the P320 that was slapped on my right thigh with the green dot sight and an extended suppressor at the barrel.

"That's a .40 with an interchangeable barrel and slide to fit .38 and 9mm as well right? The only Sig in the world that could do that with full SA/DA capabilities. And to change between different calibre would take less than a minute. I like the .40 stopping power. One hit to the chest and BOOM...!! That guy goes flying across the room with no exit wound at all. I love the .40 that packs a powerful punch."

"I didn't know you were into guns, it's nice to know someone else with the same interests. Here... These are the tapes I mentioned. Could it be formatted digitally? There's 4 CCTV coverage on each tape and I'd like to see the one on the hallway on 2F, please."

"Here, grab a coke..." he tossed me one and I gladly open it up and took a swig. The wonderful rush of sweetness calmed my nerves and I relaxed and watched him do his thing.