Chapter 8:

Chapter 8:

Boom~! An explosion occurred sending sprays of dirt and dust into the air covering the ground shielding all in a blanket.

A lone figure was rushing through an open field that originally seemed to be rich in greenery, now was replaced with a thick smoke cloud that covered much of the landscape. The few traces of greenery grass were space out through the area in various different patches, the hills were dung through with massive large chunks of soil missing form them. The only visible remains of trees that once existed are the charred broken trunks jutting out from the burnt soil filled with massive craters and various flashes of light dancing around the surface like shooting stars in the night sky from a hawk's eye view of the ground below.

The lone figure was dancing through the flashes of light performing almost near extreme acrobats to avoid the flashes of light. The figure revealing it to be a child no older than many ten years standard age was flipping and jumping over massive cracks in the ground around him. E107 danced around the battlefield around him as moving from one spot to another all the while releasing a stream of flashing lights of his own form the oversized rifle in his hands.

The booming roars of gunshots rang out in the air all around E107 as he flipped over a stream of them before landing perfectly on his feet. Before another shot came flying towards him promoting him to duck and barrel rolled forward against the dirt grounds around him. Semiring dirt and mud over his tattered uniform which in its pristine condition would have resembled something akin to a skinsuit, with an array of belts and straps overlaying the torn and ripped sections of the suit. Once he was upright again, he unleashed the rounds from the oversized rifle in his hands, letting loose a spray of bullets down the mist clouds of dust surrounding him.

He couldn't see what he was shooting at but he had a rough estimate of where and what he was really hitting but he knows he hit his target. He can hear it, he can hear the round travel among the sea of noise hitting his intended target, without stopping he reload the emptied mag from his weapon a slotted in a new one point the barrel down range and squeezed the trigger.

Brt-brt-brt-brt~! Onward the rounds flew into the dust clouds surrounding him, he kept his finger squeezed down the trigger till the rifle rang out with a soft click. Telling him that the rifle rang dry he didn't stop but keep on moving as he reloaded the weapon and once again sprayed down range. Shadowy figure flickered in the mist for the briefs of seconds but E107 saw them he knew where they were, once he reloaded his weapon he fired in that general direction.

This was only possibly due to his Corneal Occipital Capillary Reversal Implants called God's Eye by the scientist who put it in him not that they the numbers would know. A multiple layers of augmentation enhancements that enhanced E107's eyesight submergence and boosted blood vessel flow beneath the rods along the optic nerve and cones of the subject's retina.

Then E107 felt a ting feeling in his head or more precise a tingling feeling in the back of his skull and seemingly a flash of a white bolt across his mind, he titled his head slightly to the side and narrowly dodged a projectile bolting past his head. He didn't need to look exactly where to fire he saw the rounds that flew past him he just saw it then thought and pictured it. He simply placed the barrel of his rifle on his right shoulder tilted it towards the angle where he needed to shoot all in one smooth motion before he pulled back on the trigger.

E107 didn't need to look he knew he hit it like most of his other targets he couldn't understand this was due to the Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites which was done to his mind. This awakened certain aspects within his fellow numbers such as evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity as noted by the scientist in recent findings in the last few weeks.

Such information wasn't preview to E107 not that he would understand or care at the moment or any. He was too busy running through the smog and dust around him not totally aware of where or what he was running to. Still, none of that mattered what mattered was that he keeps on moving if he ceased moving, he was done for, so he ran.

He didn't pay much mind it before but now E107 just came to the realization of the sun setting over the horizon, slowly disappearing behind the cover of the mountain rages beyond his sights. Though it was getting darker around E107 he couldn't really tell the difference cause it other than a slight color alteration to the normal colors around him he could still see almost perfectly fine. A tribute to the Corneal Occipital Capillary Reversal Implants giving E107 marked visual perception granting exceptional vision, boosted perception allowing him to see normally in a low-light environment night vision in essence.

["Seven-Seven~! Where are you?!] the crackling of E57 came bellow him or rather to be more precise from the device on his chest. An old-world tech type of radio an outdated model that was no longer in production it was a miracle that the device even still worked.

"I'm fine E57 I'm…." E107 paused for a moment to check his surroundings seeing not but the dust clouds around him and the occasion boulder and broken torn trees.

"I don't even know where I am to be exact." E107 replied simply to his radio E57's voice came through the second his finished his sentence. [Alright just stay put where you are E-101 and I will come find you just try to keep out of trouble.]

"I don't need.... you know what don't bother I'll meet you at the rally point."

[Seven~! ----] E107 placed the radio back to the strap of his uniform ignoring the sound coming from it E107 checked his weapon quickly, overlooking it to see it there were any damages or to see if it still functioned. The last weapon he had the last mission malfunctioned

"E107 there you are!" among the booms and crackling gun fire a lone figure of a young boy, a few years older than him jumped down from a nearby boulder disappearing into the dust cloud. Though E107 had lost sight of the figure even among the roaring gunfire and resounding thunder crack explosions happening around him he could still hear the faint tapping of boots hitting the dirt heading towards him.

This was due to his implants known as The Hibernator a three-part implant part of which is also link to the ear lopes via the second and third parts of the implant, which allows E107 after much time after and practice to consciously filter out "white noise" or resist other sonic attacks and greatly enhance certain sounds over the capabilities of normal human hearing.

This is what was keeping his ears from ringing within his skull despite the continuance thundering booming around him.

Not only does this implant's improved inner ear structure, it is externally indistinguishable from a normal human ear in size and shape their altered ear it rendered E107 immune to dizziness and motion-induced nausea thus allowing him to perform such supernatural feats without getting dizzy or losing his footing performing his extreme acrobat movements. E107 after much hours, days even suffering trying to adapt to the rush of sounds and noise blaring into his skull, E107 after much time finally did, he finally adapt to this change within him. He found that his ears have become more sensitive to all sound around him. He had found his new developed incredible hearing, allowing them to hear extreme variances of sounds and frequencies, thus allowing them to pick up noises from across the space around him. With enough control he could even can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.

"E2005." E107 saw the figure emerge from the mist he too was in tatters no different in appearance to a common street beggar. Because of his bigger size compare to E107 he was also carry a bigger size weapon for him though it still seemed oversized to his own body frame. Although E2005 showed no sign of it being a hindrance to him, he rushed towards E107 stopping just before him however before he could say his next word to him.

Dadadada~! Gunshots rang out E107 ducked his head down as several flashes of light rushed pasted over his head narrowly missing his head by the hair. Another key functionality of the Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites which was done to his mind, the Alteration of bioelectrical nerve transduction which increased his reflexes by nearly 300% far beyond what a child his age should be capable of. This reflex however couldn't save E2005 in time however as he was a fraction of a second too slow to avoided the incoming shot.

Pop! E2005's head exploded in a flash of red gore bright crimson red and brain matter splattered showering over E107 in it. E107 didn't hesitant for a second or reelin shock at the sudden death of his fellow number he has seen too much of it over and over, time after time again for who knows how long now. He twirled around on his heels and fired his weapon towards the target that killed E2005, rewarding his heroism he was sprayed upon by a hail of gun fire. E107 quickly ducked behind the nearest boulder closest to him the intense fire kept him down from rising back up to fire back on his opposition, he was running out of time. He knew this the hailing barrage was quickly tearing away at the temporary cover he was taking shelter under, he felt it shrinking tearing apart into the rock.

Dust clouds forming flowing around him and pebbles spraying him like rain drops from all sides. The boulder shuffled and shuttered in place as the gunfire continued E107 knew there was no choice it was now or never he shifted in place ready to spring into action. His heart beats loudly within his chest or rather hearts there were two distinct heartbeats vibrating within his chest like all the other changes to his body that E107 is unaware of, he couldn't fathom the thought of having two hearts beating in his chest.

It was due to this Secondary Heart of his pack tightly along with the main heart so closely together in the body, so tightly E107 didn't even know he had two hearts if even he were to place his hand on his own chest. Many outside of those who put it inside him wouldn't know unknowingly refer to it as one organ as even a machine initially wouldn't even be able to pick up on it at first.

The fact he was so clam at the moment due to the fact that not only does the Secondary Heart increases blood supply and pumping capacity of one heart. In the worst-case scenario, it is fully capable of taking over entirely should the primary heart fail. It also pumps steroids and adrenaline into the first primary heart giving E107 the extra "rush" of energy he was experiencing right now, time seemed to have slowed down for him for a short while now. He can see the individual specks of pebbles and dust flowing around him like snowflakes dancing in the air before their hit the ground, the were falling so slowly he could catch each of them or count them one by one.

So slow was time flowing for him right now despite the fact that only several seconds have passed since he hid behind this rock, he felt as long lifetimes have already passed since time was going so slow in his mind. Like other changes in his body, he could never understand that time wasn't slowing around him but the fact his mind was processing things around at a much faster rate due to the dormant function of the heart. Which in times of extreme stress expels great blurts of self-synthesized chemicals -- a hyper-cocktail that simulates the biological action of combat stems.

Such effects of theses chemical stems upon his senses just like the others times when he got hurt last time as his body underwent several violent, damaging trauma occurred. This was what also aiding in the rapid regrowth of tissue, bone and muscle allowing him to get back into the fight faster, however once this chemical has been expelled into the body, the gland then falls dormant again, and takes some time to metabolically build itself up once more for the next usage.

E107 quickly thought of his options and there was no other option that he could take but the one in front of him, so he slung the weapon via its straps over his shoulder and place his palms on the dwindling boulders surface and began to push. One would think that despite its misshaped form its was still a boulder larger than a man a small child barely in his teens would even be able to move such a massive object that a grown man wouldn't be able to.

But here a child was shoving an object three times his size and weight but was actually gaining in speed towards his target even as said target was ripping through the rock more quickly as the distance closed quickly between them. Once E107 judged the distance to be close enough he then gripped tight the surface of the boulder slightly cracked upon his fingers tightening. E107 then lifted the shaking rock whose vibration transferred into his arms; the shaking actually made it harder for him to hold onto the rock he knew couldn't hold onto the rock for long.

Yet still his grip held firm as E107 held it up slightly just a few inches from the ground before within a spilt second, he kicked the dirt under his foot and into a mad dash. In seconds he could hear the boulder slamming into the rough texture that E107 has become all too familiar these past weeks, months he couldn't tell nor really care little things interested him in honestly.

Never ceasing in his movement, he raced towards his opposition slowed only for the slightest of seconds but still enough time for E107 to strike. Reaching for his oversized rifle as he ran the figure though shrouded by the darkness building around him was clear as day to his sight. It was a towering figure not humanoid in shape but instead it resembled that of a prowling spider, E107 only knew of such a creature because he has seen one. The direct difference this one was pretty obvious to the naked eye that this wasn't a natural being but a man-made being a machine. It was a machine with four long jointed legs, whitish-brown armor plates decorating its hull its two machine guns held suspend to the front attached via two grappling arms. Its main armament to which its brandished its main battery on top of its frame giving the machine, a mixed image of a spider along with additional components reminiscent of a scorpion's tail and pincers.

Despite facing off against something that massive E107 showed no fear as the machine regained its footing and angled its two froward weapons systems at E107. However, it was too late E107 was upon the machine firing upon it as he scaled the machine, E107 unload round after round at the machine. He knew that the armor plates were too thick for his own bullets to do anything that would any real damaged to the plates. So, he aimed at the two grappling arms holding the twin machine guns till the arms was torn from their hedges.

But still even if he disables one of the machine weapon systems it still functioned normally as the drone frantically shifted its posture, trying to shake off the pest on top its frame. However, E107 held on despite the swaying he was subjected to shifted him till he was in front of the main battery on top of its frame, the sensors and cameras detected that and machine responded. Still slower than E107 as he shifted his posture just in the nick of time as the cannon roared its voice loudly. The heat wave itself alone was agonizing let alone the shockwave that sweep over him. If it were not for the sweaty oily layer overlapping his skin, him being in such close proximity of the blast wave would have burned him if not The Amplifier within him.

The Amplifier yet another extra organ that implanted within E107, this one however was a three-part organ mainly within his head. The first part being a small, thumbnail-sized lobe that is inserted into the brain's cortex. The second is implanted within the central nervous system and links into the endocrine system via the lymphatic system, this part of the organ alters the pigment cells in the skin, which was the source of the wax layer covering E107's skin right now. This waxy protein substance similar to mucus secreted through his pores that now seals his skin, responds to specific chemical stimuli in the environment to shield him from otherwise dangerous levels of radiation and heat. Such as the one he was being subjected to now shield but not unaffected.

E107 threw aside his spent rifle and with both hands gripped at the cannon the surface of the barrel cracked and warped under his palms as his grip intensified. He then began to pull first there was nothing then came the sound of tortured metal, the drone he stood upon shifted and frantically shoke trying to remove the pest causing it so much pain if a machine could feel pain to no avail as the pest held on. Its sensor system blared with warnings as the system recalculated and planned its next course of action.

E107 held strong despite the extreme vibrations that he was currently experiencing yet still he held strong where a normal human would have slipped and fell, the exposed muscles on his body flexed and bulged as the sound of metal being crushed bolts snapped before with one finally tug and pull. E107 ripped the cannon from its hedges and was now freely dangling in the air held up only by his two small palms, a scene that should be impossible. Even E107 was somewhat shocked and confused by this fact and still would be if he hadn't done such near impossible feats countless times already this was due to the Meridian Stigmata Sinew Coils within his body.

E107's sinews have been reinforced with Organic Nano-Durametallic Coil-Cables these Sinew Coils runs along parallel along with the body's muscle sinew. The surgical incision lines still visible throughout his exposed body frame was a clear indication of what laid beneath the thin layer of skin. These can contract with incredible force along with the natural sinews, magnifying his strength ten-fold beyond his age. In truth as are his other astonishing feats even beyond a standard grown human.

He gripped at the loose cannon barrel in his hands then he swung down at upon the machine beneath him, resulting in an ear-piercing screech of metal hitting metal ringing out in the air. Not once or twice but repeatably as E107 slammed the barrel down on the drone's metal frame, the armor plates bent and became distorted under repeated bashing against it. However, despite his efforts it did little to no effect to the machine as it continued to thrash trying to shake off its assailant E107 was nearly tossed off its back several time. So E107 quickly thought of his next move, thus he swung the barrel at one of the four long jointed legs of the machines nearest to him bang~! That did the most visible effect that E107 could visibly see one he could even appreciate more than any other deeds he has done to the drone. With a single strike he brought down the drone to the ground with a loud clank but he didn't relent and continued to beat upon the drone.

He first targeted the other remaining legs first to immobilize it from moving away him, in doing so with the amount of force he was asserting it caused the barrel to become severely bent and dented beyond its original form. By the time he moved onto the final leg the barrel broke into two, but E107 barely paid any mind to that fact simply tossed the broken tool in his hand away. He then processed to grab at the mechanical leg pulling it to him and began to punch at the connecting joint the metal warp and misshaped under the weight of his fist.

Once the armor plating was loose enough by his calculations, he gripped at the exposed bent rims of the armor plating and ripped whatever pieces of metal he could. However, seeing as he was making too slow of a progress to his opinion his head darted forward and bit at the plate tearing off massive chucks of the metal like the red meat he now eats. All the while his hands nearly stopped moving even as teeth tore into the machine E107 was relentless at the moment like a hunger predator furiously gorging himself at a fresh kill. He even bit at the expose electrical cabling under all the metal, he felt the surge of electrical course through his body but he wasn't fazed at the slightness.

Finally, he torn off the last remaining mechanical leg of the drone before he rammed the sharpened torn end of the broken leg into a gap in the drone's main body that he made in his earlier efforts. The drone inertial components sparked and flared at the forging object tearing into its sensitive systems. The A.I system registering it all damages waring runes and code spat out within the drone and system overloaded itself.

Finally, the drone was 'dead' its systems crashed and now its broken husk laid still, all that effort that E107 exerted to defeat this foe seemed to have last of a life time but in true. All this happened in a time frame of less than two minutes. Two minutes and forty seconds to be exacted according to the timer in his mind that E107 was keeping track. Something he found himself doing as of late keeping track of how much time it took E107 defeat any of his targets.

E107 slide down the battered form of the drone he was standing ignoring the cuts and scrapes he received while doing so. E107 paid no mind to these minor injures in the last few seasons as far as he could keep track he has far more sever injures that actually caused more pain to him. There admits all the carnage and distant sounds of war and battle happening around him E107 stood before his query, looking upon the massive war machine that should have killed him but failed just as many others before it. He quickly lost interested in the thought that began to surface in his mind before he got to work, he had no weapon so he was going to acquire some right now.

He moved to the front of the machine where the two twin machine guns still attached by the two grappling arms hanging just barely from the drone's frame. He ripped the two items apart keeping hold of his true prize

"Seven there you are!" then over all the noise around him E107 heard it the voice of E57. He turned his head slightly to the side to see E101 and E57 along with several other of Building-E appeared over the nearby hill and were now scaling down it heading towards him.

"Hey guys nice to see you guys are still alive." E107 casually said as he continued his work extracting the two-belt magazine that fed his two acquired weapons.

"I thought I told you to stay put, didn't I?!" E57 berated E107 pulling hard on E107's arm shifting him away from what he was doing. E57 immediately began checking E107 to see if E107 had any injures before that he gestured with his chin and two numbers moved forward towards the downed drone.

"Well, shit happens what do you want me to do about." E107 replied pulling himself away E57 now he was looking over him. E57's along with the others were no different to his own their uniforms were but tatter remains of what they once were. All of which were carrying heavy looking firearms of different but still clearly meant for bigger hands, E57 weapon being larger than everyone else on scene. His weapon clearly was no mass standard produced model of a weapon with added additional part mixed in. E101 carried a similar firearm like the rest but much bulker and shorter than the rest in one hand the other he carried a make-shifted weapon of some kind. It resembled the Podao that he used back during the deadpool albeit a mockery version of it seemly made from scarps items put together to resemble it.

Two among the group wore a heavy bulky backpack unit on their back with a long antenna sticking out from the top behind them. Others had all different sorts of equipment on their person but E107 paid no mind to these details as he directed his attention back on E101 and E57. "Where are the others?" though he already could guess what the answer was to his rhetorical question.

"Dead or scattered across the field like the usual." E101 replied "Before we found you, we sent out a call on the NET to any and all survivors of Building E to gather at rally-point Alpha." All the while E107 was conversing with E57 and E101 two other numbers finished extracting the heavy firearms from the drone dragging the long belt box along the ground.

"Here E107." The two numbers immediately began strapping the two-belt magazine from the drone together with wiring and other martial they have extracted from the drone. Turing the magazine box into a backpack for E107

"Thank E2987 and E4598." E107 flexed his shoulder testing the straps there were some flaws to it but he didn't complain but took notice of it instead calculating how long the straps will last and how much pressure it can hold before loosening. Then he received the two heavy machine guns that were just as large of himself form E2987 and E4598. It didn't have a handgrip like a normal firearm forcing E107 to awkwardly grip the inside mechanics working of the weapon. Took him a second to find the mechanism to fire the weapon so he tested it. Bang! Bang! Two shots rang out one from each one in his hands then he swung his arms in front of him testing the equally sized blades attached to the twin machines guns. The blade sang with hard chime from cutting the air so swiftly he nodded with approval he then turned to the rest of the group as they waited on him.


The loud thundering sound echoed in their ears, after that they were swept in a rushing tide that swept over them blowing away dust and corpses that lay on the ground.

The force of the current sweep over them like a wave knocking them off of their feet, their ears were ringing as they held their head with their hands covering their ears while groaning lightly in pain. Though their ears have become increasingly powerful to block out such sounds but even a rock will begin to crumble under repeated pressure of a wave crashing upon it in due time. As the ringing in their ears slowly began to die out, they also slowly began to rise back up to their feet.

"T-this is….an…. artillery…fire...this is not the work of a some damn clanker, there's someone out there shooting at us!!!"

E107 shouted piecing the bits of the puzzle together seeing the spectacle that happened in front of him.



"Here we go again."

The others simply signed out in frustration and complaints which was drowned out by the subsonic booming around them they didn't really call out to each other because they could barely make out of the words coming out of each other's mouth and the other half being that they couldn't hear each other for a split second because of the painful ringing in their ears.

Boom!!! Another explosion sounded as another dust cloud burst from the ground dangerous close to them indicating where the shell hit the dirt. Struggling up to their feet while bearing the pain and dizziness in their heads as another explosion occurred only a few meters causing another blast current of wind knocking them over falling flat on their backs or on their stomach as the pain in their ears rang again.

Making them moan slightly in pain while holding their hands to the side of their exposed heads E3046 was gripping the sides of his helmet where his ears was located as the static burst forward from their communicators in his helmets. As soon as the static died out multiple different voices were beginning to flood all over the communicators.

["God damn it who in the nine hells is shooting at us!!! This is so not cool!!"]

"[Yeah, no shits Sherlock try saying not something else that's so obvious!!!]"

["Where's it coming from…anyone got anything?!"]

"Somethings coming 11:00 o'clock due northeast!" one of the numbers shouted pointing towards the tree lines. Looking further into the sea of trees further away from the battlefield they stood upon several trees were being mowed down like a ship sailing through the waters.

"Anyone got a visual?!" E101 exclaimed looking over trying to find out what was mowing down the trees. "E5083 found out what it is!"

"Nah too many trees in the damn way.... can't fucking see shit. On wait hang on scanners are picking up what it is...just hang on a sec."

E5083 said looking towards the screen that popped up on his handheld device showing the area where the trees were being mowed down while zooming in for a better visage at what was the cause. However, because of the shades casted on the unknown entity he could not make clearly what it was till…

"Ah ha got it! It seems to be according to the database…. It's a Heavy-Weight Type War-Mech!!

He exclaimed as the machine burst through the shadows of the trees shades as if coming out of hiding as if on cue when E5083 identified it. "I knew it was a heavy model but…. was it ever a Tank-module?" E57 questioned seeing the weird looking machine heading towards them.

Indeed, the War-Mech was different from the usual Bipedal (two legged) designs of the War-Mech but this particular one had the lower body of a tank and the arms seemed to have been altered into cannons, the units frame was dyed in green-cameo like the forest's green with other unknown installations on its shoulders and on its back along with a particular image on its left shoulder

"No doubt it's a custom model and that insignia huh...a skull covered in flames and a number…. does anyone recognize that emblem however though….it doesn't show up on any database that I can see."

"Wait scarp that thought I got something."

E5083 spoke looking over his device as the computer was scanning the emblem of the machine till something popped up on the screen.

"That's the emblem of one of the most dangerous mercenary group known as "Apollo's Chariot" from the "Guild"!"

"Apollo's Chariot...aren't those guys a well-known mercenary group for never missing a mark or failing a request."

E101 questioned the rising intent in the tone of his voice as he eyed the newcomers into the playing field.

"Yeah, those guys are pretty INFAMOUS for their work they do about almost anything a mercenary does including raiding military outposts, stealing valuable good from carveries hell they won't even hesitant to kill innocents that were in their way these guys will do anything as long you pay them good amount of cash."

"They are the worse of trash but last I heard they were no longer apart of the "GUILD" anymore just free guns for hire on the black market."

E57 said with mixed feelings of disgust and anger. "And that's not even the worst of the stories yet…but I rather not touch on that." He stepped in front of E107 to shield him behind his back as he held his over the top massive weapon two handed.

"Although the bigger question I want to know is why are they even here to begin with?"

"It's like you said they're a group of hired guns probably the big guys hired them for a special job what that job is we'll never know but what we do know right now is that they're coming right at us."

"Yeah~… 'CLOCK!!' (Sound of a gun being cocked) enough of the small talk here they come!" E101 exclaimed turning everyone's attention to the incoming machine as it rushed out of the tree lines and exposing itself to the world its main camera's red glow shined brightly as turned its head looking towards their direction as if it found its prey.

During the time, the group was discussing. Inside the cockpit of the green-cameo colored Tank-model War-Mech.

"Well~, well~ they seem to be putting up a better fight thank I thought...but~, if they didn't then it wouldn't be as fun now would it~."

Within a man's voice can be heard over the comms)

"We're not here to mess around let's just get the package and get the hell out of here it's not like the danger beast won't attack us as well you know."

A female's voice sounded as an image popped up on the unknown man's screen revealing a woman's face.

The woman clearly looking near her late 20's with long bright colored blond-hair that went past her neck with her green emerald eye but the left side of her face covered by her bangs making it impossible to see her other eye.

However, the image not only her face but the upper portion of her body as well revealing her ample bosoms that's is only being covered by the tube bar that she was wearing, she was most likely wearing a Fortified Suit but only wearing the suit half way up to her waist revealing the fair pale skin of her body and her slender arms despite showing such a shameful imagine she didn't seem bothered by it.

"Oh, come on~ Alice you known that's no fun~."

The man replied back in a joking manner but with a clear sense of dissatisfaction.

"David, I know this will be difficult for you but bear with it for now please~? Let not make the job any more difficult than it already is."

The woman named Alice pleaded to the man called David.

"Oh, come on Alice we only needed to get that one package but~, it doesn't mean we can't go wild while trying to retrieve it right~."

Another female voiced her option on the matter as another screen popped up on the monitor this female looking in her late teens with her petite frame with short bright reddest-pink hair that covers her ears.

"Rose, you needed to shut up gosh you both need to learn to control yourselves more!"

"Relax grandma you yelling like that will only get you more wrinkles on your face you know lighting up a little."

"I don't want to hear that from you short shit!"


"You heard me hey Martha back me up here! You're the one who got the job for us new girl!"

"I don't particularly minded either way." Another female voice answered through only voice-chat not showing her face.

"Ladies~, ladies~ no need to fight here~." The male voice causally rang through the link as if trying to sooth the situation.

""You're not helping!""