Chapter 6

One and half year ago in Tokyo.

It was chrismast eve. After few hactics days, Keinichi finally had a relax time. He used his precious free Saturday to hang out with his old friends. He did not have much friends, he only had few closed friends that kept hidden well from his family. He valued his friend very much, they were like bothers to him but his family did not like him to be friend with them. The reason was simple, they were from dark site of society, they were part of Gangster.

At 8 O'clock on frosty day, Keinichi left his apartment and went to Shinagawa station. He was going to meet his friends who he called as First brother there. From there, they planned to catch Shinkansen to Osaka. He went to the shinkansen side where He could allocate a handsome man with tatto zooming on his arms.

"The Big boss is not use to wake up early" Keinichi tapped man who was yawning and shook his head to keep him awake

"That damn b****d distrub my sleep" The scary man yawning again.

Keinichi laughed and went away.

"Oi, where are you doing ?" The man yelled.

"get coffee and breakfast, I am damn hungry"

"No need. They have prepare it from us. Lets go ! the earlier we arrive the better"

Keinichi laughed and went back to the man side before both of them heading to the platform. When they arrived in the platform Keinichi saw few other familiar man easily "Boss, Aniki" they bowed their head. Few second later, the train arrived. The group boarded the train for two hours before arriving at Shin osaka station. From there 2 black vans had been waiting for them, those van drove them to dotondory area.

They went inside a close reataurant where another group has been waiting for them.

"Hey, bro !" The man stood up and embrace keinichi and the other man.

"Hey Second bro !" Keinichi raised his hand.

"Boss, Third in command" All stood up and bowed.

"Sit down,. enjor your meal. Don't be so formal" Keinichi patted few people shoulder on the way to their table.

when He sat down on his seat, 2 girls with thick make up and sexy dress sat next to him. They tried to seduce him but he glared fiercely and slapped their hands which were travelling to his chest ruthlessly.

The girls were starled but they smiled and tried their action again

"Leave him alone, he has alergy with women" the man that he called first brother laughed

"What did you said Ren ? still not cure yet ?" the man gave signal to the girls to retrieve.

"Hey Kuro, I tell you he is getting worst" Ren laughed.

"Boy, I went to shrine before I came here and I prayed for you. The paper said that your angel will appear soon" Kuro toasted a paper to Keinichi.

Keinichi easyly caught the paper and read it. He laughed earnestly. "I hope so" He was being sarcastic. He drank his beer directly from the bottle and picked a slice of okonomiyaki before his phone rang.He signal everyone to keep quite before answering the phone.

"Moshi moshi"

"Son, where are you ?" It was his mother.


"Good. Can you visit your grandparents at the old house ? we are afraid something wrong happened to them. They keep calling your uncle and your cousin for few days and asked them to come home. But they are overseas"

"Ask one of the guy to check it. I am busy" He refused

"If something bad happen to them, I promise you that I won't let you go" His mother yelled.

He frowned as He gave a deep tought. His grandparents hardly called, If they made alot of attempts to call, he also suspected something was not right "Ok. I am going there to check them".

"What happen ?" Kuro asked.

"My grandparents are looking for my uncle and his family but they are not around. My mum is worry about them. I'm going to visit them in old house. Sorry Bro, I ruin the plan" Keinichi sincerelly apologized.

"No worries. have lunch first then I will organise a car to bring you there" Kuro knew where the Yamaguchi old house was. Yamaguchi was Keinichis' mother family.

Kuro said as he promised, He asked his man to prepare a car. Keinichi had a nice lunch time this his brothers and the rest. He grinned and shook his head all the time when he saw what his brothers doing. They were hugging girls in their right and left then the girls put the food to their mouth in turned.

"why are you peeping at us ?" Kuro raise his eyebrows.

"Do you want try ?" Ren kissed the girl in his left arm.

"Thank you but I am ok" Keinichi really had no interest on woman. He never lied an eye on them. Well, he used to fancy a girl before but the girl was the source of his broken heart.

"Bro, do you interest in man ?" Kuro asked.

Keinichi was stunned and creased his eyebrows "No. I don't. I don't have sexual orientation" He grinned and attacked the warm takoyaki infornt of him. He was telling the truth. He did not interest with any man or woman. His sexual desire never raised when he saw sexy girls or men.

"I am off now. After I check my grandparent wellbeing. I'll coming back" He stood up. He was unhappy that his fun time was cut short.

"Just give me a buzz. My man will fletch you back here" Kuro winked then he yelled "Third boss is going now. is the car is ready ?".

"Yes Boss" A young man stood up and bowed to Keinichi and showed him the say

"See you guys. Merry Chrismast!" Keinichi gave his thumb up and went away.

"I hope what written in the paper come true. He needs romantic life" Ren shook his head helplessly.

"I hope so. I don't care if it's a he or she" Kuro added.

"I hope it's a she" Ren laughed.

"Do you think he still like her ? he manipulate her father share, is it to get close to her or to take revenge ?"

"I don't know. No one can read his mind, He is too smart and unpredictable plus sly"