Chapter 19

When they went out, the path had been cleared. They went to the car without much difficulty. He turned the car engine on and waited for few minutes until the engine was warm enough before drove slowly.

Cacha was admiring the view "oh my gosh ! All white, so beautiful.. ".

Then, she took a bottle of milktea and drank it "Do you want one ?"

"Yes please. What else do you have there ?" The breakfast was not enough for him.

She opened her bag and gave him another botol of milktea "1 greentea poky, 1 white chocolate with strawbery, One pack potato chip and that's it. Wait, I still have 1 niigiri left"

She showed him the niigiri, unwrapped it "Here".

He frozed, he did not know if he should opened his mouth or take it by his hand.

"Come on open your mouth ! your hand is dirty. I told you before to ask assistant from some one next to you when you are driving" she urged.

He absent mindedly did as she asked.

He did not talk again after that as he slowly drove with extra carefull. the road was very slippery. it turned better onve they were on the mainroad, it was clean with no snow. Cacha made her self busy by taking picture here and there.

"Oniichan, how long does it take to go to the place that you mention before ?"

"it's normally less than an hour"

"Can we stop somewhere first ? I need to restock my survival kits" She knew man had bigger appetite than woman. He was very nice to take her around so she decided to not let him starving.


She took off her ski jackets and put her own long winter coat on

"Why did you take it off ?

"We should return them"

"Keep it with you. In case your coat got wet. you have spare clothes. I am going to extend the rental time" He was stunned by him self that he spoked so many words.

Keinichi stopped at small shopping complex. It was the same one where they hired the ski equipment. He took all the ski board and went to the shop while Cacha went to convenient store few meter away.

He put all on the corner "Clean my place. how is the east part ?"

"Show is thick but accessible. Sir, are you going there ?"

"Any more storm ?"

"No. today is beautiful day. No lie" the shop let a very meaningfull smile. Every one there knew that their boss spent stormy night with a girls with only one blanket.

"village A, is it accessible? "

the other shopkeeper who were older grinned "Yes. If you have time, so to shrine there. It's good view"

Keinichi peeped on his watch, it was 9 o'clock. It took about one half hour to get there and another half an hour walk. The decided to have lunch there. He walked to the counter and checked some file.He looked at the street and he saw Cacha walked to their car direction

"Send all the reports to my office"

"Yes sir"

"Bye" he left the shop.

Cacha looked around to find Keinichi, As soon as she saw him, she rushed to his side. She held a cup of coffee and a plastic bag. "Here, Black coffee" She gave him the cup and took a sandwich "I know you are still hungry"

He took the sandwich and unwrapped it before took a bite "Thank you"

Cacha sniffed "Smell very nice"

He smiled and pointed a small stall few steps away.

"Can we see what they sell ?" she asked.

"Roast sweet potato" He said.

She walked to the the stall while he followed him for behind. Cacha mouth was watery as she smelt the fragrance.

"Do you want some ?" She asked. He just showed his sandwiches.

"Do you want any ?" He asked.

She nodded and took her wallet to take some money out but he stopped her "My turn".

"Give me two" He told the oldman who sold the roast sweet potato.

The old man smiled and put them on a paper bag. Cacha took it and said politely "Arigato". The old man nodded with smilr as he watched her took one of the sweet potato and broke it in to two parts. she put one back inside and peeled the skin of the one on her hand and ate it.

She closed her yes for few second and look at Keinichi "mmm... Yummy. Do you want to try it ? You have finished your sandwich"

He shook his head. She took the other half from the paper bag, peeled the skin and gave it to him "Come one. It work well with black coffee".

he was hestitated first but at the end he ate it.

The old man nodded and muttered "Sweet couple".

"She is not my girl friend" Keinichi told the old man.

"Don't be shy. treat her well, love her dearly. She is good girl" The old man smiled While Keinichi was speechless. He was gald that the little girl did not speak Japanese otherwise, it would be very awkward.

None them knew that not only the old man, the shop keepers were watching them. In side the shop, the two shop keeper were not aware three men came from back door and joined them watching Keinichi and Cacha.

"they look good together" The younger shopkeeper said one said

"That's why I asked him to visit the shrine there. We believe a couple who pray there together will be together until the end."

"But he never pray" one of the men that just entered said

" I hope they go and pray there"

five of them nodded and grinned.

"They need a nice sweet touch, he is too lame"

The shopkeeper just realised that they are not the only one. They turned their body before jumped in shock and patted their chest "Black hawk brothers, please don't scare us"

"What are you scare of ?" One of three hawk brothers yelled and winked to one of his brothers who then went out from the back door and came back in no time. He grinned "Show time"