Chapter 35

Keinichi mind was full of Cacha, he was very worry. As he imagined how scared and distressed she was, he drove the motorcycles with the highest speed limit that he could do. He was racing againts the time as if a masive bomb would explode and destroyed Japan. He was a good racer, he skillfully took over cars on the street and sped on away. It took him nearly an hour to get to the destination. He stopped his motorcycle in front of a small house. After reconfirming the address that he got from the man over the phone, he knocked the door.

Cacha was sitting restlessly inside a house. It was a traditional house similar to The Yamaguchi one but it was much smaller and shabbier. She held a glass of water that the owner gave to her and peeping the clock for many times.

The man and his wife tried to smooth her feeling by patting her hands and smiled at her. They even gave her a lot of sweet dessert which was left untouched. In normal circumstances Cacha would happily enjoyed them, however, at the moment she really had not appetite to eat.

Cacha was telling persuading her self to calm down "Onichan said he will be here in an hour. It's only 50 minutes"

It was less than an hour since she called him, but felt like eternity. When she heard there was a knock from the door, she prayed in her heart that it was him.

The man who helped him stood up and opened the door.

"Hello, I am Keinichi" He introduced him self.

"Young man, Come in side. It is me who you spoke with earlier. The lady is inside".

Keincihi nodded and followed him to living room

"Oniichan !" Cacha shrieked and run to Keinichi side as soon as he saw him. She held his hand and smiled happily, he was his saviour.

"Are you ok ?" He observed her from head to toe.

"I am ok" She nodded. Keinichi finally was avle to breath.

"Please, sit down and have some drink first" The man smiled.

Keinichi sat then he bowed to the man "Thank you so much for helping her"

"It's ok. Have a drink first" The man smiled and gave Keinichi a glass of water.

Aftwr Keinichi took a zip, the man smiled "I did my best to speak with her since I saw her walk around and around with panick face. Sadly, she did not understand so I watched her and about to called police when I saw her heading to the public phone. She is a brave lady".

" It's unsafe for a lady to be alone, especially she is very cute. so, don't let her alone again in foreign place" the man wife added.

"I am really sorry. But, did you relly not see someone with her before ? a man in his mid twenties, he is e little bit shorter than me? " Keinichi asked.

"No, she was alone all the time" The middle age man shook his head.

"Weird, my cousin should be with her" he frowned "may I know your name"

"Ken sato. this is my wife, Yuko" he introduced.

"This is my name card. Please call me if you need any help" Keinichi gave them his card.

"No need. we were just helping. So, where did this little lady go ?" Mrs Sato pushed the card back.

Keinichi had no choice to keep his name card back to his wallet.

"She is a landscape architect. She comes here with her family but she decided to stay longer to explore more about Japanese landscape architecture. I am not clear where she went today" he answered it for her.

Mr Sato and his wife was astonished

"Where did Mamoru take you today ?" Keincihi asked her

"Mamoru ? who is he ? I went to Nara by my self. Then, I got off from train on station on the way back"

"Why did you get off ?" he asked.

"I saw interesting place from train on the way come" she answered simply while Keincihi helplessly shook his head.

"What was happening ?" Mrs Sato was not a bussy body. But Keinichi hepless looked alarmed her.

Keinichi explained to the couple that she went to Nara by her self since his cousin did not turn up.

"Have you go to Arashiyama ? My husband is a caretaker of one of the temple there. It has a beautiful landscape architecture but tourist hardly visit that placr" Mrs Sato said.

Keincihi asked Cacha "they asked you of you are intereating to see a temple with great garden"

Cacha nodded excitedly and smiled cheerfully "yes of course" then her eyes were twinkling again.

He chuckled as he was amazed how fast her mood changed. Nonetheless, he was glad to see her smile again

"Yes. she wants" he informed the couple.

"Lets meet on the way to the bamboo forest . is 10 o'clock ok ?"

Keinichi asked Cacha "10 o'clock tomorrow at Bamboo forest, Arashiyama. Are you ok ?"

Cacha nodded excitedly and she bowed to the couple "Arigato".

The couple laughed "She is cute".

Keinichi grinned "we need to go back now. It has been a long day for her".

"Of course. Let her have a rest, I must be very terrifing for her. see you tomorrow. will she come by her self" Mr Sato asked.

"I'll come with her" Keincihi bowed and

Cacha imitated him. They both once again thanked the nice couple before they left.

Keinichi walked toward his motorcycle. He took a pink jacket and gave it to her

"Put it on. Winter wind is very cold".

She nodded and put it on "Onichan, did you drive motorcycle here ?"

"Yes, it was the fasterst way. I was in Osaka".

"Oh sorry"

"I'll take you back to your hotel and will stay there for the rest of the week. hold on, so you really did not see Mamoru today ?"

Cacha shook her head "I waited until about 10. But you didn't come and no one did so I went by my self"

Keinichi closed his eyes, he did not know if he wanted to laugh or cry "Put your helmet on" he helped her to put it properly before he mounted his bike.

"Onichan, I never ride motorcycle before" She was a bit scare.

"Get on" Keinichi held her hand to help her " hold on me tightly , you will be fine".

Cacha put her and on his waist awkwardly "Like this".

"Yes. Hold my waist firmly, It's ok" as he put his helmet on, he registered funny sensation in his heart as her hand enveloped his waist tighly.

Keinichi took a deep breath before he started the engine and drove very slowly. He let her take her time to adjust since it was her first time and on the same time, he calmed his down as well. His heart beat was still very fast.