Chapter 45

Saturday morning, Cacha and Keinichi spent their day time discussing about their project. He did not have intention to leave her alone therefore he accompany her to do weekly shopping together.

That day, Cacha bought more than usual. In one month, she never bought any meat, but that day she put beef, chicken schnitzeld, pork and fish on to her shopping chart.

Keinichi examined her stuff "Meat , fish ?"

"Mm hmm. I need to start cooking now, My food stock is gone. Eating outside all the time is not healthy at all especially for my wallet" She anwered casually.

"can you cook ?"

His question hurt her pride " Lets find asian grocery, I'll cook chicken katzu don today. So you can taste my cooking".

He nodded with mocking face "Ok. I want to taste your cooking". He doubted that she could cook.

They had ate together for countless time. durring the time When he had meal with her in her place, she served food that was prepared by her mother and sister in law. In addition, no one would believe a spoil girl like her could cook.

They went back after shopping. He dropped her shopping bags first before he went back to his place to put his. Once done, he knocked her door.

"What are you doing ?" he asked.

"Check if there is any news from my brother. But nothing important" She signed.

"what are they doing now ?" Keinichi did his best to hide his curiosity.

"Nothing much. My sister in law broke down when she met her parents, She is ok now. Tomorrow My parents and second brother will meet sister Jasmine parents. I hope everthing is ok"

Keinichi nodded. He observed her face for while before he smiled. He was sure that she had not go online hence she was not affected by the latest development of her sister in law scandals.

She checked the time, it was not 5 yet "I'll call my mum first".

"She should be in bed. It's midnight there" Keincihi reminded her.

She slapped her forehead "Oh.. you are right. Stupid me ! I'll call her tomorrow morning then".

"Do you often talk to your parents ?" he asked.

"At least once a week. Sometime, Eldest sister call me then she let me talk to my mum. How about you ?"

"very rare. not more than the fingers in one hand"

"In a month ?"

"A year"

Cacha was stupefied. She could not figure put why he hardly talked to his parents. As long as she remembered, Her brothers were often call home when they were away from home, at least once a week. She wanted to know the reason but she did not ask. She did not want him to label her as a busybody.

Keinichi lifted his eyebrows when he saw her face "Anything wrong ?"

"Nothing. I'll cook now"

"Do you need my help ?"

"No. I am fine"

"Let me help you" He insisted. He stayed in the kitchen to help her cutting the veggie.

20 minutes later, they sat on the dinning table with a bowl in front of each of them.

" Chicken katsu don, Itadakimasu" Cacha clapped her hands.

He smiled and took a spoon of rice while she was watching him nervously as she was anticipating his critic. He looked at her before tasted the chicken.

"Not bad at all. It's very delicious" He put his thumb up to admit the quality of her cooking was good

"Really ?" She pursed her lips

"Yup" He winked. He was wrong to doubt her.

She grinned and ate her part.

"from who did you learn to cook ?" he asked after they finished.

"My parents. I used to help mum in the kitchen when she cooked. My dad and brothers can cook as well" she said proudly.

After dinner, Keinichi did not leave straight away.They both had a nice discussion mostly about work. It was nearly 10 o'clock when she kept yawning.

"I am going back to my place. we can continued our discussion tomorrow"

"Ok. See you tomorrow" She said rubbing her sleepy eyes. Incr he left, she felt into deep slumber in no time.

While next door, Aftwr he was back to his place, Keinichi took a quick shower and lay on his bed. He tarced back what he did that day and laughed at him self. Ever since he met her again, his worked ethics had changed dramatically. He used to be an effective and efficent worker but now, he was buying time so he could spend time with her everyday. However, he could not resist him self since spending time with her brought him kind of pleasure that was priceless. He closed his eyes before felt a sleep with smile.

Sunday morning, Cacha woke up very fresh. She took a shower and talked to her mother over the phone. She found out that all but her eldest brother and his wife went to Jasmine place.

"Mum, do you know that someone claimed he had sexual relationship with eldest sister ?"

"How do you know ?" Mrs Feng asked

"I saw it in my social media. He posted it friday afternoon".

Mrs Feng laughed bitterly "That man must have something wrong in his head. Your sister in law chastity was taken by your brother on their wedding night. Do you remember whem you asked why she walked in funny way ?"

"I do"

"She walked funny way because she just lost her virginity" Her mum said it proudly.

"oh. Mum.. you have a strong faith in eldest sister, do you ?"

Mrs Feng laughed "our time togeyher is enough for me to undestand her"

"My mum is the best mum in the whole world. So what is the next action ?" Cacha asked

Mrs Feng laughed again when she heard her daughter words "well No idea. Your sister, Alan and Josh have been asking me the same question, Your uncles and aunties too. Ask your brother directly, your father and me can not bring our self to ask"

"Is her father so bad ?"

"No. He is actually a good man, Alices' mother was not that bad either. Your brother told me this morning that she was very bad to your sister in law because she had depression. I can tell that they love and adore Alice so much".

"I'll ask him directly. By the way I need to go now. I have few things to be discussed with Onichan"

"Ok. After everything is back to normal, I want to speak with Keinichi. You have given her so much problem" Cacha told Mrs Feng that he had been helping her since she was there, especially the last few days.

"Mum I did not"