Chapter 51

Thanks to the lunch boxes that Alice prepared, during lunch time, Cacha and Keinichi did not go out. It was their first time to use the dinning area in their floor. Normally, they just went to the kitchen to refill water or made some tea or coffee. Cacha preheated their lunch box while Keinichi took the cutleries. He sat on the chair and grinned in silly way.

"Oniichan, why are you so happy ?"

"Me ? Of course I am happy. Who was not happy to have free lunch ?" He lied. There was no way he would tell her that he felt like a husband waitung for his wife to give him his lunch.

She put his lunch box in front of him "You are better to finish it. Don't make my sister upsad"

"Yes Mam !"

"This dinning area is very good. We should come here often" Cacha said as they enjoyed their meal.

"Your eldest sister food is really yummy"

"Of course. Do you believe that she could not cook at all when the first time she came to our home"

"Really ?"

"It's true. She wanted to impress mum so she learned cooking. After they moved to our place, she learns more from my mother"

"She and your brother are deeply in love"

"For sure"

"Your mother cooks very well and you too"

"of course we are" She grinned.

"You will be a good wife" He blurted.

"will I ? My mum thinks that I'm spoil"

"I don't mind" he was stunned with his own words.

It took Cacha a few second to disgest what he said before she blushed. Aftwr that, they had their lunch quietly.

Once they finished, Cacha put the spoon to the dishwasher and took 2 cups of water for both of them. On the way back to her table, lady bumped to her and made the water spilled every where. However, the lady did not apologize, but instead, she sneered and walked away.

Cacha frowned. She remembered clearly thay the woman was one of group of women who always looked down at her. She said hello to those people but they just ignored her. Not only that, there were few times, they sneered at her and gave her a dirty looked. She wondered if she offended them, when and why.

"Are you ok ?" Keinichi asked. That incident was not unnoticed by him.

"I am ok"

"That lady is rude. She did not apologise to you" He helped her to wipe her wet blouse.

"That's ok. I don't know her anyway"

After lunch, they were back to their office. They had a fair busy day until home time. Cacha checked her phone as it was beeping for new time and grinned happily "Onichan, lets knock off. My brother and my sister are downstair"

"where do they want to go ?"

"Anywhere, just walk around here"

Cacha was packing her stuff when Michael and Joel, their colleagues came.

"Charlene, are you coming with us for drink ?" Micheal asked.

"Not tonight. My Brother is in this city" Cacha answered politely. Then she signalled Keinichi to pack and went with her. He winked and packed as well.

"Sorry guys, I need to go, My brother is waiting for me downstair" Cacha went in rush.

When they were downstair, She spotted Nick and Alice easily who were satting on the bench few meters away from the building entrance. The couple were flirting happily while hugging each other

"Eldest sister" Cacha poked Alice cheek.

"Cacha" Alice stood up and hugged Cacha.

"Can you two please stop doing mushy thing like that. Onichan is here" Cacha reminded her brother.

Keinichi chuckled "Don't worry about me. I am not offended in anyway"

"Any suggestion for dinner ?" Nick asked innocently.

"I'll bring you there" Keinichi said.

They just walked few steps when a group of women came. "Hi Charlene" one of the girl greeted Cacha but her attitude was not friendly at all.

"Who is this man ?" The girl stared at Nick with foxy eyes.

"My brother and this is his wife" Cacha did not like how the girl eyed her brother, so she decided to tell the woman that his brother was not available anymore.

"oh" The girl and her group walked away while their eyes fixed at the men.

Alice frowned. Her woman instincts told her that girls harboured feeling toward her husband and Keinichi. Honestly speaking, Those two men were actually every eye catching.

"Is she your friend ?" she asked Cacha

"No. But our office is on the same floor. I also wonder Why did she talk to me just now. Normally, when I said hello to them, they just ignored me. I think they dislike me"

"They must jealous of you" Alice blurted

"Why ?" Cacha asked

"Because your sister is pretty, cute and sweet. Also" Alice took a quick glance as Keinichi before muttered in low voice closed to Cacha ear so others could not listen what she would say"They envy you because your handsome Oniichan adores you"

"Eldest sister " Cacha pouted and her cheek blushed.

Alice laughed then she pinched cacha cheek lightly "Ah.. I miss your cute face".

Nick and Keinichi who were walking behind the lady grinned.

"My wife misses my sister very much. They used to spend hours together at home. Sometime, when Cacha was on holiday, they spent the whole day together. She spoil her more than I do" Nick explained.

"I can tell"

"Keinichi, Thank you so much for look after my sister. Please don't hurt her in anyway"

"I promise you. I'll do my best to protect her"

"Thank you".

"Cacha place is very small. Why don't you stay in my place"

"It's fine. Our purpose to come here is to spend quality time with her"

The men smiled as they saw the women in front of the laughed happily together .

Keinichi took them to dinner to a small restaurant. Eventough it was small, he food was very good. During their meal, Joel and Michael came to their table.

"Hi Charlene, Keinichi. Are they your family ?" Joel greeted first.

"My brother and his wife" Cacha said politely.

"Hello, I am Joel. we work on the same project"

"I am Michael"

Nick nodded to the men and just gave them a faint smile. Alice was about to introduce her self but Nick gave her a tugged on her arm as a not to do warning. Keinichi was dumpstruck to see Nick and Alice reaction. As far as he remembered, they were very friendly when he met them. Joel and Michael were very awkward, so they just left. Cacha giggled and out her thump up to her brother.

"They are Cacha friends" Alice glared at Nick.

Nick chuckled "Missu, I have two pretty sisters, countless men had come to us with that trick"

Alice was speechless, he was right, her experience on that part was incomparable to him.

Keinichi appaused Nicks' attitude in his hear. "Your brother is quite unfriendly" He wishered.

"If it's second brother, it would be mich more entertaining than that"

"I can imagine"

At the end of their dinner, Keinichi wished to pay for it but Nick did not let him "Bro, let me pay for it. Anyway, I know Cacha still owe you the ticket fee"

Keincihi chuckled "You guys are really siblings. Ok, I give up, please settle the bill"

Nick smiled proudly "You can not go againts me, my parents and my brothers. of course specially my sister, that's the rule".

Keinichi laughed as he lifted his glass to honour him "Thanks for your kindness, I keep it in my mind"

In return, Nick also lifted his glass and grinned "We are watching your performance"

Alice muffled as she supressed her laughter while Cacha was dumpfounded. She did not understand what the men where talking about.

"any plan for tomorrow" Keinichi asked.

"No" Nick shook his head.

"I'll take you somewhere" Keinichi smiled. He was thrilled that he had chance to score some points.

"Yes. eldest brother, Oniichan knows alot of good place here"

"But is it ok ? He may be have alot of thing to do" Alice said.

"I am free. I'll knock your door at 8" Even if he was busy, he definitely would push all work back. His main concern at the time being was for her.