Chapter 53

Sunday was the last day for Nick and Alice there. Alice was on the kitchen making brrakfast. When Cacha was about to help her, she shooed her away "Cha, go and get your oniichan here. The pancake state is not good when it's cold"

"ok" Cacha went out to get Keinichi.

"Why don't she call him ?" Nick asked with amazement.

Alice laughed "she misses her oniichan handsome face".

Keinichi just slept few hours hours when Cacha knocked his door. They went home just after 9, however he did not sleep until passed midnight. He had to do some work for this business back in Japan.He groaned before he peeped on the clock, it was already 8 o'clock. He walked to the door and opened it.

Cacha let a small giggle when she saw his messy appearance "Good morning Oniichan. My brother asks you to come for breakfast"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes" He said with sleepy eyes.

"Ok. I keep my door open" She held her smile and went away. She grinned foolishly and tapped her blushed face "handsome man is handsome even he just wake up".

Cacha only dared to come back after her face was no longer hot. She did not want to be teased again.

"Where is he ?" Nick asked when he saw she was back alone.

"Will be here soon. He just woke up" she went to the kitchen and helped Alice who was washing the kitchenware.

After closing the door, Keinichi went to the bathroom. He took the tooth brush and put the toothpaste on. He stared at his reflection "Damnit !!" he shook his head, he was very messy and gloomy. He wished he at leat washed his face first before opened the door.

He continued to brush his teeth and had a quick shower. He chose sky blue shirt and a black short pants before went to her place.

He pushed the door as she told her that she would not lock it. He was greeted with a nice smell from inside.

"Here, he is" Alice smiled. She and Cacha just finished washing the kitchen ware.

"Boy, come here. Lets have breakfast" Nick waived to Keinichi.

Keinichi nodded politely and sat on thr dinning chair infront of Nick.

while the male had their breakfast on the dinning table, Alice and Cacha were chatting on the phone on the sofa.

"They made a call to Sasha. My other sister, do you remember her ?" Nick chewed his pancake.

"Yes. I do"

"How is it ? good ?" Nick asked

"Very good"

"Our mother made better"

"she must be"

When the male concluded the ladies ended the call as well.

"What is the plan for today ?" Cacha asked.

"Lets go to market. I'll make grill seafood for lunch and left some for dinner. Our flight is at 7" Nick said.

"Oniichan doesn't eat seafood. he has alergy".

Nick chuckled and shook his head. It seemed his little sister was really into this man.

"I eat fish and squid, I just have mild alergy with prawn. Just do it my place, it much bigger"

"Sure. Keinichi, how is your grandparents doing? " Nick asked.

"I am not sure. I haven't contacted them for few months"

"Oh.. Are they back to state ?"

"I really have no idea. I am rarely in touch with them. We are not close at all, I moved to UK when I was 6. I only went back to Japan after I graduated from high school and was there for a year"

"Where was your uni ?" Alice asked.


"Oh Harvard man. good one" Nick winked.

Keinichi grinned and winked back. He never disclosed to anybody even to his family that he went to Harvard. His family only knew he studied in state but they did not know where he was about and what major he took. During that time, he hardly made any contact with his parents not to mention his grandparents.

"I tought you were in Seattle. they told me once they had grandson there" Alice said.

"He is my cousin. A Yamaguchi, I am Anderson"

"I see" Alice could register bitterness in his tone.

They went for shopping after that and went back soon after. Nick made a grill seafood, his expertise in keincihi place while Keinichi made salad and mashed potato. In contrast with the male who were busy cooking, the ladies were packing up. Cacha bought few stuff few days before, some of them were for her parents, some for her siblings but she bought more for her two cute nephews Hugh and Austen.

"Brother Nick cook is great" Keinichi put his thumb up.

"Every one in Feng family can cook. It's the requirements" Alice hinted

"I see. I'll do my best" Keinichi understood what Alice tried to tell him.

Alice smiled and went to her husband "Darling, the suitcase is already full"

"What ? how ?" Nick was startled.

"I bought few things for every one" Cacha said casully.

Alice nearly chocked "Few things ? She has alot, especially for Austen and Hugh"

" Why did you waste your money ? keep it for you" Nick rubbed Cacha head.

"I just buy a little. I always get everything from all of you. Now, I am able to earn money now, I just want to give something back to you. Anyway, there is nothing wrong to spoil my nephew, right ?"

Nick took a deep breath "Ok. But next time, don't spend recklessly. Use for your ownself and save some"


Keinichi envied and at the same time he was jealous with the siblings. He wished he had sibling who cared about him. Or at least, someone within his family who was worry about his wellbeing.

At 5, Keinichi drove Nick and Alice to airport. After they did the checked in, Alice and Cacha were hugging each other and weeping.

Nick shook his head "This is why I was unwilling for them to see each other. I will have hard time to coax my wife after this. Keinichi, please help me to cheer up sister"

Keinichi let a fain smile "Do they always act like this ?"

"Yes, they are twin cry babies. My mother was doing much better than my wife" Nick said helplessly.

"Leave her with me. I won't disappoint you"

Nick smiled "Thank you mate".

"My pleasure"

Nick then patted Keinichi shoulder and nodded with satisfaction before went to his wife.

"Honey, we need to now" He pulled his wife from his sister as they did not seem willing to be apart.

"Cacha, look after your self well" Nick cuddled his sister. It was also very hard for him to leave his little sister but he gathered him self.

"Ok. Bye. See you in a month time" Cacha waived her hand.


Keinichi shook hand with Nick and Alice before the couple left. He and Cacha watched until they disappeared.

"Lets go home" He held her hand and guided her to the carpark.