Chapter 64

"Thank you papa Feng for a wonderful speech. next is speech from the Grooms best friend who is also his brother" Ed said.

Nick went to podium "First of all, thank you for coming to our brother wedding. Today, finally my mother can feel ease as her only bachelor son is not available anymore"

The guests giggled

"Sean and me are partner in crime since we were young. We are different from our little brother who was a nice and obedient boy, he is still the sweet one until now. Sean and Alan are not blood related to me, but we brought up on the same roof, messed around together, earned money together, we have gone through all thick and thin together as siblings. This beother of us who is the star of today celebration is a wonderfull man, a high self motivated man, a brother who always be very precious to us. I guarantee you My sister in law, you won't regret to be his wife, because we are Feng who only devote our self to one woman in our life. To our beloved brother, never look down at our self, you are a great man. We, Alan, our sisters and me, will always stand behind you to support you, we always be in the front to protect you, because we are all one family. Sean, Jasmine, we wish you a happy wedding and a great future. I remind you that my dear brother once primised dad to build a Feng army for Dad, how many did you promise ?"

"5 " Sean said.

"No,.he promised 7" Alan teased.

"I tough he said 11" Josh added

"Am I pig ?" Jasmine face was red.

Nick laughed "Made sure you two fullfilled that promised. That's the end of my speech. But before I conclude, I forgot to give you two your wedding present at home before because my dear wife was tired"

"Booo, keep your love dovey with you wife. This is my wedding" Sean rolled his eyes.

Nick twiched while Alice face blushed, Feng boys were all shameless.

"Here is your present for all of your siblings. We love you always" Nick took an envelope from his suit pocket and handed it to Sean.

"Why is it so thin ?" Sean mocked and turned around to open it. He was dumpstruck when he found out what it was.

"This.." He stared blankly at a piece of paper. it was a contact of buying a house. his siblings has put 20% deposit for a house next to their parents.

"Are you happy ?" Nick asked playfully.

"Bro, I sacrificed it for you. it supposed to be mine" Alan grinned while walking to the stage.

"Thanks bro" Sean hugged Nick and Alan.

"Hey, we also take part of it" Sasha and Hans.

"Me too, of course eldest brother share was the largest" Cacha came to the stage as well.

"Thank you girl" Sean hugged and kissed the girls and gave Hans a hug.

"Thank you my sister in laws" Sean did not forgot to hug Alice and Michelle. Without their permission, his brothers might not be able to put such a big money.

"What is that ?" Jasmine could not hide her curiosity. Sean walked to her and showed her the gift. Jasmine was stunned.

"Gosh..." she was speechless. She knew how the siblings were very close and support each other, howeve she never expected they would give her such an expensive gift.

"Thank you guys" that was what she could say.

"Guys, you can have the family love dovey after this. Next is speech for the groom" Ed cut off. He had to make sure it all ran by schedule.

Sean took the microphone and took a deep breath " Thank you every one for coming tonight. First of all, I would like to offer my gratitude to the couple who brought me up. I call them mum and dad for twenty years, for me they are my greatest gift that heaven have ever bestow upon to me. I used to hate my self and people around me. Until I was brought to their home. There, they are not providing me with food but shower me with love and care. More than that, they gave me brothers and sisters that love me. Together, they taught me to love people aeound me, until I am finally able to love woman other than My family. I actually did not dare to love my dear wife, Jasmine, when the first time we met. It was my lovely elder brother who encouraged me endlessly. It was my siblings who persuaded my parents to accept our relationship. My woman is wonderfull, she accepts me as I am. I brought up as A Feng, I am a man with Feng as my sure name. Therefore, I have my dad legacy with me. For you who are presented here in this room, please be my withnesses that today, in the name of My parents, I, Sean Neil Feng will only have one woman in my life, she is My wife Jasmine Feng. I will show my love with my action, my mind and my speech, will protect her and help her when sheis down, will provide her with love and material. together we will look after out kids, educate them and love them. I love you Jasmine. Mum and dad, we will never make you worry, we will life happily with proud and dignity"

Sean walked down from the stage to Mr and Mrs Feng table "I love you mum, dad" He gave Mrs Feng a big hug and let her caressed his face and kissed his cheek before he hugged Mr Feng. Then, he walked to this grandmother and grandaunty and hugged them.

Cacha sobbed, she was very touched with the scene. she was not the only one, Alice and Sasha were also sobbing. Once, Sean was back to his seat, Jasmine could not help but hugged him, She kissed his lips few times.

"I love you my hubby, I love you, only you. I will return youe love double" Jasmine pledged and kissed him more.

"Bride, the wedding kissing has not started yet" Josh teased while every one were giggling.