Chapter 73

Cacha pushed his away "What ? you told me you did not like me few days ago. Just now you accused me and now you ask me to date you ?" Cacha asked with disbelieve.

"You don't want ?"

"Not that I don't want. it's just"

"So, in the other word you are willing to date me. Right ?" He cut her

"Oniichan, the problem is"

" You don't like me ?"

"No. I don't"

"You like me and you like Chris ?"

"Stop accusing me ! I don't like him, I only have mind on you"

"You like me but you don't want to date me"


"You love me and you want me to date you"


"It settle then. I love you and you too love me. lets date" For the last gew months during their interaction, more or less he knew her personality. Combine with his experience doing business deal, he knew well how to provoke her.

"what ?" Cacha did not get it.

"I ask asked if you want me to date you and you said yes. From today, we are a couple"

"Did I say that ? when " Cacha asked confusedly.

"Yes. few seconds ago" He answered firmly.

Cacha closed her eyes as she tried to remembered what she said. "Oniichan, you trick me" she said helplessly when she recalled how he provoked her.

Keinichi smiled "I am sorry, I was very mean to you. I guarantee I won't do that again in the future and I will compensate you thousand time for you tears. How many night did you cry ?"

"How do you know I cried alot ?" Cacha blurted.

Keinichi rolled his eyes and laughed "I come I don't know how cry baby my woman is"

"Hey ! who is your woman ? " Cacha glared at him and punched his chest.

He held her hand " You. Forgive me and date me, ok ?"

Cacha nodded shyly. Keinichi smiled and he hugged her.

"Lets go home" He intertwined his hand with her as he led their way home.

He did not stop when they passed her unit, he took her to his apartment instead.

"Sit here, I'm going to cook our dinner" Keinichi went to the kitchen and cooked while she sat on the sofa. she traced back what was just happened. They did not talk to each other for few days and all of suddent he begged for apology and now, they were dating. " am I dreaming ?" she asked her self.

"Dinner is ready" Keinichi whispered softly on her ear. Cacha was frighten, she was lost in her tought hence she did not notice he was next to her.

"What's wrong ?" Keinichi looked deeply in to her eyes.

Cacha shook her head "Nothing. Oniichan, are you really sure to date me ?"

Keinichi chuckled "What do you think ?"

Cacha was speechless.

Keinichi laughed "Of cource I am"

He led her sit on the dinning table and put a plate in front of her and another for himself.

Cacha gigled when saw that their dinner was steak with salad and bread roll.

"Oniichan, do you remember our first dinner ?" Cacha asked.

Keinichi smile "the candle light dinner ?"

Cacha grinned "candle light dinner with steak, just edible soup, nigiri and potato chips"

Then they both laughed together as the recall that old day.

After dinner, Cacha helped keinichi to clean up before they sat on the sofa. Cacha drank her tea while watching Keinichi opend the package in side the paper bag that she put infront of his door last night. He got a lot of health supplemet and a tie.

"why did you sister in laws's mother give me these think ?".

"She also send a same thing for me and my brother"

Keinichi nodded "please say my thank you for her"

"I did it already"

"Cacha, I really did not do out with that girl last weekend" Keinichi did not want her to missunderstand him.

"I know"

"How ?"

"I overheard their conversation yesterday"

"were you angry at that time ? are you happy I didn't go ?" He knew the answer but he wanted her to say it.

"Yes. Why did you say that hatefull thing ?" Cacha pouted. Her anger aroused again when she remembered what he said on Friday.

"Sorry. why was he here ? that woman, is she his girlfriend"

"Who ?" She did not get it.

"The man that came to our office last weak and dragged you away"

Cacha suddently enlightened "Were you jealous with brother Liam ?" She blurthed.

"I didn't" Keinichi did not want her to tease him.

"You were. I know you were jealous. am I right ?"

Keinichi did not answer it, he stood up and pretended to walk to the kitchen.

Cacha held his hand to prevent him to run away and pulled him back to sit on the sofa "Hey ! Don't run away. you were jealous. You are like a little kid throwing tantrums"

Keinichi was astonished with what she said. He chuckled and caresses her head "Next time, you are not allowed to hug any man other than me".

she belonged to him and only him.

"Not even my father ?" Cacha sneered

"Your father is exemption"

"How about my brothers ?"

"Your brothers are fine"

"My brother in law ? Josh and fred are fine, right ? Brother Ed ?" Cacha asked seriously.

Keinichi pinched the brigde of his nose "your family and relatives are fine"

"Brother Liam is considered as my brother but you were not fine with it" She gave him a mocking expression.

"He acted indecent by hugging you" He excused him self "But please be assured, in the future, I'll clarify with you first"

Cacha nodded with satisfaction but then she slapped his shoulder fiercely "I cameto find you to tell abouy brother Liam, but what I got was a cold shoulder and your jealosy. I called you but you turned off your phone"

"Sorry, I am really sorry. I won't act irrational again" Keinichi did not defend him self and excused him self anymore. He was the one that was wrong.

"Promised ?"

Keinichi put a V sign "I swear. how many time did you cry ?"

"I cried on the rest room after that and also at night time for few days"

Keinichi finally knew why he could not find her on Friday. He hugged her "I am sorry"

"You said sorry for many times already" Cacha leaned on his chest. It was broad and strong, she liked it. She closed her eyes and inhaled his unique masculine smelt.

"Because I was wrong. I am really sorry"

He indeed had said sorry for many time but it was not enough. He hugged her tightly as he promised to him self he would never let her cry again nor doubt her.

"Oniichan where did you go ? you did not come to work"

"I went to the project site yesterday, there was problem. Today, I had meeting with the building contractor"

"Is it ok now ?"

"Yes, All good. I am back to the office tomorrow"

"Are we going to work together again ?" She asked innocently.

"For sure" There was no way he would ignore his girlfriend.

"it's late. I am going home" Cacha wringled out from his embrace.

"Ok" He stood up and reluctantly send her home.