Chapter 75

On saturday, Keinichi woke up very early. He did extra two laps for his morning jog before took a shower. He put deodorant eventhough he knew his body did not produce any bad smelt. He intentional chose a black thight shirt and black plant as well as black jacket. He took a glance of his appearance on the mirror to make sure all were in order and only left once he satisafied.

On the other room in the same building, Cacha stood in front of her wardrobe for half an hour. She had an headache to choose outfit today.

"What should I wear ?" She asked her self helplessly. She did not know where Keinichi would take her today, he only told her that they were going to have a date today. Before she finally took a knee leng white dress that Mama NG bought for her back in Sydney. She just put a pink lipglosh of finishing touch when Keinichi knocked her door.

"Good morning Oniichan" Cacha greeted him sweetly. Her eyes was sparking when she saw his appearance "Oniichan so cool"

"Thank you" Keinichi smiled proudly . The reason chose black today was because she told him almost two years ago that he looked cool in black. He also remembered clearly her facial expression that day, it was very similar with today.

"You are also very pretty. Did you learn make up from your sisters ?"

Cacha nodded shyly "Do I look pretty? is my outfit good enough for today ?"

"Perfect" Keinichi put his hand and her waist and kissed her forehead "Cacha, lets go"

She was startled for second then her cheeks were red.

"Where are we going ?" She asked shyly.

"Breakfast first then you will know after we get there"

It took them more than an hour to have their breakfast. Their meal by it self only taken half an hour but the lovey dovey was taken much longer than that. After breakfast, Keinichi drove his car away. He took her to Uetliberg lookout tower.

It was nearly 3 o'clock when they reached there. In normal circumstances, They should be able to be there at 12 o'clock at the lastest since they left at 10. It was not the case that day ad it took much longer than usual for them to walk to their car and even Keinichi drove a lambo like an electric car. He could not drove faster as his hand could not let her hand go.

"gosh.. It's so beautiful" Cacha gasped as she saw the beautiful panorama. She let his hand away and rushed to the ended. Keinichi frowned as hr felt his hand empty, he did not like it at all. So, he made a larger steps to chase her up and grabbed her hand and locked it.

He stared at her and smile "Beautiful indeed"

Cacha lowered her head to hide her blush cheek. Keinichi grinned and put his hand on her waist before brought her to his embrace.

"Oniichan, people are watching us"

It was actualky his first time to embrace girl in public. He was hestitated at first. However, when he saw many couple did it so he encouraged him self to do it. Once he hugged and felt her soft, he did not want to let it away "No one is watching us. Did you see that a lot of couple old and young hold their partner hand and hugging here ?"

She looked around her and realised that he was right. They were not the only couple who did it. A couple few steps away from them even snogging. She took a deep breath and rested her head on his broad chest, then she put her hand on his waist as well.

Cacha clossed her eyes as she enjoyed that moment. She liked his strong and broad chest, it was so strong. In addition, she loved the papermint smell from his body. It was so refreshing and prefectly matched with his strong figure. For her, he was more handsome than Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom or any other Hollywood actress. Not to mentioned those oppa from Korean Drama, were far below her boyfriend.

Keinichi closed his eyes as well. He enjoyed the pleasure of holding the girl . Her body was petite in his arm but was very warm and perfume was very soft but nice. Cacha was not small, she was 164 cm tall but when she stood nextntk his 180 cm tall and bulky body, she was petite.

He opened his eyes and losened his hands. She felt his movement and straightened her body.

"Lets see the view here" He led her to the edge. He positioned him self behind her before he sneaked his hand back to her waist, embraced her from behind.

"It's beautiful, isn't it ? Do you like it ?" he spoke sofly on her ear. she could not help but blush as his hot breath tickled her soft skin.

His question had ambiguous meaning. He asked if the view was beautiful and at the same time asked if his action was good. He also asked if she liked the view and if she liked his intimate behaviour.

It was Cacha first time to have a romantic relationship. It did not mean that she could not understand his meant. She had witnessed her eldest brother shameless act and questions for countless time.

"I love it" She said softly.

"I am glad you love it" Keinichi put his chin on her shoulder. His action made Cacha face getting redder and redder.

"The alps is beautiful. Do you want to go skiing there ?" He asked her


For the next hour, they stayed in that place enjoying the scene while chatting this and that. Of course, They both mantained their intimate gestures all the way long. During that time, she did not forget to take few shot of them because it was their first date, it was their memento. The memory that lasted for the rest of her life, her first love, first boyfriend and first dating.