Chapter 77

Sunday morning, Keinichi knocked Cacha door after he went back from morning jog. He sat on the sofa and drank the water that she gave. She was a little bit embarrass when she saw sweat dripping from his forehead while she just woke up.

"My girl is getting lazier by day" He pinched her cheek lightly.

Cacha pouted "My legs hurt. It was very tiring yesterday"

"That's why you have to exercise more" He took her leg and gave her a light massage.

"Oniichan, Have you had your breakie ?"


"I made some pancake. do you want some ?"

He smiled "Of course"

She happily went to the kitchen and put two plates of pancake on the dinning table.

"Do you make it special for me ?" He asked before he ate.

"yes. I called my eldest sister and asked her how to make it"

"Did you call her just now ?"

Cacha shook her head "Few days ago. Have a try"

Keinichi cut a generous size and tasted it. Cacha anxiously wait for his opinion but he did not say anything "Is it good ?"

Keinichi nodded.

"Is it as good as the one the my eldest sister make ?"

He smiled "For me, your one is the best".

She witched "sweet talker" but she was glad with his complement and took a bite while she smiled ear to ear.

He laughed at her then had his second cut.

The pancake tasted just ordinary but her care and effort made it a very delicious food in his heart.

"Oniichan, lets go for shopping after this. I will cook for our lunch, ok ?"


"Why ?"

"I need to have shower first. I am very sticky"

"lame" Cacha sneered but she laughed at the end.

"Babe, Give me the spare key for your place" He was very nervous as he did not know if she was happy to be called 'Babe'

"What for ?" she asked. Nonetheless she gave it to me.

He put it together with his "So I can come here anytime without knocking your door anymore. Here is mine. You can come to mine anytime too" He put his key together with her as well.

They went for shopping after that. Keinichi was stunned as she bought so many fruit and veggie. But he did not say anything. He just passionately walked next to her and carried most of the shopping bag.

She stored most of them on the fridge in his Kitchen and the rest on hers before she begun to cook.

Keinichi stood next to her " Babe, What is the menu today ?" He asked. The word of Babe came smoothly this time.

"Sweet sour pork and stir fry veggie"

"Do you need my help?"

"No. just sit and do your work" .

Keinichi did not go, he watcher her and asked her "Babe, why did you buy so many fruit and veggie ?"

"Oniichan. From today, we need to start saving. I don't like it when you spend money caressly"

He frowned "Why ?" Deep in his heart, he felt sweat in his heart that she acted like his wife already.

"My parents always ask us to save our money. You know we need to buy house before married, also for we need not small amount for wedding. Do you know we even need to save more for our kids ?" She blurted while she was cutting the veggie.

Keinichi was astonished but he was over the moon. He was glad that she had intention to build a family with him, their sweet little family. "Bebe, we only date less than a week but you already can't wait to be my bride" he teased her.

She was dumpstruck "huh ? What did I say ?"

Keinichi put the knife on her hand away and hugged her "you said about saving for our wedding, our house and kids"

She blinked her eyes few time as she tried to recall what she said earlier.

"Oh no" She burried her face on his chest to hide her blush face as she remembered what she said.

He laughed and patted her head. He held her chin up so he could see her face "You don't need to save any money, Use your money to buy anything you want. Our wedding expense, our house and our kids future are my responsibility. If you need anything just let me know, I'll buy what ever you want"

"Do you have so much money ? Yesterday alone, you have spent so much money" She was bewildered.

Keinichi nodded "I'll earn more"

"Oniichan, are you rich ?"

"why ?"

"I hope you are not that rich"

"Why ?" Keinichi puzzled more.

"My parents prefer regular son in law. It will be hard for us to get their approval if you are very rich"

He was stupefied "Do they ? did any of your siblings experience that hardship ?"

"All except my third brothers"

He chuckled "Don't worry. Trust me, I'll be able to win mother in law and father in law heart without any difficulty"

"Father in law ? mother in law ?" she tought her ear trick her.

"yup and also my brothers in law. My wife, please have a faith on me that I can conquer my in laws heart"

Cacha was awestruck when she heard he called her my wife. "You are annoying" She punched his chest playfully. She was shy but pleased with him.

Keinichi held her hand to stop her when Cacha saw the bracelet that she gave him "You still have it" She was amazed while touching the bracelet

"All the time. do you know what it is ?" He kept it ever since she gave it but he only wore it the day she agreed to date him.

"It's a lucky charm. Isn't it ?"

"Well it's lucky charm but to be precisely it is a love charm. You cast your love spell to me and tide my heart"

"I didn't"

"You did"

Cacha was speechless she only could burried her face back to his chest.

He laughed as he caressed her head then her back before he hugged her back.

"Babe, my tummy start grumbling. I think I have to help you cooking"

He kissed her forehead before let her go from his embrace. Then he started helping her chopping the veggie.

From that day, Cacha cooked their dinner and lunch most of the time while he was her kitchen hand.