Chapter 79

Two days later, it was nearly time to knock off. Chris approached Cacha.

"Charlene, do you want to join us for drink ?"

She was about to say yes but she glanced at Keincihi. Keinichi face which was darker when he saw Chris came, now had turned very sour. He frowned and shook his head. She knew he did not allow him to go.

"Sorry, I have something else to do" she refused politely.

"oh.. are you going to go somewhere ? do you need to me to escort you"

"I am fine, thank you"

"How about tomorrow ? do you want go out with me"

"I'm sorry but I can't" Cacha started to feel annoyed while Keinichi clutched his hand. He really wanted to punch Chris.

"Why ? do you have something to do as well?"


"What are you going to do ? with whom ?"

She closed her eyes "It's not your business, you have no right to question me. I can't go out and I don't want to go out with you"

"Why ?" Chris asked

"I just see you as friend. understood ?" she said coldly.

Keinichi applauded silently. He was glad that she resufed Chris firmly. However, he never imagined that she could turn to different person when she was umhappy.

He stood up " Charlene, What's up ?"

"Nothing" Chris said instantly. He knew Keinichi and her family was closed.

"Let's go home" Keinichi held Cacha hand and led her out of the office.

Keinichi did not talk much on their way back to the apartment. Their apartment block had receptionist, He came to the front desk and asked the person there "Do you have package for unit 502 ?" he spoke in German.

"Is it for Mr K. Anderson ?"

"That's right"

"yes, you have packages coming this morning"

"Ok. I am coming to pick it up later" He did not want her to know first as he needed to check first if everything was there.

They went to her place to have dinner. As usual, she cooked for them. After dinner, before keinichi was back to his place, he went down stair to pick his packages. He got two boxes, one medium and aboyhrr one was a little bit smaller. He took them to his place and placed them on the table. He took shower first befoee checked them and smiled with satisfaction, all the items were there. So, He texted Ren and Kuro 'Good job'.

Then he called cacha.


"what are you doing ?"

"About to sleep"

"Babe, Do you want me to accompany you until you sleep ?"

"What ?" She was stunned

Keinichi laughed "Ok, Good night. Come here for breakie, ok ?"

"Ok. Good night"

Keinichi opened Cacha door at 7 o'clock the next day. He smiled as he saw how cute she was even when she was fast asleep. He really wanted to peek her cheek to wake her up. However, he resisted himself and pinched her cheek lightly instead.

"wake up"

"It's still early" she pulled her blanket and curled.

Keinichi chuckled, he opened the blind to let the sun in. She furrowed her eyebrow ad the sunlight came to her eyes.

"Oniichan, what are you doing ?!" She rubbed her eyes lazily.

"Wake you up. Lets have a morning jog"

"It's still early"

before she could pull her blanket, he tugged it away "Get up ! you need to do exercise regularly, I don't want you getting fat"

"Oniichan, let me sleep a little bit more pleade"

"Lets go. I'll give you present after this"

"What is it ?" she was exciting.

"I'll tell you latter. lets go"

"Ok" Cacha got up and entered her grumpily.

"Babe, hurry up" he knocked the bathroom door after 10 minutes.

"wait !"

"you don't need to put make up"

Inside the bathroom,she tided her hair casually and opened the bathroom door.

"I don't put make up. I washed by face, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes then put sunscream and skin moisturiser. ok ?"

He was dumpstruck. He did not familiar with all woman gabit at all. He scratched his head and laughed "why should woman put moisturiser only for morning jog ? No wonder woman needs more time to get ready than man"

"What did you say ?"

"Nothing. Lets go"

"Where is my present ?" Cacha asked as they went back home after their morning jog.

"Have shower first and come to my place. I prepare breakie as well"

"Yes, sir" Cacha opened her door and disappeared in a flash.

He chuckled and shook his head before he went home. After he finished shower and prepared their breakfast, Cacha was not there yet. He did not rush her, he understood now that she had more step after shower than him.

It did not take long for her to finish shower. She took more time to choose her outfit then the shower. Once done, she went to his house. She did not need to knock the door, he gave him his key few days ago.

"Morning" She smiled gently.

"Come. your breakfast is ready"

Cacha sat infront of Keinichi and was very surprised when she saw Japanese sweet on a plate " I remember I only see them in Japan"

Keincihi nodded "Indeed"

"is there any japanese shop here that sell this ?"

He shook his head.

"Do you order it from Japan ?"

He nodded

"Really ? oh gosh.. Oniichan, you are awesome" She could help but stood up and gave him a big hug.

He grinned from ear to ear. Her complement made him flying without wing. "Lets have breakfast. Aren't you hungry ?"

"I am"