Chapter 84

When They arrived back at their hotel, Keinichi could not help but pinned her on the door once they both were inside. He landed one kiss and another while his hand were on her waist.

"Go and have shower first" He told her after he managed to control him self

"ok" She ran to the bathroom in no time

He opened the fridge and drank the chilled water to cool himself down. He laid on one of the bed and closed his eyes. His smile grew wider and wider as he reminisced their kisses. He opened his eyes and touched his lips, he still could sensed her sweetness so he licked. He kept peeping on the bathroom door to check if she finished nor not.

He laughed at himself as he realised how childish he was. In order to distract him self, he pulled out his phone and made a call to Ren who had called him for more than 10 times and all were ignored.

"B****d, you finallly call me back" Ren was very pissed off.

"What's up ?" Keinichi was very calm.

"How about the deal ?"

"all good"

"Awesome. Hey.. when are you coming back ? we need you to lead our man in Abc districk"

"half a year I suppose"

"I though you said you will be back early next year"

"Change plan. Anyway, I'll busy when I come back. I don't have time, find some one to do it"

"what are you going to do"

"Preparing my future. By the way, do you still have the list of important things that I gave you last week ?"

"No" Ren did not want to do the errand anymore.

"Get it from Kuro"

"F**k off, we won't do it agan. Never !"


Ren sensed a danger in Keinichi tone "Hey b****d ! do you have brain ? how come you want us to run around only for that stupid food ? You made us become laughing stock" he spatted angrily.

Keinichi smirked "F**k ! you are the one that have no brain ! did I ask you to ask the guys to do it by your self ? Moron ! why don't you ask your girlfriends to do the job ?"

Ren was speechless. while the minions who overheard the bosses conversation nodded and gave Ren a funny look. Their third boss was indeed smart and cunning.

"I want the same thing to be delivered on monday, tuesday will be the latest. Also, if there is any new sweet, buy some as well"

"Oniichan" Cacha called him sweetly. She actually finished her shower long time ago, However she hid in bathroom for while. She was very shy to face him when she remembered their kisses earlier. It took her while to gather her courage.

Keinichi smiled back at her gently. When she saw he was on the phone, she did not say anything further but just walked and sat on the other bed. She looked at him and observed his facial feature carefully. she started from his blue eyes, to his tall nose and his lips. She stopped at his lips and blushed.

"Is that woman voice ?" Ren asked absent mindedly.

"Not your business" He said in coldly whilr admiring his girlfriend who sat with blush face in front of him

"Are you with a girl ?"

"Mm. I need to go now" Keinichi hang up.

"Oniichan, it's your turn to have shower"

"Ok" he stood up and carressed her head before he went for shower. But He went back to steal a kiss on her cheek.

Meanwhile in Tokyo, Ren was still dumpstruck. "Did you hear that ?" he asked his men there.

Every one stare at each other confusedly.

"You guys heard woman voice too, right? and he said mm when I asked if he was with a girl, right ? "

"I think so" His rightman blurted while the rest nodded.

"God dammit" Ren swore.

"Boss, don't be too excited. May be he is with his sister. The girl called him Oniichan" One of the subordinate said.

Ren glared and smacked his head "I know ! You don't have to tell me about it.

"I am sorry boss"

Ren shook his head and continued with his work. He threw his pen and lean on his chair "he never have a close relationship with his half sister. But there is no way he is with a girl. Damn, who that girl is !!"

Back to Switzerland, Once he was disappeared, Cacha grinned like an idiot "no wonder eldest sister and big sister love kissing" She muttered to her self and giggling again.

Then she covered her face when she realised how perverted her mind was. She took a deep breath to calm her self down and sat up upright when she heard the sound of running water was stopped.

She waited for few mintes but he did not come out yet. So she unlocked her phone to check her social media before the checked her photo library. Inside the bathroom, Keinichi had done with his personal matter. But he did not go out straigh away, he stared at the mirror to check his face and his body. He wondered if he was good enough for her or if he needed more work to train his body, she was much younger than him.

He came out from the bathroom and saw her staring at her phone with disappointed look "Babe, what's wrong ?"

"We did not take any picture today" She signed

He chuckled "We will take plenty tomorrow"

"where are we going to?"

"Somewhere that you definately will love it. I think we need to sleep now, it's late and we have to wake up early"

"Ok. good night oniichan" She wiggled under her blanket.

He smiled and came over to her side. He landed a quick passionate kiss "Good night, sleep tight"

she smiled " Good night"

He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. Cacha peeped on him. when she saw his eyes closed, she grinned "Oniichan, I love you" Then she turned her body around and closed her eyes with a big smile.

Keinichi opened his eye in instant and looked at her back and signed "I love you more".

That naughty girl, how come she pretended to sleep after saying such a wonderful confession.