Chapter 91

When She opened her eyes the next morning, Cacha was greeted by a handsome man who smiled sweetly at her "Good morning, babe"

She yawned and smiled back at him "Morning" She noticed he was on his bathrobe "Did you sleep here ?"

He smiled slyly "Babe, I only booked for 1 room. Where should I sleep if not here ?"

"I mean here, on this bed !?"

He laughed as he caressed her head "Of course on thr other bed. Babe, do you want to go back to Zurich in morning or do you still want to stroll around first and we will back after lunch ?"

"Up to you" she hugged him.

"Alright, Lets have a stroll first. Come one, get ready for breakfast"

"Ok" She got up and went to the bathroom.

Keinichi smiled as he saw her disappeared. After while he stood up, took his clean pants from his luggage and wore it. He did not zip it properly but let it hang. He took off his bathrobe and put it on the bed and took the long sleeve black T-shirt and put it on the bed.

He turned his body around as he felt some one watching behind him. He was startled to see her standing in daze.

Cacha was stunned see his welltone body. From the back, his body was broad and strong with full body dragon tattoo. when he turned around, she saw his chest muscle was very firm. Her gaze subsconciously went south to his six pack abdomentand went further dow. Her face was very red instantly when she saw his underware what half exposed.

Keinichi was very good to maintain his cool, he just smiled at her

"I forgot to bring my clothes" She shyly walked past and took random clothes of her.

He grabbed her hand before she could run "Are you sure that you take a right one ?"

She looked at the clothes on her hand and went back to choose another one. Her mind was in a mess so she really could tell which clothes she was really after. She took a deep breath to calm her down before she took a white blouse and a black jeans. He used that moment to zip his pant properly.

Before she could run, He blocked her way "Babe, is my body good enough ?"

She stared back on his chest and to his abdoment. She was relief that his pants was already properly intact.

"Don't be shy, feel free to admire your boyfriend body and criticise it so I can make any improvement"

"No need. I like it as it is" She said shyly.

He smiled and put his hand on her waist. she gulped and put her hand on his chest and run her finger on it to feel his muscle. He smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed her touch.

All of sudden, his phone rang. The melody from the phone successfully brought the couple back to the present.

"I am going to change my clothes first" she ran to the bathroom.

Keinichi signed and answered his phone moodily "Hello"

"Do I interupt your good time ?"

"You do" He did not hestitated.

"Get down to the cafè Abc across the road. we have breakfast together"

Keinichi looked at his phone to check the phone number. The country code of the number was from Uk. He just realised that he was talking to his father.

"I won't go there"

"It will be our last meal. I am heading to Milan then back home"


"Save my number"

Keinichi hang up with out saying anything, he did not have any interest to find out how his father got his number.

He wore his shirt and packed up his suit case. when he put his suitcase on the floor, Cacha was out from bathroom. She put her dirty clothes and her personal care on her suitcase and ziped it up.

"Are we going for breakfast first or check out first ? I have packed up my stuff"

"I think it's better check out first and leave the luggage downstair. Then, we can have a small adventure straighaway after breakfast"


They both left their room while dragging their small luggage. After they had completed the check out procedure, they went to the cafè that his father pointed.

"I have ordered the breakfast for you two. Do you want coffee ?" His father asked while put his hand up to call the waitress.

Keinichi maintained his silence even when the waitres was there to take their order "Can I have moccha and Black coffee ?" Cacha put the order for them.

"Anything else, mam ?"

"That's all. Thank you"

Mrs Anderson smiled at Cacha "How are you today ?"

"Awesome. How about you ?"

"We are good" Mrs Anderson smiled brightly.

Mr Anderson sipped his coffee before he gazed at Keinichi "I'll find time to speak with your mother about the company matter"

"No need, I have made up my mind. I have no intention to come back there at all. I told you yesterday that I have my own dream"

"But still, I was the founder and am one of the major share holder there. The reason I gave part of the share to your mother was for her to support you"

Keinichi let a ridicule smile "I don't need anyone protection. I can stand on my own"

He paused as the waitress came with his coffee and her moccha. He took a sip of his coffee "its price is on the top of the trend, I suggest you to sell it now. I don't know when the D day will be, but I am sure when the day comes, it will become worthless"

"What do you want me to help you with ? do you have start up capital ?" Mr Anderson asked.

Keinichi did not answer it as the waitress came with their meal. Once all of them had their meal in front of them. He took a bite and fed Cacha "I don't need anything from you anymore"

Mr Anderson smiled bitterly "If you need anything, give me a call. The number that I used to call you is my private one"

"I won't"

Mr Anderson just shook his head helplessly. For more than 20 years, Keinichi never made single call to him, so there was no doubt that this son of him would never call him in the future.