Chapter 94

"Alright.. " Mr Johnson then continue his report "The Family Eldest daughter in law, Alice and her parent only reconcile for half year after a scandal shook internet in May. About Sean Feng, It was his wife who was really chased him. they don't know that Alans' father in law is a former high ranking officer in army. About Hans Jung, he and Nick are best friends since they were young. Practically, Hans and his older brother grew up under Mrs Feng watch while their parents were in Korea. Every one praised the couple for their way brough up their kids. The boys are very hardworking. Three of them earned money since their young age by working deligently to pay their tuition fee. They did labour job at night while studing at day time. Their success is really the outcome of their hardworking"

Mr Johson chuckled "Do you think they married their partner easily ? then you are wrong. it was only Alan who married his wife smoothly, because his wife was already pregnant. Others, they had to work hard to get a nod. Particularly, it was Mrs Feng who opposed their relationship. She was afraid their in laws would looked down their kids because their social status was lower"

"How about their youngest ?" Grandma Anderson had no patient.

"The youngest one is Charlene. She is spoiled by her siblings and their partner, especially Alice. Well, It's understandable because she is the youngest and lifely one"

"Spoil ? are you sure ? " Mrs Anderson asked with this believed. She met the girl before but she could see any hint of spoil princess on her.

"Madam, parents and siblings spoil their loved one in many ways. This family doesn't spoil her until she become a big head princess. It's just While the rest only got pocket money from their mum, she had extra from her brothers. She was often excuse from her mother scold because her siblings stood up for her. Other than that she is just an ordinary girl. She had part-time job at age of 15 at fastfood restaurant. Then She worked at coffee shop until she was 19 before she worked at supermarket. When Nick and Sean started their own business, she helped them for few months before she helped her eldest sister in law. Of course, they gave her more salary that she had too"

"What her eldest sister in law does ?" Grandma Anderson asked.

"ah.. I forgot to mention it. She is fasion designer. She and Nick established boutiques, Fenila is for upper class and And FeFam is for middle class. Both of that brand are wellknown in Asia. Of course they built it from scretch without her family help"

"what kind of man that she ever dated ?" Mr anderson touched the matter that he cared the most.

Mr Johnson laughed "Hahahah.. this is the downturn for her. Other than spoiled, she was overly protected by her brothers amd their friend, included Hans. So, no boy ever dare to date her, they all ran away as soon as their borther especially Sean spoke to them"

Everyone laughed as they imagined the scene. "She must suffer a lot " Mrs Anderson shook her head.

"Can you imagine how she flet when her brothers ruin her prompt night as they cared her partner away ?" Mr Johnson laughed.

Grandma Anderson laughed out of loud until she cried "Poor girl, but it's good".

Grandpa Anderson picked the picture of the family and pointind at a man with dark skin "Sean Feng ? ah.. he is that lawyer. I met him once. He has a strong backbone. which one is Nick ?"

Mr Johson came over, he bend down and pointed at each of person on the picture "This is nick, his wife. this is Jasmine, Sean wife. Alan, his wife Michelle. Clarissa, Hans and this is Charlene"

Grandpa anderson nodded "not bad.. not bad"

Grandma Anderson took the picture and asked her husband to repeat it "what do you mean not bad ? She is cute"

"How is the relationship between the siblings ?" Grandpa Anderson asked.

"They are Very close and support each other endlessly. They even live close to each others. Nick house is behind his parents. They paid a deposit for a house next to their parents for Sean wedding present and last week, Alan just put deposit for the house next to Nick. When I went there their parents are in Seoul. Their daughter just gave birth"

"How many grandkids they have ?" Grandpa anderson asked.

"3 grandsons and two on the way. I heard they are also boys.

"How luck they are" Grandma Anderson was jealous.

Mr Johson slapped his forhead "Ah.. one more thing, Charlene works in Zurich now. She is always with a man, they said that he is son of her familys' friend but I am sure they have romantic relationship. The man is very handsome, judging from his name and his appearance, he is mix of Japanese and Caucasian" he handed out Cacha and Keinichi picture.

Grandma Anderson took it and she was in dazed to see handsome man smiled sweetly to a cute girl next to him. She carressed the picture and tear flew from the corner of her eyes "Jesus... Look how handsome he is.I knew he is going to be a handsome man, he was already good looking when he was little"

Grandpa Anderson was waiting for his wife to pass the photo. But after some time, He could see that his wife had no intention to pass the picture to him. So, he took the picture from her by force. He stared at the picture and smiled gentlely "It's been a while. He is 30 now, right ? so it has been 20 years"

"Do you know him ?" Mr Johnson could not help but asked with confused look