Chapter 99

Keinichi was woken up the next day by the alarm on his phone. He set it up last night so they would not be late. He reached his phone with one hand and turned it off, then he looked at the girl who was fast asleep on his chest. He put her head on the pillow carefully before he got up. He took the luggage on the side of the bed to check if she was already packed and she did. He opened the door quitely and went back to his place.

He just took a quick shower and was back to her place with his luggage. She was still fast a sleep, so He lay on the bed by his side, then playfully woke her up. First, he caressed her eyebrown then her nose before finally her lips. Then kissed her lips "Babe, wake up".

she groaned as she opened her eyes lazily "what time is it ?".

"8" He smirked as he saw she closed her eyes again and pulled the blanket up. He stood up and took his untouch birthday cake and brough it over to and placed it on the bedside table "Babe, wake up" He kissed her again.

She opened her eyes again and rubbed it then yawned.

Before she could close her mouth, he put a spoon of cake on her mouth.

"Oniichan..!!" She wanted to protest but her mouth was full of cake. She had not choice but to chew it.

Keinichi smiled, he also tried a spoon full of cake "This is yummy".

"it's too heavy for breakfast" She swallowed the cake.

"Help me to finish it please. If we can't finish it we need to throw it away and I don't want to do it. Alright ? " He put the spoon that full of cake in front of her mouth.

She signed but nevertheless opened her mouth and ate it. He fed her and himself until the cake was gone.

"I am going to have a quick shower first" She got up and got her self ready.

2 hour later, They boarded a plane and landed to theor destination about 4 hours later. They checked in to their hotel first before he took her out. They strolled around while hugging each other.

"Wow.. Paris is so warm during winter" cacha was skipping happily.

"Paris ? this is not paris" Keinichi rolled his eyes.

"But you told me we're going to paris" She really did not pay attention all the way there.

"yes, we'll fly to paris on 29"

"Where are we now ?"

"Did not you see the sign on the airport ?"

"I didn't" Her eyes only see him.

He chuckled "It's Marseille. The weather is similar with Sydney, isn't it ?"

"Yes. It's not to freezing"

"are you tired ? do you want to keep walking or back to hotel ?"

"Oniichan, we are here for holiday what a waste if we were back this early"

"Sure, just tell me when you are tired. By the way, becareful with your wallet"

Keinichi walked a long the road while chatting happily until they were in front of a church. "They just finished christmas mass" he pointed at the last few people who left the church.

"Do you mind to come with me inside ?" He asked her.

"Do you want to pray ?" she asked back.

"I am not religious person, but I really want to pray today"

"Lets go then"

They walked inside the empty church. He chose the seat few rows from the back and sat there. He closed his eyes and prayed silently ' I never asked anything for you. But today, I'm asking a favour from you. Since you send her to me, please then let us to be happy together' then he opened his eyes.

"Done ? so fast !" Cacha asked when he opened his eyes again.

He smiled "Done. Lets go"

"What did you pray for ?" She asked him once they were outside.

"I pray that can come with me to Japan" He said playfully.

"Your wish granted"

"Really ? is Mother is law agree ? does she really let you come with me ?"

Cacha smiled and nodded.

"When did you ask her ? was it hard to persuade her ?"

"Last week. She said it's up to me as long as I can look after my self"

"what did you tell her ?"

"Oh.. I told mum that the project that Iwork now is a join prokect of local company and Japanese company. They arr happy with my work so they offers me job in Japan and .." She stopped.

"And.. ?"

"And you are there to look after me"

"Good girl" He kissed her head

"So, Oniichan, you have to look after me well"

"Definately, I won't let mum down" He kissed her lips and laughed happily.

Across the road, an old woman stared at them. Grandma Anderson and her husband were just about to left the church after the Mass when she spotted a pair of your lover. She had been looking at Keinichi and Cacha pictures for the last few week so she recognised them but she was unsure if she was right or might be just her hallucination. Since she saw them entered the church, she decided to stay until the pair was out. She did not even budge when her husband rushed her to go.

"Lets go"

"Wait a little longer. here they are"

"What are you looking for?" The oldman next to her tapped her shoulder.

"That couple. they look familiar to me ?"

"Which one ?"

"That one" She pointed at Keinichi and Cacha direction. she tried to have a clear view of them but they were already too far away.

"You are obsessed with Keinichi and his girlfrind. You always imagine them when you see a couple of asian lady and caucasian guy" honestly speaking, he also saw them and had a familiar impression on them but he told him self to be rational.

"I don't"

"come on. lets go back"

She glared at her husband then she turned her head around to catch the young couple glance again. But They were no where so be seen.

She inhaled a deep breath and walked away dispirited.

The old Anderson couple also flied to Marsielle this morning. They chose that city since it was warmer. Their old body could not cope with cold weather like before. Not only them, their other son Bruce was also with them.