Chapter 115

Cacha woke up the next day with splitting headache. She was forced to close her eyes again as the headache was worst when it was bright. Keinichi who was working on his laptop nect to her, closed his laptop as ssom as he noticed she was awake. He placed it on the bedside table and stood up to get a hangover medicine for her. He put it on the other bedside table before he sat on the bed.

He rubbed her temple "is your headache really bad ?"

She opened her eyes slightly and make and mm sound.

He smiled as he helped her to sit and support her from the back.

"Drink this. it will make you feel better" He passed the to her.

She took it "What is it ?"

"It's good for hangover"

She drank it obedienly and lay back on his chest. He massaged the temples gently for half an hour before she opened her eyes "Oniichan, I feel better"

"How much did you drink last night" He asked her.

"No idea" She looked down at her body and her was stunned as she was wearing pijama. She remembered clearly that she wore night party dress before she passed out.

"What happen to me last night ?" She asked.

"Don't you remember ?"

Cacha closed her eyes as she traced her memory from last night. She recalled how they watched firework and enggaged with intimate kiss, then she drank wine.

"Oh.. mum and my brothers will kill me if they find out" She smacked her head as she remembered how bold she kissed him last night.

"what are you doing ?" Keinichi held her hand so she would not be able to hurt her self.

"Did you change my clothes ?" she asked shyly.

"who else other than me ? Pierro ? If he dared to do it, I'll chop him"

"Did I do something overboard to you last night ?"

"What do you think ?" He furrowed his eyebrown

"I..." She was speechless.She covered her eyes with this hand as she was sure Pierro saw how bold she was last night.

Keinichi threw her to the mattress and climbed on to her. He could not supress his desire as he reminisced about how bold she kissed him and seduced him. Furthermore, did she even know how hard it was for him to control his lust as he changed her clothes.

He kissed her fierce and bit her lips until she hissed. He was not satisfied with her paint as he did not forget how paintfull his little brother down there when he saw how smooth and beautiful her skin was. Ir was really challenging night in his life, he had to supress his desire to how taste her.

His kiss went down to her neck where she felt paint and tingling sensation. She shrieked softly as he bit and licked ther smooth skin. But her shrieked apparently made him more excited. He did the same at two different spot on her neck before he did it on her chest for few more time and stopped.

He closed his eyes to cool his self down. Once he got his composure back, he buttoned her pijama that was half opened. He helped her to sit and hugged her "promise me that you never drink again. Otherwise, I guarantee that I will break my promise to wait until our wedding night. Understand ?"

He did not hear her answer but he kew she got his message as he could feel her head nodding in his chest.

"Good girl. it's time for you to have a shower then have your breakfast"

Cacha quitely snuggled out from his embrace and stood up. She peeped on him and stole a kiss "Oniichan, I love you"

then she ran to the bathroom before he could say anything.

Keinichi chuckled "this girl is really" He could not find the right word to discribe her so he just laughed and shook his head while he licked his lips. After 5 minutes, He walked to the bathroom and knocked "Hurry up. Nana already called and she said she will be here at 2 o'clock. Now it's pass 1.30"

Cacha had not done anything. She was standing with her back againts the door as she rearranged her clear mind.

"Ok" She undressed and went to shower. It did not take long for her to finish the shower "Oh.. crap. I forgot my clothes" she slapped her forehead.

She wrapt the towel on her body and went out sneakily.

"What are you doing ?" Keinichi eyes were darker as his eyes travelled from her exposed upper chest to lower part of her thigh.

"Oh.. I forgot to bring my clothes" she picked her clothes and ran back to the bathroom while he just watched her disappeared behind the door helplessly.

Cacha put her clothes and combed her hair then exited the bathroom.

"Come ! have your meal now !"

She sat down and ate her meal quietly "Oniichan, Have you had your lunch yet ?"

"I just had mine" he pointed at theempty plates.

Cacha just half way through her meal when some one knock her door. Keinichi opened the door and let her grandparents in.

"Hello Nana" Cacha smiled awkwardky and ate her meal faster. Due to her nervousness her throat suddently very dried and made it hard for her to swallow her food.

Keinichi who already sat next to her passed a glass of water to her "Drink a little. Don't eat to fast, takes your time"

She nodded and drank the water.

He waited until she put her glass on the table before wiped the stain of the food from the corner of her lips.

"Takes your time" grandma Anderson smiled as she saw how sweet the couple were.

"I am done. We can go now"

"You still have some left. Finish it first" Grandma said.

"I am already full" her apetite had gone. who was in this earth would still have big apetite when her future grandparents in laws were waiting for her.

"Lets go then" grandpa Anderson led the way while Keinichi and Cacha put their coat on.