Chapter 131

Kenichi regulary made a call to Cacha. He did twice a day, in the morning and inthe afternoon like taking regular medicine.

" Babe, Please don't forget about your appointment tomorrow" He reminded her again. He always reminded her every in every phone call he made.

"I know"

"All paperworks are on the folder. They should be sufficient"


"Let me know once you've done. Ok ?"

"Ok. Good night Oniichan. Miss you"

"Good night. Miss you too " It would not bw too long until we reunited again, he told her in silent.

The next day, Cacha sent him messaged as soon as she submitted theform and all paperworks required for her working visa.

He called her as soon as he got the message "When will you get the visa ?"

"They said it will take a week. So, I assumethat I'll get it sometimes next week. You out your name as my guarantor, they may call you"

"No drama. I'll book the ticket"

"My job will be started in mid July" she said.

"Come early so you have time to adapt your self here" He knew when she would start the job. it was all his work.

"What are you doing now ?" He asked.

"On the way back home. My sisters are busy with the baby so Mum is helping to lokook after the boys. They are very energic, Mum and Dad can't coup with them, so I help them. Anyway I want to spend my time with my cute newphews. How about you ? what are you doing ?"

"Busy with my project"

"True. You've been a way for sometimes, for sure, you have alot of things to be done"

"I do"

"Alright. I won't distrube you anymore. bye"


He indeed had a big and urgent project in his hand. Eversince he was backhome, hewas busy to supervise the progress of their future love nest, their home. He also searched for all furniture of her bedroom, living room as well as all kitchen ware. He wanted the best for her. He never knew it would be so time consuming, tiring and required a lot of consideration.

On Friday afternoon, Ren droved him off to airport.

"Bro, you just came home and now you are going on business trip again. You don't even meet Kuro yet. he is really not happy" Ren signed.

"This is very important business"

"what kind of project ?" He was wonder what kind of porject it was.

"My future is depend on this" Kenichi said coolly. His answered made Ren much more curious. However He was speechless. He just raised hie eyebrowe well soon or later he would know.

The next morning, Kenichi arrived in Sydney. He dragged his suitcases and hailed a taxy. About fourty minutes later, the taxi stopped at a house in a quite neighborhood on a suburban outskirts the city.

It was just a normal one not different from house around it. The front yard was very neat. The trees were trimmed beautifully. It looked very cozy.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He was a brave man who never scare of anything, he had seen blood and violence and never been so nervous like this. His hands were cold.

He put all his courage to face her whole family in one go rather than did it one by one as it would take more time to gaint their approval. He knew he family was normally at home at weekend. He decided to face them therefore he decided to come on weekend.

"Excuse me, are you looking for some one ?" From her home which was next door, Jasmine saw a taxi stop in front of her parents in law lawn and a man got off.

"Hello. I am looking for Mo.. Aunty and uncle Feng" He nearly said mother in law.

"oh.. come in. Did I meet you before ?" she was familiar with his face.

"Seems so" He smiled and nodded.

Jasmine tried to dig her memory but she could not figure out where and who he was and where they saw each other. She let him in and let him sit on the lounge "Please wait here".

"Mum, some one is here looking for you and dad"

"Who ?" Mrs Feng was startled. They did not expect anyone.

"Don't know. But he looks very familiar"

Mrs Feng then rushed to the lounge. Kenichi stood up when he saw Mrs Feng was coming "Hello Aunty".

"You.." Mrs Feng had seen Keinichi for sometimes so she did not recognised him"

"Kenichi ?!" Alice who was coincidently passed the lounge was surprised.

"Ah.. I am sorry that I don't recognised you. this woman is gettinf old" Mrs Feng smiled awkwardly.

"I don't think so. Aunty looks similar in my memory years ago. I"

"You .. boy is realky sweet talker" Mrs Feng blushed "Alice, call you dad" then Mrs Feng saw the suitcases "do you just arrive ?"

"Yes aunty"

"Come with me"

Kenichi followed Mrs Feng to the living room. They both sat facing each other. She smiled as she observed the young man "You look different from few years ago. you are more mature now, more handsome"

Kenichi was customised with that kind of complement and he never took it seriously. But this time was exception, He was really happy with complement.

He smiled "Thank you"

Mr Feng came in side with his three sons followed.

Kenichi stood up "Hello uncle, brothers"

"Dad, Kenichi is here. Can any of you call Cacha here ?" Mrs Feng said. Then she smiled to Keinichi "Cacha is upstair with the Babies".

Nick stared at Sean to ask him to fetch their sister. But Sean signaled Alan instead. Alan had no choice but to call their sister. Seniority applied in their brotherhood.

"Why did she not tell us you are coming today ?" Mr Feng asked.

"I did not tell her either. I come here to talk with you" Kenichi took a deep breath to calm him self.

Before he could utter any word,

"Oniichan !? why are you here ?" Cacha was in shock. She rushed down stair as soon as his cheeky brother told her that a handsome guy was downstair looking for her.

Kenichi smiled and winkee at her. Then he spoke again "I am sorry, it was very impolite of me. I should've come here earlier"

"What do you mean ?" Sean was very intimidating.

Kenichi felt like he was standing on court trial. He was the accused, Sean was the prosecutor, Mr and Mrs Feng were the judge while the Juries were All the Fengs three sons and their partner gathered together in the living room.