Chapter 136

Some staffs at the fruit shop grinned when they heard how the young man addressed their boss. One of the staff who was at the same age as Mr Feng spoke loudly "Fish boss, you are better to prepare gift for my boss little girl"

"Why ?" The fat man from fish shop asked.

"Did you hear what he call my boss ?"

"What does he call him ?" The bakery boss asked

"Dad !" Few people chorused together.

"hahha, sly man ! he doesn't want good fish run away !"

Kenichi was not sure if the man teased him or his father in law. Nonetheless, his ears blushed.

Mr Feng laughed and tapped Keinichi shoulder "Don't mind him. They are old friends of mine, we are like brothers. They love to make a joke"

Mr feng waived his hand "I need to go home now. see you guys". Three of them walked away, ignoring the men who kept shouting to tease Mr Feng.

Kenichi unlocked the car to let the father and daughter in while he put the box on the car boot.

"Dad, I think it's not good for you to carry such a heavy box anymore" Keinichi spoke up as he drove the car out of the car park.

Mr Feng smiled "I have been doing it for more than 25 years. It kind of exercise for me. Anyway, I don't come very day anymore. I only come if I have nothing to do to kill my time. it's also good because I can meet my friends there"


Mr Feng smiled "Don't worry about me. I know what I am doing"

"Dad, why did you said you are expecting another two grandkids ?" Cacha asked. She had been thinking about it eversince.

"Your sister is pregnant again. The baby due in mid november"

"My sister ? who ?" Cacha had a tought. It was impossible for Alice and Jasmine to carry another one. It was also imposible for Michelle to carry twin as there was no history of twin in both family. There was only one posibility "My sister ? Sasha ? Clarissa Feng ?" She blurted .

Mr Feng shook his head as amazement of his little girl foolishness "Of course, it's Sasha. I only have two daughter"

" She never tell me !"

"She told us not to tell anyone. She is afraid your brother will bully Hans"

"They should. But soon or later they the will know. How come ? Calvin is only 7 months old"

"She did not aware that she was pregnant again until the fetus was about three months old"

Kenichi giggled softly.

Mr Feng stared at the young man "I warn you boy, don't do that to my little girl. Give her break before having another one"

"Dad !! We are not married yet" Cacha protested.

"I will dad. Don't worry" Kenichi was happy. Mr feng warning sounded like approval for their relationship

"don't disappoint me"

Cacha twitched as both men ignored her.

Later on in the afternoon, Mr Feng sat on the living room doing nothing. He signed when he saw it was still drizzling out there "I can't do any gardening yet. Kenichi, do you drink tea ? come and sit with me"

Kenichi unenthusiasticly agreed. He wanted to please his father in law dispite the fact that he did not like drinking tea. He would be very thrilled if his father in law asked him to drink alcohol instead. Both of man drink formosa green tea while chatting.

Kenichi felt very bad since Mr Feng had emptied and refilled his tea cup for more than five times while he was just once. He determined to start get use to with tea soon so he could match his father in law.

"Look who is here !!"

The men watched as Cacha excitedly carried little Aldo in her arm followed by Alice. She then showed the baby to her father and Keinichi.

"Oniichan, do you want to carry him ?"

Kenichi shook his head frantically. He did not mind punching people or carry heavy stuff, but title baby, No Way !! too fragile.

"Come on try it" She held Keinichi hand "Put your hand like this" then she put the little baby on his hand.

Kenichi held the baby awkwardly while she sat next to him caressed the baby face "He is cute, isn't he" and kissed the baby cheek. He let a stiff smile as his palms were sweating.

Alice giggled softly while took a few pictures. She reckoned the scenery was awesome, they were like a family of three. Mrs Feng who just came in with Little Jordan, Seans' first born, grinned However, different from Alice, Mrs Feng was laughing due to Keinichi expression when he carried the baby. He was very pale, the brave young man who kneeled in front of them few days ago had gone completely. She clearly knew it was his first time holding a baby.

"Try to hold Jordan. He is bigger than Al" Alice said, she took Aldo away from him.

"It's ok. I" Before he could reject, Cacha already put baby Jordan to his hand.

Mr Feng smiled. He understood well how difficult for man to hold little baby, he and his sons had trouble as well when they held their first one at the first time.

"Kenichi, do you play chess ?" he saved him.

"A little"

"Come and play with this poor man. Years

go, I had there boys who could play with me but I was too busy. Now, I have plenty time but my boys are busy now" He signed.

Ke1nichi smiled as he signalled Cacha to take the baby away "I'll play with you. Please take easy on me, I am not that good"

They played for a game before Hugh and Austen came. They nagged their grandfather to play ball on the back yard.

Mr Feng checked outside. The sky was still cloudy but the shower had stopped " ok Lets go. Ask uncle to play as well" He patted the buys head gently

"Uncle, lets play" Hugh held Kenichi hand.

"Come on uncle" Austen did the same on Kenichi other hand.

Kenichi was in dilemma. He wished to say no, was not good with kids. But if he stayed, he scared that Cacha would force him to carry the baby again.

"Alright. Lets go" Playing with little boys was better then carried Baby.

Under Mr Feng led, after few minutes he enjoyed playing soccer with the boys. It was fun. He did not remember if his father ever played with him. If only his father played with him when he was young, it would be very great.