Chapter 144

Kenichi drove quietly. He was figuring out the reason why the elders came to visit. He was scared that they would insult the family in order to break his relation apart.

Cacha was also quite. She knew something going on at home but she did not what it was. Otherwise, her brother would not call her asking if she had another boyfriend.

When they arrives home, he did not bother to park the car on the garage. He just stopped and parked on the drive way then they both got off from the car and dashed to the living room.

Cacha was stunned to see every one wete there. They were very quiet eeersince after grandma Anderson concluded her story.

"Eldest brother.. what's going on ?" Cacha asked nervously.

"My dear Charlene, come here sweetheart. sit next to me" Grandma Anderson said with beaming smile.

"Nana ? grand ?" she was bewildered. She just let Grandma Anderson pulled her and made her sit next to her.

"What are you two doing here ?" Kenichi asked and sat next to Cacha.

"Finlay ?? you're here too !?" Grandma and Grandpa Anderson stared at Kenichi.

"What's wrong I am here ? what are you doing here ? "

Grandpa Anderson coughed " What else ? of course to speak with her family elders. We just can't sit back when you asked this sweet young lady to follow you"

Kenichi inhaled a deep breath. It seemed he had over-thinked their purpose. For him, as long as they did not do something to embarrass Feng Family, it was fine.

Mr Feng grinned "Thank you so much. we are very overwhelm with your gratutide towards our family. Kenichi already asked us about it. We have no problem as long as he can look after her well"

"It's just a nature for him to ask you. But as elder, we also have obligation to come" Grandpa Anderson was very proud of Kenichi. In his eyes, it showed how reliable and responsible his grandson was.

"Please don't worry. If he dare to bully or make Charlene cry, we will be the frist one who teach him lesson" Grandma Anderson believed the more they were on Cacha side, the more favour Kenichi could get.

Kenichi rolled his eyes and sneered inwardly "my dear grandmother, do you want to teach me lesson ? how ? you don't even know where I live'

"You two, what did you do in france ?" Nick asked coldly.

"holiday" Kenichi answered calmly

"Is that it ?" Alan spoke.

Cacha frowned "what do you mean ?"

"did you stay on the same room ?" Josh asked.

"We did. But Nothing had happened. we only hug and kiss, never do anything beyond that" Kenichi said firmly.

"What ? kiss and hug" Sean raised his voice.

"Well, kiss and hug are common interaction between a dating couple. I believe you all agree with me" Kenichi said innocently as he stared at Sean then Nick and Alan.

The siblings were speechless. What Kenichi said made sense.

"is it true ?" Nick asked Cacha who nodded.

"If we did it, I've already married her" Kenichi added.

Grandma Anderson was so excited she clapped her hands "wonderfull. why don't you two marry in three months time ? Do you wish to have the party here or in Japan ? or in London ?"

Mrs Feng waived her hands frantically "No need to get married in hurry. They need to know each other more before move to that stage".

Grandma laughed "That's right. How about next year ? one year is long enough to know each other better" Grandpa pinched his wife arm lightly to warn her not to be over excited.

Grandma frowned and mutterd lowly "what ? can you wait longer to see your grandson wedding ? I can't !"

Grandpa Anderson signed and mutterd on his wife ears "But don't be too obvious"

Grandma clapped her mouth and whispered back "I'm sorry. I'm to excited"

Mr and Mrs Feng stared at each other in surprise while their kids were giggling.

Sean cleared his throat "so elders, don't you mind about our family ?"

"What's about your family ?" Grandpa Anserson was confused.

"As you see, Our parents are just retirees. We are not tycoon or anything. Our family is not in the same social hierarchy as yours" Sean said.

Grandma and grandpa Anderson laughed. They just realised that the otherparty knew their family background. "Nothing to worry. As long as they both love each other, it was enough for us" Grandpa said.

"Do you think we'll come here if we mind about it ?" Grandma Anderson added

Every one were speechless. Of course they did not mind. otherwise, they would not be there. The sibling suspected that the other party had investigated them before hand.

"So, how about let the kids have their wedding next year ? in June ?" Grandma Anderson was back to her main interest.

"Lets the kids decide along the way once we are ready. My daughter is a silly girl. she needs to learn how to look after family" Mrs Feng wondered why the elders were favour her daughter so much. they could find many beeter women than her.

"You don't need to wory about it. When she marries Finlay, she doesn't need to look after the house, we can arrange house keeper for them. She don't need to work, it's his responsibility to earn money. For Cooking, we can hire personal chef" Grandma was very persistent

Cacha and Keinichi lost in tough. Cacha could not understand why the elders a brought up the wedding topic. She squeezed his hand "what's going on here ?".

"No idea" Kenichi shook his head.

He knew that the elders would keep going until they got what they wanted. He had to put this discussion on stop "I am not ready yet"

"You are already 30. what are you waiting for ?" Grandpa was angry. He tought his grandson was not serious with Cacha and also afraid that the Feng family would be offended.

"As you said, She doesn't need to go to work when she become my wife. So, I need to settle down first" His smart brain found a good excuse in no time.

Eventhough the Old Anderson couple were satisfied with the explaination, they would not give up that easy.

"How long does it take for you to settle dow ?" Grandma said.

"the most is two years"

"make it faster, 1 year is more desireable" grandpa finally agreed.

"Who is going to marry here ? him or his grandparents ?" Michelle asked softly while Alan grinned.

"It seems they can't not wait to get our sister as part of their family" Alice said.

"Of course, My sister is the best" Nick said proudly.

"Lucky, He is not like some people who impregnant their partner first" Ed grinned slyly at Sean. He had goosebump as he noticed two pairs of eyes glared fiercely at him.

"Elders, do you mind to stay for dinner ? we will have hot pot tonight, If you don't mind to have a humble dinner with us, please stay" Mrs Feng asked.

"Of course" Grandma did not hestitate at all.