Chapter 153

The moment of truth that Kuro and the rest of his team had been waiting for, finally came. Kuro went to the shin Osaka train station to personally fetched the star of the day. He also dressed up a little bit to give good impression.

Kenichi twitched when he saw his brother as soon as he was out of bullet train terminal. He held Cacha firmly by her shoulder and let her hand circled his waist, together they walked toward Kuro.

Kuro could not believe his eyes at all, he though he was halucinating when he saw Kenichi was hugging a girl happily.

"What time is the meeting ?" Kenichi asked as soon as he was in front of Kuro.


"Lets go then" Kenichi did not evem bother so introduce them.

Not long after, they arrived at a small place on an alley somewhere outskirt of Osaka city. Cacha sat next to Kenichi while observing the room. It was on the second storey of a shabby place, but the room where they were, was very luxury. She wondered why they chose the place for their business since the neighbourhood did not represent office area at all. Probably because the rent was cheap, she tought.

"Won't you introduce us ?" Kuro said at last.

"This is Charlene, my future wife. Babe, this is Kuro"

"Since when I'm your future wife ?" She asked softly so only both of them could hear.

"You don't want ?" He teased her.

She pouted and pinched his waist "Annoying".

He held her hand that she used to punish him and kissed it.

Similat with Ren, Kuro was astonished to see how Keinichi behave. He understood now why Ren said he was rather beat some one up rather than be with Keinichi and his girlfriend.

He had enough so he knocked the wooden table in front of him loudly "Hey.. hey.. stop !!!"

"What ?!" Kenichi glared at him.

"Time for meeting" Even if it was not the time yet, Kuro decided to start it earlier.

Kenichi looked at his watch "still to early.

"Forgor to tell you, I've moved the scheduled earlier" Kuro left.

"Babe, I am gling for a meeting first. You wait for me here. They are going to bring some snack for you. Ok ?"

"Go, do your job properly. I am waiting here"

"Ok. It won't take too long" He kissed her lips before he went to follow Kuro.

"Man !!! We only go down stair for half an hour meeting. Why do you act like you two are going to be seperated for years ?" Kuro complained.

Kenichi ignored him and went down stair. For him, the earliest the meeting concluded was the better.

Few moment after Kenichi and Kuro left, a scary man came and placed a plate full of sweet snack in front of Cacha. She was a little bit scare but she acted coolly.

"thank you" She said in Japanese.

She unlocked her phone then watched youtube. However, She was uneasy as she could sense any eyes were on her. She lifted her head and surprised to see more than 5 scary men were there in front of her.

She put her phone down.

" Is there anything wrong ?" She tried to said it in calm manner.

"she speaks Japanese" One of the men yelled in surprise.

"Do you ?" Other asked Cacha directly.

"A little bit"

"ah" every one chorused together.

"are you and third boss really dating ?" Other asked. None of them addressed Kenichi as third in command as they had been warned before not to let her knew about their business.



"Why ?"

" boss has alergy to woman" one of the man blurted.

"Really ?"

"Lady boss, did you ever come here few years ago ?" One of them recognised Cacha. He had tailed them back there.


"you are her, right ?

"Her ? who is her ?" Cacha was confused.

"The girl that went to Nishiki market with boss"

"I did few years ago, but I'm not sure"

"It must be you. Boss only ever went out with a girl"

"Really ?"


Cacha were happy with the answere " Tell me why did you said oniichan has alergy to woman"

Then, one by one, the scari men revealed all the event when Kencihi showed no interest to any woman.

"for real ?" Cacha asked after they all finished their own story

"Yes. we saw it by our own eyes" one man said while the rest nodded. They were alk real but they hid some part that they thought it would made their lady boss angry or upsad.

Cacha laughed as she heard all the story. The stories were getting more and nore interesting as more people turned up. Never crossed in her mind that this group of scari looking men was actually so fun to talk with. They gossip time was cut short when foot steps from down stair were echoing.

"we need to go now" One by one dismissed their self before their boss found out what they did.

Kenichi headed back to second floor as soon as the meeting concluded. He sat next to Cacha and caressed her cheek "Sorry, I made you wait for long time" The meet took longer than expected.

"It's fine. is everything Ok ?"

"Of course" He saw the plate was untouched "is it not yummy ?"

"Huh ?"

"The snack, don't you like it ?"

"Ah.. I forgot" She was to busy gossiping. She took one Mochi and ate it in one go. He smiled "Yummy ? what did you do when i was away ? watching?"

"Oniichan, you are so cute. I love you more and more every day" She kissed his lips.

"Cute ? him ?" Kuro sneered. His english eas bad but words of cute and I love you were well known. "Girl, your taste of man is rather weird. how come you said this cold blood man is cute" he said it out of loud as he did not know she could speak Japanese.

"What are you doing here ?" Kenichi did not notice Kuro was following him. "Don't listen to him. He is just jealous" Kenichi coaxed Cacha. He did not want her to suspect anything about him.

" I'm here to take you for lunch. Lets go"

When they went downstair, every one bowed at them. Kenichi and Kuro just gave a faint nod while Cacha smiled brightly and waived her hand good bye to every one. The men there awkwardly waived back at her.

"Lady boss, she is cute" one of them said.

"She is"

"Lets call her cute lady boss" one of the suggested while the rest put their thumb ups. Since that day, Cacha nick name was cute lady boss.