Chapter 161

"Kenichi, he is.. " Elena pointed at Ren.

"He is Ren, my bro. Give me your phone"

Elena gave Kenichi her phone eventought she did not know what his aim was. Kenichi tapped few times and asked Ren for his phone as well. Not long after he returned the phone back to the owner.

"Elena, Ren will take you to your new place. He will assist you if you need any help. I've installed langguage translatio napplication for you two to communicate".

Elena was not happy. She did not like the guy and she wanted to be with her friend "Hey ! Kenichi, you promised my brother to look after me !!"

"Yes. That's why I ask my bro to help me fullfill my promised"

Then, Kenichi turned to Ren "Bro, this application is for you to communicate with her. I put my trust on you to watch this young woman until her brother is here"

Ren was stunned "Me, looking after this crazy woman ? come o Bro, please..!"

"My in laws are arriving in few days time. I'll very busy"

Ren signed "Girl before brothers. For how long is she here?"

"No idea. Ask her by your seld. now, go and take her to her place"

Elena clunched Cacha hand tightly and finger pointed at Ren "Charlene, I am scare of him. He is not good man".

"Ren is nice man. you'll be fine"

"Please come with me ?! your hubby is very heartless" Elena shredded her crocodile tears.

Cacha signed, she felt sorry for Elena, going to new plance with stranger were indeed scari for woman "Darling, would it be better if we go with her today ? She's not familiar with Ren yet"

Kenichi frowned "ok"

Unwillingly, Kenichi went with Ren and Elena to her new place. His plan was to go there and left in few minutes. However, the reality was not as he expected. That woman clinged to Cacha and resufed to seperated from her.

"Charlene, lets go with me to pub. I need alcohol to calm my self" Elena pleaded.

Cacha really did not what to do. She wished to help her friend but she did not like to go to pub and drink.

"Bro, what does she want ?" Ren asked. Looking at Kenichi sour face, he knew the woman asked something that Kenichi displeased since

"she wants to go to pub for drink"

"it's a good idea. We haven't had drink since sister in law is here. Lets go bro"

"I don't want to. it's not save for her"

"Bro, what are you afraid of ? It's our teritory, nothing will go wrong"

After a lot of consideration Keinichi finally gave a nod. Ren and Kenichi took them to one of their pub.

"Boss !!" every one thrilled to see Keinichi again. He had not visited them for months.

Elana dragged Cacha with her and left the men behind. Kenichi just watched the girls who took seat on the bar. He frowned when Elena ordered alcohol. Ignoering Ren, he walked to Cacha side, "Don't drink too much".

One of the man approached Ren "boss, Who is that lady ?"

"He is your lady boss"

"ah.. Cute lady boss" Every one knew about Cacha but it was their first time ro see her in person.

"keep on eye on them. Don't let any one touch her or you die" Ren warned every one.

"Yes" They have heard the rumour how their third in command doted his woman.

Kenichi called the bartender "Don't give my woman strong one, understood ?"

"Yes boss"

He kissed Cacha forehead "I'm going inside first. I have some think to do. Why don't you two move to private room ?"

"Here better !!" Elena shouted.

"Move to private room !!" Kenichi lost his patient.

"Alright !!"

Elena sneered and walked away. She did not forget to drag Cacha with her

Once the girls were in private room, Kenichi was able to go to the meeting peacefully. He knew nothing would go wrong because it all under his command.

Cacha was really helpless with Elena. She did not know how to confort her friend who kept drinking non stop. She was relief when Kenichi came to their room.

"Darling, Elena is drunk. She cries and mumbles all the time" She said as she struggled to keep Elena sat properly.

"How many glasses has she had ?" He walked closer.

Cacha pointed at the empty glass "All hers. She is very sad that her parents uses her as business tool"

"I know"

"What should we do now ?"

"I'll ask Ren to take her back home"

He left the room and asked one of the waitress to search for Ren.

Ren reluctantly came to the private room. From the door he could see Elena was weeping and mumbling "what's wrong with her"

"She is drunk" Cacha said.

Ren went to sit next to Kenichi "I bet she had crush on you"

"Don't spout nonsense. she is Pierros' my best friend sister and also our alliance in Italy. She ran away from her wedding with Russian heir. Better for you totake her home and keep your temper in control"

Ren twitched "ok"

Ren was shorter than Elena by few centimeter. But, he was strong enough to carried drunk Elena to the carby him self. Anyway, Kenichi had no intention to lend him hand.

Kenichi and Cacha watched as Ren put Elena inside the car.

"Darling, I feel sorry for her"

He embraced her "I know, I have gone through the same thing as her. I was lucky she ran away"

She turned her body to face him "If she didn't, what would you do ?"

He held her jaw with his index finger "What I know is now you are mine and I'm yours. I'm very happy with it, so don't ask as if, ok ? leave past in the past"

He was right, why should shw worried about something in the past. She burried her head on his chest "Elena, is she be ok ?"

"She just needs time. Babe, lets focus on our self. We have plenty things to do. Mum and dad will be here soon"

Cacha nodded "Lets go home. It's late already"